Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

10 weeks hanging. No Gains.

Originally Posted by waterman888
If it worked on you, probably it will work again; unlikely you’ll gain another 1” in 1-2 months, but you do know that jelq is a good exercise for your penis. “If it’s working”.you can fill dots, right?

You might be right - what method did you use to get most of your gains?

I had gains both from manuals and hanging; I think manuals are more efficient than hanging and can fit more with normal life. I think one should go on hanging when other techniques aren’t anymore working.

Originally Posted by pwpp
Do you think hanging over a fulcrum but straight down, not straight out, would have any benefit? Sort of like an extended a-stretch. That’s what I’ve been doing lately… haven’t tried it with a straight out hanger setup though. Which one do you think is more beneficial?

Sorry, just getting back to this thread now. It’s very exciting with lots of different hanging topics loosely organized into 1 big thread. Whatever.

In response to the question, I think that any way you change the position of the fulcrum relative to your shaft will have some kind of an effect. The arc from the RSDT (or whatever fulcrum you may be using) will be in a slightly different place and affect slightly different sets of tissue.

I switch some days from hanging with my balls behind the fulcrum (placing the arc closer to the head) to hanging with my balls over top of the fulcrum (placing the arc farther back). They seem to generate fatigue in slightly different places.

*Note that with an optimal RSDT fulcrum set up, you shouldn’t really be able to move it too far one way or the other, it should be big enough to create an arc that your entire shaft rests on.

If you’re doing an A stretch, is that to say that the fulcrum is actually on TOP of your shaft? I’ve experimented hanging OTS with a travel-size shaving cream canister between my shaft and my stomach. Woo-wee the fatigue. I think this would be an immensely effective angle when combined with regular SO RSDT hanging. It’d nail all the same tissues just from the other side and stretch them in the exact inverse (this is a good thing) way that a regular SO RSDT set is doing. Like bending a tree branch back and forth.

I don’t think it’s necessary to only hang at one fulcrum position when RSDT hanging. You’d get too conditioned to that particular position. It’d be like doing wantsmores with one ring in the same spot for months on end. Yeah, it’s going to condition. I think the trick is starting with specific fatigue, like with a smaller fulcrum (shaving cream canister e.g) and feeling that burn in that specific spot, then reaching the point where a relatively low weight causes fatigue with your big full-shaft fulcrum feeling the burn in that whole shaft. This is of course for guys that have been using an RSDT for a while. A newbie RSDT user should scream uncle the very first time! And you don’t really have to move up in weight. Just make a bigger fulcrum or adjust its position more often. Or stick some post-its under it to raise it up.

But I’m rambling. I think as long as you’re sticking with RSDT not mixing other angles in there you’re on the right track!


"HALT! This is a no-turtle zone."

5/14/09 - BPEL 7.0" BPFSL 8.25" EG 4.5"

1/1/10 - BPEL 7.5" BPFSL 9.0" EG 5.0" - GOAL

I have never felt fatigue from a fulcrum. I hate how tough my tunica is =(

Originally Posted by vkn1

Pwpp, I have major swelling just from 30 minute sets of 10lbs which then take 24 hrs to actually go away completely. May I ask how you are wrapping exactly? The swelling (fluid buildup around frenulum most specifically) makes it impossible for me to hang with any kind of decent weight for more than about 1.5 hrs a day.

What kind of hanger are you using? I use monkeybar’s hanger. I’ve never had any significant swelling issues with it and I’ve yet to get a blister. However I do not hang heavy. I’ve not ever hung more than 10 lbs and I don’t feel there is a need to. The last 0.5” I’ve gained, I have hung between 5-7.5lbs. As far as wrapping goes I use a soft gauze as a wrap. I am uncut, so I pull the foreskin back and wrap the entire glans down past the frenulum. Then I place myself into the hanger. If the fit isn’t snug I throw on some porn to get a very minimal engorgement of the glans to fill out the hanging attachment and hence any air that may be in there. If then the fit is snug, and it should be, I roll down the silicon sleeve and the fit and seal should be perfect. I find the soft gauze works great as a wrap and allows for a comfortable hang. Trust me when I say you do not need a lot of weight with a vacuum hanger. Time spent under load is more important than weight. And it’s safer too.

Originally Posted by ironaddict69

I have never felt fatigue from a fulcrum. I hate how tough my tunica is =(

Jesus god, with your girth I can imagine why it’s hard to fatigue it! I am envious. If I had your stats I’d throw in the towel right about now and start doing porn.

Haha I wish, I’d need more length. Do you think my girth is a limiting factor in the fatigue?

Although I do wonder how I would look in one of their shoots with the different lens and short girls. It does not look big on me as I am 220 lbs at 5’11.


Originally Posted by vkn1
Pwpp, I have major swelling just from 30 minute sets of 10lbs which then take 24 hrs to actually go away completely. May I ask how you are wrapping exactly? The swelling (fluid buildup around frenulum most specifically) makes it impossible for me to hang with any kind of decent weight for more than about 1.5 hrs a day.


Yes I had the same thing with the vacu-hanger, also blistering with higher weights. Secret I think is to use the constriction sleeve - you have one of those?

Jelq vs weights

Originally Posted by marinera
I had gains both from manuals and hanging; I think manuals are more efficient than hanging and can fit more with normal life. I think one should go on hanging when other techniques aren’t anymore working.


Thanks for the advice. I think I will reverse what I was going to do, leave weights until I’m sure that I don’t get any gains with a consistent manual stretch/jelq routine.

Originally Posted by retention_head
-15 Minute sets with 7 minute breaks.

I can only speak for myself, but the vast majority of my fatigue, comes during the last 5 minutes of a 20 minute set. As you know, 20 minutes is the maximum time tissue can survive without oxygen before permanent damage. I only wonder why you wouldn’t do 20 minute sets since you’re no longer a beginning hanger.

If you’re reaching a proper level of fatigue, I would think the gains would have to come… Perhaps a change in your workout could create that fatigue you need to achieve measurable gains.

You’ve been slowly increasing the stresses you’re applying with more sets and more weight. You might consider changing your approach to the more standard 20 minute sets with 10 minute breaks. You might find that the amount of weight you can do for 20 minutes, is significantly less than what you can during a shorter 15 minute set.


Although I mentioned above that I have seen gains, your words have been rattling around in my head for the past few days. I’ve always wanted to stay on the conservative side, and didn’t want to “risk” increasing the time, since I don’t like the discoloration. But today I tried 20 minute sets and reached a level of fatigue I haven’t experienced before. The same amount of hang time and the same amount of weight but greater fatigue; weird. I believe I will continue with the longer sets. Thanks.

Length for show. Girth for "Whoa"!

NBPEL: Start: $1.50; Current: $1.75; Goal: $2

MSEG: Start: <TP Tube; Current: >TP Tube; Goal: >>PT Tube.

Hi guys again

It’s been a while but thought I’d post progress again where I left off on this thread a few years ago. In the end I didn’t hang weights, rather went to max out the jelq routine but I think I overdid it and had lower PIs and no gains.

Therefore I’m back in the saddle for another go at gaining using the Vac-hanger. I hope to be able to stick to a similar routine like pwpp and do at least 4 hours a day, starting at 2.5kg and working up to 4.5kg (10 lbs max), probably 5 days a week. If it worked for other guys, it should work for me. I just will try to use my brain and figure out which angle works best, but will start hanging straight out I think - also I need to be consistent and persevere.

One interesting thing I’ve found is that when stretching straight out (I hang weights through a carabiner clip under the table) the actual pulled weight varies quite a lot due to the friction in the rope/clip area. I have used a spring balance to check and found that for example, if I want to hang 2.5kg, if I hang straight down, then I hang that weight. However, if I hang through the clip, the added friction can reduce the weight significantly if I am not always in maximum tension (I.e. Pulling chair away to where the weight starts to lift = maximum tension). Sitting in a chair I tend to move a bit and then the weight reduces at times due to the friction. So I find that I’ve had to add weight in order to achieve a final 2.5kg on the end (at that weight, I add 0.5kg it seems, which means that I have a pull of 2.5kg even when under least tension). Maybe will have to add less extra weight when the weight increases - due to less friction.




Maybe hanging isn’t your thing try ADS with newbie’s routine to boost your gains since you said the newbie’s gain started to be minimal, I think ADS is something closer to hang, but you got to use it longer and the traction is lower good luck and good gains

Start BPEL 5.5 EG 5.2 09-20-2011

GOAL 7x6 - on a 5'5 guy it will look huge


You are not probably reaching and riding fatigue, not using enough weight. You know, I have been there too. Hanging with 10-12lbs for hours and ADS for 6-10 hours afterwards with no gains.

When I started hanging again 4 months ago, I worked up to more weight. I started to see progress again at 15-17 lbs, which is logical because I never went over 15 lbs in my life.

Hi sckail - no I’m going for hanging weights as I haven’t done that properly really before. Many years back I tried the BIB hanger but wasn’t consistent.

Mister007 - thanks, I think I agree. Last 4 days I was hanging straight out, and while my penis felt a bit sore after it wasn’t really fatigue. Yesterday I tried an hour straight down and felt fatigued so will try that angle now. Definitely will try to always get to fatigue, but experimenting at the moment.


Originally Posted by mister007

You are not probably reaching and riding fatigue, not using enough weight. You know, I have been there too. Hanging with 10-12lbs for hours and ADS for 6-10 hours afterwards with no gains.

When I started hanging again 4 months ago, I worked up to more weight. I started to see progress again at 15-17 lbs, which is logical because I never went over 15 lbs in my life.

What hanger do you use ? Because when using the vac hanger there is minimal skin stretch, so almost all the weight hits the internal penis.

Starting stats: 6.4" / 5.6" Current Stats: 7.4" / 5.8" Short term goal: 7" / 6" Long term goal: 8" / 6.5"


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