Thunder's Place

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Do we loose our gains between hanging sessions

Do we loose our gains between hanging sessions


Lets say, the only available time to hang (Bib hanger in particular) I have, after I return from work. I do 1-2 hours of hanging and maybe some jelqing. Then, I go to sleep then work, then hanging.

I would like to know, if we loose our gains(stretched length) in between the hanging sessions. Is it neccessary to have some ind of type of maintainers during these intervals or not?

Thanks ahead for your time and help to the new-members.

I suppose you already know that newbies are advised to do a manual based routine for some months before thinking to hanging.

There are hangers who gained doing a 5 on / 2 off routine - 1 daily session (or even less than that), if this is what are you asking.


Thank you for a prompt response. I really appreciate it.

Yes, I am aware that I need to do some newbie routine. Before joining this forum I did some jelqing and stretching for 2 months + I was using X4lbs extender for 3 months (without any gains though + it was very uncomfortable for my frenulum,it was always torn).

All I wanted, is to ask experienced hangers about their “5 cents” into my possible routine.

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