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A stupid question for Bigger

A stupid question for Bigger

I was wondering how hanging 20 minutes, followed by at least a 10 minute rest came about. Was this just trial and error on your part, or is there some other reason? Thanks :)

"...its' natural environment is in the hole, so why don't you send him home. His bags are packed, he's got his airplane tickets- bring him to the airport...send him home."

From: 'Happy Gilmore'


> I was wondering how hanging 20 minutes, followed by at least a 10 minute rest came about. Was this just trial and error on your part, or is there some other reason? <

That’s not a stupid question. It has been a long time since that has come up. In fact, it is probably not on this forum.

Anyway, the longest recommended time to keep a tourniquet on is about 17 minutes. After this, you run the risk of tissue death. Even though you have a degree of circulation while hanging, simply stretching the blood vessels of the penis will cause their constriction.

So, to be on the safe side, I tried to limit sets to twenty minutes. With a hanger setup that cut off all circulation, like a noose, I would limit a set to much less than twenty minutes.

I never had any problems at less than thirty minutes. One time, I left a lot of weight on for 45 minutes, and had a lot of problems. Twenty and ten, through experience, seemed to always be best and I think will leave a safety zone for most guys. Of course, it is not written in stone. Some guys hang for only five or ten minutes at a time.


I agree with Bigger. I usually hang 20 minutes at a time. However, I check my glans every few minutes. If I feel extreme fatigue or if the glans are starting to get numb, I cut off the set. As I get near the 9th or 10th set of the day, the numbness seems to come on faster, so I watch very carefully and stop when I need to.


Jelktoid :trash: More meat for the money!

I also

Have the same hanging times 20-30 min to one side, then 5-10 min off then 20-30 min to the other side, like wise if I’m hanging standing. But always check for coldness/ numbness or pain then stop. check the wrap and take a break Hope it helps

I owe all of my gains to Bib, Thunder & DLD.

Thank you just dosent seem to cover it.

I'll be forever indebted to Them!!


I find exactly the same things happening and handle it the same way- I will never push through a set just for the sake of finishing it. If there is a problem I deal with it :)

"...its' natural environment is in the hole, so why don't you send him home. His bags are packed, he's got his airplane tickets- bring him to the airport...send him home."

From: 'Happy Gilmore'

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