Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

10 weeks hanging. No Gains.

pwpp -

This theory about temporary/permanent increases after a session is intriguing. What is the scientific basis of this?

How do you judge it? Do you literally measure before and after sessions?

Would it be appropriate to wear an ADS immediately after to make it heal in that elongated state?


"HALT! This is a no-turtle zone."

5/14/09 - BPEL 7.0" BPFSL 8.25" EG 4.5"

1/1/10 - BPEL 7.5" BPFSL 9.0" EG 5.0" - GOAL

Originally Posted by lostracco
pwpp -

This theory about temporary/permanent increases after a session is intriguing. What is the scientific basis of this?

How do you judge it? Do you literally measure before and after sessions?

Would it be appropriate to wear an ADS immediately after to make it heal in that elongated state?


There is no real scientific basis behind it. All it is is my own personal theory, based on my results. Basically if there is a disparity in length prior to and after hanging then some elongation, (although simply elastic), has occured. If this elongation is kept sustained for a long enough period (or over many sessions) the hope is that it will eventually become a permanent (or plastic) deformation. If there is no elastic deformation there can be no plastic deformation. Or at least that is my theory. I measure immediately after a session. My sessions are usually around 1 to 1.5 hours in length. I do 4-6 sessions a day, and I measure after each session. Then I record the longest BPFSL for that day. I do this each day I hang, and if I see the BPFSL stalling for awhile I will add weight or change up angles, or both.

On whether to wear an ADS immediately after, I sort of do… I wrap with a bioadhesive wrap which keeps my flaccid from turtling. As far as wearing an actual extender though at the moment I do not.

I agree with pwpp. I have always gauged my progress by post-workout BPFSL, which is always an 1/8th to a 1/4 inch longer than regular.

I hang 4, 20 minute sets a day.

Hog before: 6'' NBPEL; 5'' MSEG---->> Hog now: 7.3" NBPEL; 5 1/4" MSEG; 8.5 BPFSL

Throw one or two of Monte’s weights on after, thats all it really needs. I use ads sometimes (static stretcher {medium}) and it seems to be helping flaccid length, which we all know is important.

What is the time frame between when you can measure that extended post-workout BPFSL and (theoretically if we must) when it goes back down to pre-workout length?

If we were to strap on an ADS (that provides decent tension) as soon as we achieve that extended BPFSL, how would this vary that time frame? Would it even go back down?

Is it fair to say that you don’t achieve your longer BPFSL measurement without experiencing some discomfort and fatigue during the session? In other words, are you getting to a point where the weight you’re hanging is just too much and you have to remove it?

I think we may be on to something here. I’ve always found split sessions (i.e 3 sets spread out 3 times a day rather than 9 at once) to
be more effective at generating lingering fatigue that lasts through the first session the next day after sleeping, and if you can’t do that, using an ADS immediately after feeling fatigue in a session.


"HALT! This is a no-turtle zone."

5/14/09 - BPEL 7.0" BPFSL 8.25" EG 4.5"

1/1/10 - BPEL 7.5" BPFSL 9.0" EG 5.0" - GOAL

After I gained my first half inch or so in length, things really slowed down. That is pretty common. You get a newbie pop (from hanging or stretching) that can come easily from the ligs. The following tunica gains are just tough for many of us. Sometimes to the point that it ain’t worth the effort. I have gone to some serious weights and it is still hard to gain from stretching the tunica.

2-06 6.375 bpel 5.0 mseg

7-08 7.375 bpel 6.25 mseg

7-09 7.50 bpel 6.25 mseg

I don’t know; I really do not buy the whole mode of thought re: tunica toughness, “lig gains,” and “newbie pop.” I’ve had the suspensory cut and theoretically should be gleaning endless amount of gain with BTC, which I have done for two years.

Still, gaining is slow…sometimes indiscernibly slow. Over two years, I have gained about 1.6 in FSL. I press on, hanging every morning, measuring the post work BPFSL.

Lostracco, my BPFSL is longer for about 15 minutes after my workout. Then it resorts back. My goal is and always has been to hang heavy, get that post workout increase in FSL…which is always proportionate to the amount of weight I hang. Plastic deformation, baby!

Hog before: 6'' NBPEL; 5'' MSEG---->> Hog now: 7.3" NBPEL; 5 1/4" MSEG; 8.5 BPFSL

I wonder if guys that gain bigger do so by sustaining that post-workout BPFSL. I always feel like I’m nailing my cock and getting some serious work done when I can hang 15-20 sets throughout the day (aka day off) and never taking more than 20 or 30 minutes between sets.

I could sit here and hang 6 sets back to back and feel decent fatigue, but I think hanging would be more efficient if I could do 2 or 3 sets, reach that fatigue, take a break and do something else, then do another 3 and feel it, rinse and repeat.

Deerhunter - Perseverance. And it’s never about the amount of weight you hang. It’s the fatigue you feel from it.

Bubba - I also have a suspensory lig cut. How has this affected your hanging routine and gains? I personally see no effect, and in fact, from things I’ve been reading, it’s possible that the scar tissue that’s developed since our surgery is actually making it harder to gain using BTC, because we’re trying to deform the tough scar tissue instead of just ligs. I’ve found most of my gains easiest stretching tunica.


"HALT! This is a no-turtle zone."

5/14/09 - BPEL 7.0" BPFSL 8.25" EG 4.5"

1/1/10 - BPEL 7.5" BPFSL 9.0" EG 5.0" - GOAL

Based on the great responses I have decided to continue BTC for another 1-2 months and not worry about gains. If they start to occur, great, then I will stick with BTC until they stop. If no gains then I will switch to a different angle knowing that I built a good foundation by stretching the ligs first.

I do the majority of my hanging in one long session, and 1 extra set around 6 hours later. I would prefer to evenly break the time up into 2 or 3 separate sessions throughout the day but don’t have the privacy to do so.

Length for show. Girth for "Whoa"!

NBPEL: Start: $1.50; Current: $1.75; Goal: $2

MSEG: Start: <TP Tube; Current: >TP Tube; Goal: >>PT Tube.

Lostracco, I spoke with my doctor about this and he seems convinced scar tissue inhibiting lig stretch is not a factor. A lot of this is such uncharted territory, no one REALLY knows how the ligs are affected from hanging…and, though Bib is very bright, his theories are…well, just theories.

What sort of tunica stretching regiment do you do? I tried OTS, SO, and RSDT briefly but just didn’t feel I got the pull I get in BTC. Also, they are awkward positions. How much do you hang? What have you gained?

Hog before: 6'' NBPEL; 5'' MSEG---->> Hog now: 7.3" NBPEL; 5 1/4" MSEG; 8.5 BPFSL

Are you guys making sure you increase weight accordingly? It’s gonna get to the point where you’ll need to move up every week or two.

How much are you guys hanging, whats the weight amount?

Something I’ve noticed, hanging with the very bottom of the weights (I use an actual dumbbell) touching the floor seems to do more then letting the weight hang for some reason, don’t know the phenomena behind this but it feels more like a super stretch then a hang when the weight is ever so slightly grounded

Might just be the way you are positioned etc. I know what you mean cause when I hang otc and I’m not far enough up in my chair it’s barely touching ground. But I’m move up some more and the pull is different.

Originally Posted by Diablos
How much are you guys hanging, whats the weight amount?

I started with the vac hanger and got up to 13 pounds in 6 months. Got blister. Threw it out. Switched to the bib, progressively went up from 13 pounds to 35 pounds, where I am currently at.

Hog before: 6'' NBPEL; 5'' MSEG---->> Hog now: 7.3" NBPEL; 5 1/4" MSEG; 8.5 BPFSL


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