Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

10 weeks hanging. No Gains.

Bubba, are all your gains including your girth gains exclusively from hanging?

Originally Posted by bubba77
I started with the vac hanger and got up to 13 pounds in 6 months. Got blister. Threw it out. Switched to the bib, progressively went up from 13 pounds to 35 pounds, where I am currently at.

How often did you increase weight?

And did you switch over directly to 13lbs., or did you lower weight initially upon switching over? It seems there would be different forces at work between a vac style hanger and a lateral compression hanger.

Length for show. Girth for "Whoa"!

NBPEL: Start: $1.50; Current: $1.75; Goal: $2

MSEG: Start: <TP Tube; Current: >TP Tube; Goal: >>PT Tube.

I went slightly down just because I didn’t know how to use it. The bib is a tricky little gift from God.

But to give you an idea, I was vac hanging with 18 lbs (still do sometimes if I’m lazy) and I went to 10.5 with the bib. About 2 weeks later I was up at 18 again with no problems, but I am different and do not recommend going up that high, I think I can handle it easier because of my girth.

Hanging in the morning and then wearing an ADS for the rest of the day worked for me.

We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.

Originally Posted by madduppz
Bubba, are all your gains including your girth gains exclusively from hanging?

Great question madduppz! Strangely yes…I would have never thought I would gain girth from hanging, and I am an absolute fanatic when it comes to accuracy, but I did gain .25 inches from it over the course of 2 years. I’m going to wait until I can FSL stretch to 9.0 and then work girth.

Hog before: 6'' NBPEL; 5'' MSEG---->> Hog now: 7.3" NBPEL; 5 1/4" MSEG; 8.5 BPFSL

Originally Posted by ironaddict69
How often did you increase weight?

Iron, I would say about 2 pounds a month. I never marked it…just went up as my limiting factor (skin burn usually) got less limiting. Given your girth, I think you should use a regular BIB…but I have heard of guys loving the hardcore who are as thick as you. I love the hardcore.

Hog before: 6'' NBPEL; 5'' MSEG---->> Hog now: 7.3" NBPEL; 5 1/4" MSEG; 8.5 BPFSL

Originally Posted by bubba77
Lostracco, I spoke with my doctor about this and he seems convinced scar tissue inhibiting lig stretch is not a factor. A lot of this is such uncharted territory, no one REALLY knows how the ligs are affected from hanging…and, though Bib is very bright, his theories are…well, just theories.

Common sense would say that scar tissue is tougher to stretch than regular tissue. I had the laser lig cut procedure, and aside from my flaccid increasing about 2 inches right after the surgery, I’ve seen no permanent gains from that. It seems like it all “shrunk back” and healed, probably tougher to stretch now because of the damage then healing that occurred.

Originally Posted by bubba77
What sort of tunica stretching regiment do you do? I tried OTS, SO, and RSDT briefly but just didn’t feel I got the pull I get in BTC. Also, they are awkward positions. How much do you hang? What have you gained?

My progress reports are available in the member section - however I’ll quickly say this:

Right now I do strictly SO with an RSDT. I’ve hung all the angles at different times throughout my hanging career, usually switching on the month (yes, arbitrary). Right before this though, I had hung for several months strictly BTC, usually 12 sets a day then a month strictly SO (this was a bad month, only got in avg of 4 sets a day) I’ve hung OTS a while back, SO OTL UTL whatever. I find the RSDT the most effective weapon against the tunica. If I’m at work or something and I can’t hang, I use wantsmore stretches, V stretches, manuals, light jelqing, BTB jelqing..

I aim for 8 sets a day.. split up if possible. (4 morning 4 night)

Have gained an inch since first measurement last year in September. (this was probably well after my newbie pop)


"HALT! This is a no-turtle zone."

5/14/09 - BPEL 7.0" BPFSL 8.25" EG 4.5"

1/1/10 - BPEL 7.5" BPFSL 9.0" EG 5.0" - GOAL

Originally Posted by lostracco
Common sense would say that scar tissue is tougher to stretch than regular tissue. I had the laser lig cut procedure, and aside from my flaccid increasing about 2 inches right after the surgery, I’ve seen no permanent gains from that. It seems like it all “shrunk back” and healed, probably tougher to stretch now because of the damage then healing that occurred.

My progress reports are available in the member section - however I’ll quickly say this:

Right now I do strictly SO with an RSDT. I’ve hung all the angles at different times throughout my hanging career, usually switching on the month (yes, arbitrary). Right before this though, I had hung for several months strictly BTC, usually 12 sets a day then a month strictly SO (this was a bad month, only got in avg of 4 sets a day) I’ve hung OTS a while back, SO OTL UTL whatever. I find the RSDT the most effective weapon against the tunica. If I’m at work or something and I can’t hang, I use wantsmore stretches, V stretches, manuals, light jelqing, BTB jelqing..

I aim for 8 sets a day.. split up if possible. (4 morning 4 night)

Have gained an inch since first measurement last year in September. (this was probably well after my newbie pop)


Cool. Thanks for the info. If you have RSDT down, you should post pics. It’s sort of an unclear method. I’d love to see how someone does it effectively and what the process (fatigue, etc) is like.

Re: your surgery comments….man, I don’t know what to say. I consider Dr. Alter to be the best of the best—-a urologist AND a plastic surgeon—-and he straight up told me that there is no, never, not one, chance that anyone would gain flaccid immediately after surgery. He says the only way you gain is by hanging afterwards. There is no consensus to lig cut. It sucks.

Hog before: 6'' NBPEL; 5'' MSEG---->> Hog now: 7.3" NBPEL; 5 1/4" MSEG; 8.5 BPFSL

Well I mean, it makes sense… if you sever the ligs they’ll probably let your flaccid drop down right afterwards.. because you did cut something off that was holding them back. But then a month or so later when it heals back up (and it will) it will return to normal length, possibly a little longer if using an ADS or hanging in the healing process (which by the pain I suffered during healing I consider impossible)

Yeah, it’s a bad idea. I hadn’t known about Thunders or Bib or MOS at the time, and thought it was the only way. Stupid newbie.

But now, after all is said and done and it’s been many years and hang sessions after the surgery, I believe that the healed up tissues that resulted from that surgery make affecting the ligs that much harder, because now I am dealing with scar tissues to stretch instead of just ligs. I mean - I’m sure it’s not impossible to stretch ligs with BTC hanging after surgery, but I’m almost certain it will be harder. And that’s what I’ve seen using BTC anyway.

If I had a digital camera.. (going to ask Santa) I would post pics. The fatigue is unheard of.. the first time I hung with the RSDT it was a cerebral pain that lingered like hell for a week. I’m sure I popped a 1/8th inch out in that week alone. I don’t think any other angle targets the septum in the same way (others hit it, like OTS) but with the RSDT it’s like an ant and a magnifying glass on a hot Texas afternoon. I think what’s great about it is that you can keep expanding the size of the fulcrum and the curve it generates and still target the septum after being conditioned at a certain depth. No need to increase weight. I do think more weight makes it that much more effective, but it’s not necessary. It’d be the difference between 1 set or 2.

All you guys that are having difficulty with making one.. I think you’re thinking too hard. If you understood the concept of the gentle bend fulcrum I’m sure you’d be like “Ohhhhh” and make something that works for you. Try this - take one of those 99cent Glade air freshener canisters (or a shaving cream canister) or something, and rest the top and bottom on your left and right leg, close to the balls. Arrange the hanger so it’s pulling SO, but drape your shaft over the Glade canister. Now let the weight dangle off the chair, and hold. That’s a fulcrum stretch. All the RSDT is is a big ball of rice that can give you that same arched fulcrum by simply placing it on the chair and hanging over it. Guys get advanced with it and make valleys and use plastic and all kinds of stuff, but I don’t think it’s necessary. All you need is that arch, and it has to be tall enough to give you that without much adjustment. Just strap it on and go. You can make it bigger by making additional passes of duct tape or by adding things like mousepads and newspapers.


"HALT! This is a no-turtle zone."

5/14/09 - BPEL 7.0" BPFSL 8.25" EG 4.5"

1/1/10 - BPEL 7.5" BPFSL 9.0" EG 5.0" - GOAL

Originally Posted by bubba77
Iron, I would say about 2 pounds a month. I never marked it.just went up as my limiting factor (skin burn usually) got less limiting. Given your girth, I think you should use a regular BIB.but I have heard of guys loving the hardcore who are as thick as you. I love the hardcore.

The hardcore seems to kick ass. I only use 9 inches of theraband with the thing and it grasps it like a mother. I use my vac with heavy weight also.

I use the hardcore and I’m rt at 6.5 rt now and I love the hardcore. I’ve hung heavy with it and everything.

WOW racco, so you gained a lot doing that? That makes me want to ditch BTC and SD even though my lot is still 9 and Bib recommended I do those angles, I am unsure my ligs have any more to let out as I have gained about a full inch in a year. Maybe tunica would be the way to go now.

Originally Posted by lostracco
All you guys that are having difficulty with making one.. I think you’re thinking too hard. If you understood the concept of the gentle bend fulcrum I’m sure you’d be like “Ohhhhh” and make something that works for you. Try this - take one of those 99cent Glade air freshener canisters (or a shaving cream canister) or something, and rest the top and bottom on your left and right leg, close to the balls. Arrange the hanger so it’s pulling SO, but drape your shaft over the Glade canister. Now let the weight dangle off the chair, and hold. That’s a fulcrum stretch. All the RSDT is is a big ball of rice that can give you that same arched fulcrum by simply placing it on the chair and hanging over it. Guys get advanced with it and make valleys and use plastic and all kinds of stuff, but I don’t think it’s necessary. All you need is that arch, and it has to be tall enough to give you that without much adjustment. Just strap it on and go. You can make it bigger by making additional passes of duct tape or by adding things like mousepads and newspapers.


Do you think hanging over a fulcrum but straight down, not straight out, would have any benefit? Sort of like an extended a-stretch. That’s what I’ve been doing lately… haven’t tried it with a straight out hanger setup though. Which one do you think is more beneficial?

How do you use a fulcrum and hang straight out? Put the fulcrum over your shaft (on top)?


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