Thunder's Place

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Do pills work the same

Do pills work the same

Or do they just pump more blood or what? The biggest issue with jelqing is the routine and sometimes I go straight to masturbating..

Right now I am going to try consistently to jelq my dick for two months and if if nothing happens I will try pills.. What do you all think?

Repeat after me please: Pills don’t increase the size of my penis, pills don’t increase the size of my penis. Say that 50 times a day.

Pills will bring in more blood giving the appearance of a larger penis, pills wear off, penis goes back to original size. You can read the supplement forum and get ideas on what to take to help bring blood in, without buying the “penis pills”.

Two months might not be enough time to see major results, maybe not even minor ones. You have to be consistent in the routine, you have to be dedicated and self disciplined to get results. If you are not consistent, you won’t ever train your penis to know the difference between jelqing and jerking off.

You WILL NOT get a bigger penis overnight, unless you smash it with a hammer, but then you can’t use the thing. Be patient, be dedicated and you will see results. But please, don’t waste your money on pills.

sunny A day without sunshine is like a day without laughter :sun:

Have you tried pills?

Wait nevermind I just saw “female member” .. Thanks for help!

Thunder, when is closing time again???

united, just do a :search: on pills and then you can decide.

sunny A day without sunshine is like a day without laughter :sun:

“Have you tried the pills”? Very funny. But, hey, he caught his mistake.

And sunny didn’t bat an eye and kept on helping him. You are very patient and helpfull, sunshinekid.


My Before and After pics -- .5" gain...

Pardon my ignorance sunshine.. Anyway, pills according to the search usually do not work without exercise I am also broke so I am going to go with the jelq plan. Does eating superfoods help? Blueberries?

What vitamins can I buy to substitute for the pills naturally?

Think of pills as supplements, they don’t work by themselves. Pills give extra bloodflow throughout the day. So as you heal from your PE session, you have more blood flowing allowing a better recovery. That’s from my experience anyway.

Blueberries wont hurt at all, they increase your brain power and do many things - can’t say if they will help with PE, but my guess is that they will in some way, even if it is a very small amount. We need more research on the effect of foods on PE.

May the force (of your hand) be with you. :littleguy

I read in a reputable newspaper (in Canada) last night that various “herbal” enhancing pills have been tested to show dosages of the drugs that make up Cialis and Viagra. I believe there is a recall on Stamina-RX because it had traces of the Viagra drug cointained within. I don’t recall the other culprit named in the story.

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