You put the fulcrum under your shaft. To the original question, wear some sort of ADS even if it’s just a traction wrap. And try a different angle, SO; which will keep the ligs in the equation.
The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.
You put the fulcrum under your shaft. To the original question, wear some sort of ADS even if it’s just a traction wrap. And try a different angle, SO; which will keep the ligs in the equation.
Hanging is how I was able to get the majority of my length gains so I know it works for me. You should be able to measure an increase in flaccid stretched length each day after you’ve done enough hanging. This is how I judge my progress. After a good session my stretched length is easily around 0.5cm to 1cm or 0.2”-0.4” longer. Your BPEL should definately be longer, but sometimes it’s hard to get and maintain a good erection after a session. Your dick should feel fatigued to the point where it’s hard to get an erection immediately after your sessions. If your PIs are down into the second day though you’ve most likely over done it and take a break. I don’t use a bib hanger but a vac hanger. I do around 4-5 hours hanging a day at the moment with roughly 1 hour sessions, sometimes longer. On average 5 days on and 2 off. I would recommend adding at least one rest day a week. Add 100-200 wet jelqs a day. And keep track of your BPFSL after each session, you should be able to see it increase. If you cannot , change your angle up. Try hanging with a fulcrum, maybe BTC is not your favorable angle. I’ve just incorporated fulcrum hanging and it’s awesome. You can really feel the fatigue come on fast. So play around with your angles, try hanging straight out for a day, over the shoulder, over the side, or with a fulcrum. Then see which angle(s) yield the best increases in BPFSL after each session. After you’ve determined that, mix them up aka BIB’s divide and conquer method.
Hi man
I am doing a combined weights/jelq routine now - I’m just starting out again now that I have more time (got an inch 8 years ago but stopped). It seems that most of your gains were from hanging weights AND by using a vacu-hanger, so I’ve got stuff to learn from you since I also am using one. Questions for you are:
1. What weights did you use when you got your 1 inch gain over the year? Another thing though is that perhaps weight isn’t everything, but fatigue is more important - so it will depend on my own penile structure and when fatigue occurs. But still, it’s good to get an idea from you of what worked in your case.
2. Fulcrum - how are you using that - like the glade cannister and draping the shaft over that and down? Or how?
Thanks for any advice.
I figured I would post a follow-up. It has been almost 3 weeks since my initial post and I have continued a strict BTC approach. It has worked! I have seen gains all over:
BPFSL: +1/8” minimum (after a hanging session I will measure +1/8” - 3/16” in addition)
EL/BPEL: +1/16” - 1/8” (probably 3/32”)
FL: +1/16 - 1/8”
BSEG: +3/16” - +1/4” !? (This really surprised me and has probably been accruing for a while)
MSEG: No Change
1/16” is within my margin of error for measurement, but I am quite consistent with measuring and haven’t seen these types of increases for a long time.
Looks like I jumped the gun in asking the original question and simply needed to give it more time. Hopefully this is the start of several months, or more, of consistent gains. I would much prefer consistently gaining 1/16” per month for 4 months, than nothing for 3 months than 1/4” in the fourth. Then again I can’t complain about any gains no matter how they happen; they are all good.
Length for show. Girth for "Whoa"!
NBPEL: Start: $1.50; Current: $1.75; Goal: $2
MSEG: Start: <TP Tube; Current: >TP Tube; Goal: >>PT Tube.
Hi manI am doing a combined weights/jelq routine now - I’m just starting out again now that I have more time (got an inch 8 years ago but stopped). It seems that most of your gains were from hanging weights AND by using a vacu-hanger, so I’ve got stuff to learn from you since I also am using one. Questions for you are:
1. What weights did you use when you got your 1 inch gain over the year? Another thing though is that perhaps weight isn’t everything, but fatigue is more important - so it will depend on my own penile structure and when fatigue occurs. But still, it’s good to get an idea from you of what worked in your case.
2. Fulcrum - how are you using that - like the glade cannister and draping the shaft over that and down? Or how?Thanks for any advice.
Hey waterman, to answer your questions:
1. I have never hung more than 10 lbs. I find that the pull is different when using vacuum hangers so less weight can be used. I have seen gains hanging between 5 and 10 lbs. You are right when you say weight isn’t as important as fatigue. In my experience it is better to hit fatigue slowly using less weight and more time.
2. I’ve used a piece of padded PVC pipe before that I would leave across my legs and sling my penis across it and let it hang down (like an a-stretch). It worked well but then I moved and lost the pipe in the move. I haven’t been to Home Depot to buy another piece of PVC pipe so as of now I’ve just been using my wrist as the fulcrum, just like an a-stretch.
I figured I would post a follow-up. It has been almost 3 weeks since my initial post and I have continued a strict BTC approach. It has worked! I have seen gains all over:BPFSL: +1/8” minimum (after a hanging session I will measure +1/8” - 3/16” in addition)
EL/BPEL: +1/16” - 1/8” (probably 3/32”)
FL: +1/16 - 1/8”
BSEG: +3/16” - +1/4” !? (This really surprised me and has probably been accruing for a while)
MSEG: No Change1/16” is within my margin of error for measurement, but I am quite consistent with measuring and haven’t seen these types of increases for a long time.
Looks like I jumped the gun in asking the original question and simply needed to give it more time. Hopefully this is the start of several months, or more, of consistent gains. I would much prefer consistently gaining 1/16” per month for 4 months, than nothing for 3 months than 1/4” in the fourth. Then again I can’t complain about any gains no matter how they happen; they are all good.
Congrats retention_head! I find that patience and tenacity are key to gains of any kind, but especially with hanging. Keep at it and I have no doubts that you will see great gains in the coming months.
Pwpp, is not edema/swelling a significant problem for you vac hanging for 5 hours a day? By the way, I can’t believe you are able to hang that much a day — that’d be hard for me to pull off even if I was working from home or something just because of needing to go to bathroom, eat, rest between sets, etc — I’m impressed and envious.
I I cannot add anymore hang time but usually get 14+ hrs/wk regardless.
Sorry to hear that you are not gaining. What you describe gives results for the vast majority of guys hanging in my opinion. The tipping point for me, if I am remembering correctly, was 10 hours/week.
How the hell do you find 4 to 5 hours a day to hang?
I too am curious (an envious kind of curiosity) how you are able to hang for so many hours a day. I would kill to be able to do that.
Privacy and lots of time on the computer is how most work it. I was working from home as well as going to school part time during my hard core hanging period. I was sitting in front of the computer for many hours a day any way so the hanging was easy.
What with wrapping/unwrapping and heating my unit I ended up getting 40 minutes hang time per hour. So figure three hours invested to get two hours hang time. I never got 4-5 hours/day on a consistent basis but did hit that and better a time or two every week.
Running a Massive Co-Front.
IamAru how much did you gain?
Hard gainer iamaru.
Zero newbie gains that so many get with the starter routine. Zero gains from hands on PE month after month. I eventually switched to hanging and thankfully did respond to that. Even so, I didn’t have the monster gains that some do and if it wasn’t for my lifestyle allowing major time investments I don’t know what would have happened. As it turned out I gained an inch in length which was plenty as I started on the happy side of average. Still, I wouldn’t mind the archetypal 8X6 and really should dust off my old hanger.
Running a Massive Co-Front.
Hi guys
Thanks pwpp for your reply - very helpful.
Can I also ask you guys in this thread for your advice on my routine, based on your own experiences in PE? I am now just starting a combined hanging weights and jelq routine but just still undecided if it’s the right thing.
I’ve done a lot of reading around on the forums to get all the info I can to make sure I get the right routine, and ended up with one that was largely based on hanging weights with jelqing as well. But I need advice from you guys: I’m still not sure though if I should do a hanging routine right now, or if I should do an advance jelq routine only. I did PE 8 years ago (jelqing, some stretching and tried out the BIB hanger), and got an inch back then, most of the gains being quite quick in the first month or two when I was doing jelqing only. But I never was consistent - it was irregular at best, and rarely a 3 day on, one day off jelq routine - rather it was much more random. I had tried the BIB hanger but was never consistent with that and don’t think I measured any gains using it.
Therefore I’m wondering, before starting on a weights routine, is this what I should do first? Or rather first try a jelq routine that I am consistent with? I mean perhaps if I did that consistently and upped the number of jelqs I do, perhaps I’d see gains there before resorting to weights? What do you think? Anyone know what the maximum gain someone had by only doing jelqs and manual stretches? Why I am hesitant about the weights, is that I also want to be consistent with that, but I know that I need to put in at least 10 hours hang time a week and to do hanging every day for 5 days in a row. For me that’s possible but really takes much more commmitment right now for me. I can do it, but want to know I can be consistent with it. Basically, I need to figure out if I’m on the right track before I really commit and put in loads of time. Any advice much appreciated!
Pwpp, is not edema/swelling a significant problem for you vac hanging for 5 hours a day? By the way, I can’t believe you are able to hang that much a day — that’d be hard for me to pull off even if I was working from home or something just because of needing to go to bathroom, eat, rest between sets, etc — I’m impressed and envious.
It’s actually not as hard as you’d think. edema/swelling is an issue but not a significant one with proper wrapping and if I limit my hanging sets to 0.5-1 hour with breaks in between. I usually won’t do the sets straight, I may do a couple of hours and then take a few hours break. Or I may do 1.5 hours in the morning, 1.5 hours in the afternoon, and 2 hours in the evening for a total of 5 hours. Lately I’ve been busier and have only managed 4 hours daily, which I think is still adequate.
Therefore I’m wondering, before starting on a weights routine, is this what I should do first? Or rather first try a jelq routine that I am consistent with? I mean perhaps if I did that consistently and upped the number of jelqs I do, perhaps I’d see gains there before resorting to weights? What do you think? Anyone know what the maximum gain someone had by only doing jelqs and manual stretches? Why I am hesitant about the weights, is that I also want to be consistent with that, but I know that I need to put in at least 10 hours hang time a week and to do hanging every day for 5 days in a row. For me that’s possible but really takes much more commmitment right now for me. I can do it, but want to know I can be consistent with it. Basically, I need to figure out if I’m on the right track before I really commit and put in loads of time. Any advice much appreciated!
I think jelqs compliment hanging quite well. I throw in roughly 200-300 jelqs a day total which I do in between my hanging sessions. I believe it can only help progress, and my EQ has improved tremendously since starting to jelq, along with the positive PI’s.
I did PE 8 years ago (jelqing, some stretching and tried out the BIB hanger), and got an inch back then, most of the gains being quite quick in the first month or two when I was doing jelqing only. But I never was consistent - it was irregular at best, and rarely a 3 day on, one day off jelq routine - rather it was much more random. I had tried the BIB hanger but was never consistent with that and don’t think I measured any gains using it.
If it worked on you, probably it will work again; unlikely you’ll gain another 1" in 1-2 months, but you do know that jelq is a good exercise for your penis. "If it’s working"….you can fill dots, right?
What do you think? Anyone know what the maximum gain someone had by only doing jelqs and manual stretches?
The most impressive gains I’ve read about with just manual techinques is here:
2-inch Growth Comparative Pictures
If it worked on you, probably it will work again; unlikely you’ll gain another 1” in 1-2 months, but you do know that jelq is a good exercise for your penis. “If it’s working”.you can fill dots, right?
You might be right - what method did you use to get most of your gains?
Pwpp, I have major swelling just from 30 minute sets of 10lbs which then take 24 hrs to actually go away completely. May I ask how you are wrapping exactly? The swelling (fluid buildup around frenulum most specifically) makes it impossible for me to hang with any kind of decent weight for more than about 1.5 hrs a day.