Thunder's Place

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10 weeks hanging. No Gains.

10 weeks hanging. No Gains.

I need some help. I haven’t had any gains in about 4 months.

I followed the newbie routine from April until about August with good results (+5/8”x+1/4”). Most of those gains were achieved in the second month, after which the gains were minimal.

Starting around the middle of August I realized my newbie gains had dried up and decided to start hanging. I tried some homemade hangers and eventually settled on a bib starter.

I have been hanging consistently for the past 10 weeks; with an additional 3 weeks of prior conditioning. Although this isn’t a huge amount of time I was hoping to see some signs of progress by now, but have gained nothing either erect, flaccid, or flaccid stretched.

Here is the routine (that seems quite standard) I am following:

-Rice sock warm up before and between each set.
-Minimum 2 hours of strapped in hang time.
-All BTC.
-6 days/week. If time permits 7 days/week
-15 Minute sets with 7 minute breaks.
-Reach a fatigued feeling at max weight and reduce weight on further sets as needed.
-Increase weight 1-2 lbs per week as needed to get a fatigued feeling within the first 1-2 sets.
-Current Max weight is 15 lbs.

For the last 3 weeks I have reached 1440 lb*hrs if PPM theory holds any credence.

I’m not ready to give up, but nor do I want to do this for many more months in vain. I plan on continuing for another 4-6 weeks on the current routine just to give this a fair chance of working, although I am certainly willing to alter things now, since what I am currently doing doesn’t seem to be working. Also I cannot add anymore hang time but usually get 14+ hrs/wk regardless.

Some possibilities I have considered are:
-Deconditioning break and then return to stretch/jelq combo.
-Add jelqing after sessions.
-Change hanging angle
-Add an ADS
-Forget length for now and attempt girth.

Suggestions are appreciated.

Length for show. Girth for "Whoa"!

NBPEL: Start: $1.50; Current: $1.75; Goal: $2

MSEG: Start: <TP Tube; Current: >TP Tube; Goal: >>PT Tube.

Hanging give results after 3-6 months - and not to everybody. If manual exercises were working, why not going back to those? Take a month off and restart a manual based routine, or stick with hanging but don’t expect gains in the short term.

Perhaps your ligs are already maxed out and you need to target your tunica?

I would take a look at the forums on . There seem to be more activity and Bib answers personally.

Hanging is how I was able to get the majority of my length gains so I know it works for me. You should be able to measure an increase in flaccid stretched length each day after you’ve done enough hanging. This is how i judge my progress. After a good session my stretched length is easily around 0.5cm to 1cm or 0.2”-0.4” longer. Your BPEL should definately be longer, but sometimes its hard to get and maintain a good erection after a session. Your dick should feel fatigued to the point where its hard to get an erection immediately after your sessions. If your PIs are down into the second day though you’ve most likely over done it and take a break. I don’t use a bib hanger but a vac hanger. I do around 4-5 hours hanging a day at the moment with roughly 1 hour sessions, sometimes longer. On average 5 days on and 2 off. I would recommend adding at least one rest day a week. Add 100-200 wet jelqs a day. And keep track of your BPFSL after each session, you should be able to see it increase. If you cannot , change your angle up. Try hanging with a fulcrum, maybe BTC is not your favorable angle. I’ve just incorporated fulcrum hanging and its awesome. You can really feel the fatigue come on fast. So play around with your angles, try hanging straight out for a day, over the shoulder, over the side, or with a fulcrum. Then see which angle(s) yield the best increases in BPFSL after each session. After you’ve determined that, mix them up aka BIB’s divide and conquer method.

Have you tried applying heat during your sets? I use a heating pad for at least 10 out of the 20 minutes for each set that I hang.

Working on getting ABSURDLY thick - Latest picture - Late 2010

Thanks for the replies.

Originally Posted by marinera
Hanging give results after 3-6 months - and not to everybody. … stick with hanging but don’t expect gains in the short term.

For some reason I have never read that hanging usually required 3-6 weeks to see results. In fact this poll shows that around 60% of the respondents achieved gains within the first 3 months. Unfortunately 23% responded with “other” and perhaps they were non-gainers like ModestoMan. Nevertheless I will pencil in some more time (I originally planned on about a year and a half in order to reach my goals). Just hoping I am not one of those non-gainers, although I knew that was a possibility when starting.

Originally Posted by marinera
If manual exercises were working, why not going back to those?

As stated in the OP they had stopped working.

Originally Posted by pwpp
You should be able to measure an increase in flaccid stretched length each day after you’ve done enough hanging.

I make this measurement often and have never seen an increase after hanging … until today!? What weird timing. Mid-session, right after a set today, while reading your post, I had a nearly 1/8” greater BPFSL than normal. I took the measurement two separate times so I’m sure it wasn’t an error. I have never seen that before, and it has since returned to normal, but this is the type of positive sign of potential growth that I have been looking for.

Originally Posted by m7point0
Have you tried applying heat during your sets?

I have done so in the past but for some reason have opted for the in between set heating. Not really sure why, perhaps I will reintroduce it.

Length for show. Girth for "Whoa"!

NBPEL: Start: $1.50; Current: $1.75; Goal: $2

MSEG: Start: <TP Tube; Current: >TP Tube; Goal: >>PT Tube.

Ok, this is kind of off topic but pwpp do they let you walk around work without any pants and with weights attached to your junk? How the hell do you find 4 to 5 hours a day to hang? I’m not insulting you I just can’t believe someone has that much time to hang, I was satisfied with 60 minutes of hang time but that’s not even a third of what you currently do!

And don’t forget 100-200 jelqs per day. That require some amount of time, also.

I’m really surprised your not getting any newbie hanging gains, it sounds like you have a good routine going and are putting some required hang time in. Give it another month and see what happens if it’s nothing you may want to switch to workings tunica and not ligs because it sounds like you have ligs of steel.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

That may be enough time to see gains from hanging for some guys, but not all.

Renholder is right on the money, BTC may not be showing you gains because your ligs are not your biggest limiting factor.

I didn’t get any gains hanging BTC for 4 months.

Hanging BTC doesn’t really cause growth of the inner penis, it just lets more of it become exposed (with time). It frees up the ligs from engaging the weight when you do hang at an angle that targets the tunica.

In the long term, hanging BTC right now is probably the best thing, because when you go to stretch the tunica the ligs will be nice and long and loose and out of the way. I didn’t say you’d gain, but it will make OTS, SO, and RSDT angles more efficient.

Stick with BTC for a little bit. Stick with hanging. It takes some guys a year to gain an inch.

If you want immediate gains and you won’t rest until you see them, maybe you should try OTS or SO angles. If you’re in this for any length of time, I’d definitely keep hanging BTC for now, because once you’ve stretched those ligs out really well, when you do hang OTS or SO you won’t have those ligs causing a traffic jam on your race to stretch the tunica.

Minimum 2 hours of strapped in hanging time is great. Is this all at once or seperated in 2 hour-long sessions at different times throughout the day? Remember, collagen never deforms as fast as we want it to, but we can accelerate gains if we hang smart, not just hard.


"HALT! This is a no-turtle zone."

5/14/09 - BPEL 7.0" BPFSL 8.25" EG 4.5"

1/1/10 - BPEL 7.5" BPFSL 9.0" EG 5.0" - GOAL

I don’t see how one kind of hanging could work the ligs and not the tunica whereas another would work the tunica more — the two are in series — you can’t put any load on you ligs without putting the same load on your tunica if you are hanging with hanger attached to penis in standard way.

Retention, if I was in your situation I would probably switch to hanging straight up or straight out. Different angles would put a little more stress on different parts of the tunica than what you have been doing, and it would obviously stretch ligs differently.

On another note, I too am curious (an envious kind of curiosity) how you are able to hang for so many hours a day. I would kill to be able to do that.

VKN - you’re right, it’s never going to be 100%, there will always be a little bit of pull on both sets of tissue.

However hanging BTC puts the majority of that pull on the ligs and outer tunica. OTS puts the majority of that pull on the inner tunica, and only a little on the ligs. If you hang BTC and deform the ligs before doing any OTS or SO hanging, you will not get the same amount of resistance from the ligs when you do hang OTS, and therefore the inner tunica stretch will be optimal.

Breaking it down into little pieces and doing targeted work on those sets of tissues is a lot smarter than just trying to stretch the whole thing at once.



"HALT! This is a no-turtle zone."

5/14/09 - BPEL 7.0" BPFSL 8.25" EG 4.5"

1/1/10 - BPEL 7.5" BPFSL 9.0" EG 5.0" - GOAL

Man, try a different angle, and make sure you are attaching it right. You want to feel those inner structures being pulled on. My limiting factor was my suspensory lig. And my septum, so I do all SD hanging now. I figured that out because it feels like a tight cord on top of my shaft when stretched, and all the other tissue is loose, not taking any stretch.

Originally Posted by ehderube

Ok, this is kind of off topic but pwpp do they let you walk around work without any pants and with weights attached to your junk? How the hell do you find 4 to 5 hours a day to hang? I’m not insulting you I just can’t believe someone has that much time to hang, I was satisfied with 60 minutes of hang time but that’s not even a third of what you currently do!

Hahaha, no, I am fortunate that right now I get to work from home. But even when I wasn’t working from home you can easily get up an hour earlier than usual and get a good hour of hang time in the morning. Then around 3 hours in the evening, say from 8 to 11. That gives you four hours a day which should be enough. I believe long periods of hanging are essential to gains. All the big gainers who hung weights (ie Bib, stillwantmore, DLD) all put in a lot of hours in the hanger. I’m putting in 4-5 hours a day right now and seeing the fastest length gains ever. Thinking of stepping it up to 6 hours a day.

Originally Posted by retention_head

I make this measurement often and have never seen an increase after hanging … until today!? What weird timing. Mid-session, right after a set today, while reading your post, I had a nearly 1/8” greater BPFSL than normal. I took the measurement two separate times so I’m sure it wasn’t an error. I have never seen that before, and it has since returned to normal, but this is the type of positive sign of potential growth that I have been looking for.

I’ve always been a believer that you must see an increase, even if temporary, immediately after your session or you will not see results. At least that’s the way its always worked for me. This goes for length and girth work. If I see an increase in BPFSL after my session I know it was a good session. If I see no BPFSL increase I know that I either did not work hard enough (hung enough weight for enough time) or need to switch angles or I overdid it and I am too fatigued.

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