Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Does anyone else think 5.5 girth is pretty damn big

Yes, 5.5” is statistically big.

The average girth of almost every study is right at 5” with a SD of .5”.

What that means, ( if we assume a normal distribution ) is that 68% of men have an erect girth of between 4.5” and 5.5”, 16% have an erect girth less than 4.5” and 16% of men have an erect girth larger than 5.5”.

At 5.5” you are thicker than 84% of men.

Kdong Starting: 7.1 x 5.125 vol = 14.84 cu. in. Current: 7.1BPEL 5.5 MSEG = 17cu. in. GOAL --> 8.5 x 6.5 vol: 28.6 cu. in.

Took Time off, lost some gains-- Girth cemented

No PE since 2015 -- starting back up

I disagree with the above, and it’s really not to make my 5.5 inch girth out to be huge when I know it’s not. I just think that if you are looking at this from a scientific perspective, you understand that girth measurements are quite subjective, and even with the head included, on most self selected surveys the avg. Girth doesn’t even come close to 5.5, the highest recorded by doctors is 4.97, and usually much lower. When all studies with European men, doctor measured were combined, I think it was like 4.67. If you ad 0.5 roughly for standard deviation on the mid shaft, 16% is actually 5.17, it’s equally hard to admit that 5.2 is a big mid-shaft girth as it is to many to admit that their 4 inch girth is quite small. It’s just that we are designed by nature to try and view ourselves as close to the norm.

Also, I have been on plenty of forums for a number of different things, you name it, but the psychology is the same on every single one. Exactly the same. You can take the fifth percentile of anything and that is not good enough. Here is why Most everyone on the forums is in the range of the fifth percentile or better. THAT’S WHY THEY ARE ON THE FORUMS whether it be for ego boost, or to satiate the OCD, that’s why they are there. Then there are a few random people who are more objective and say studies show X, and a huge debate ensues. It’s like clock work. Long story short, combine all of the girth studies you will see this or be able to deduce this.

6 inch mid-shaft/ 1/150-200

5.5 mid-1/20

5 mid- 1/4

4.6-4.7 mid- average


Originally Posted by UkranianTitan
I disagree with the above, and it’s really not to make my 5.5 inch girth out to be huge when I know it’s not. I just think that if you are looking at this from a scientific perspective, you understand that girth measurements are quite subjective, and even with the head included, on most self selected surveys the avg. Girth doesn’t even come close to 5.5, the highest recorded by doctors is 4.97, and usually much lower. When all studies with European men, doctor measured were combined, I think it was like 4.67. If you ad 0.5 roughly for standard deviation on the mid shaft, 16% is actually 5.17, it’s equally hard to admit that 5.2 is a big mid-shaft girth as it is to many to admit that their 4 inch girth is quite small. It’s just that we are designed by nature to try and view ourselves as close to the norm.

Also, I have been on plenty of forums for a number of different things, you name it, but the psychology is the same on every single one. Exactly the same. You can take the fifth percentile of anything and that is not good enough. Here is why Most everyone on the forums is in the range of the fifth percentile or better. THAT’S WHY THEY ARE ON THE FORUMS whether it be for ego boost, or to satiate the OCD, that’s why they are there. Then there are a few random people who are more objective and say studies show X, and a huge debate ensues. It’s like clock work. Long story short, combine all of the girth studies you will see this or be able to deduce this.

6 inch mid-shaft/ 1/150-200

5.5 mid-1/20

5 mid- 1/4

4.6-4.7 mid- average


The highest recorded by doctors is much larger than 4.97 — that is the average from the Lifestyles-Cancun test. Average, not largest.

The data from the Lifestyles-cancun and other nurse/doctor measured studies not self reporting: 5” is average girth .5” is SD; the rest is math.

Kdong Starting: 7.1 x 5.125 vol = 14.84 cu. in. Current: 7.1BPEL 5.5 MSEG = 17cu. in. GOAL --> 8.5 x 6.5 vol: 28.6 cu. in.

Took Time off, lost some gains-- Girth cemented

No PE since 2015 -- starting back up

Originally Posted by kdong
The highest recorded by doctors is much larger than 4.97 — that is the average from the Lifestyles-Cancun test. Average, not largest.

The data from the Lifestyles-cancun and other nurse/doctor measured studies not self reporting: 5” is average girth .5” is SD; the rest is math.

I would be interested in seeing the study that has been done by doctors while specifying mid-shaft that recorded a larger girth than 4.97. If you could show me, I would certainly consider changing my mind.

I believe Kinsey’s study involved students going into a room and taking their own measurements. Also, I believe the study consisted of young adults in the 1940’s. Both of these variables could lead to better blood flow due to less obesity, and more active lifestyles. Also if the measurements were taken by the subject, I could certainly see them being skewed by 1/8th-1/4th inch on average. Also if my memory serves me right, the average for this study was 4.84 inches.

Originally Posted by UkranianTitan
I would be interested in seeing the study that has been done by doctors while specifying mid-shaft that recorded a larger girth than 4.97. If you could show me, I would certainly consider changing my mind.

I believe Kinsey’s study involved students going into a room and taking their own measurements. Also, I believe the study consisted of young adults in the 1940’s. Both of these variables could lead to better blood flow due to less obesity, and more active lifestyles. Also if the measurements were taken by the subject, I could certainly see them being skewed by 1/8th-1/4th inch on average.

There is a thread here on Thunder’s that has links to a bunch of doctor measured studies — search on "the truth about penis size" or something like that.

But, ask and you shall receive.

Here is a link to the Lifestyles data:

"From March 11 to 17, 2001 a total 401 males over the age of 18 were measured, one at a time, by qualified medical staff (protected by Ansell Medi-Touch gloves) in private tents at the Dady Rock nightclub in Cancun, Mexico. Of the 401 men, 300 were able to gain an erection for measurement - a success rate of only 75%. "

"The average erect penis girth was 4.972 inches (12.63cm).
Standard deviation was 0.508 inches (1.29cm) or with 53.33% of the effective sample measuring between 4.725 inches (12cm) and 5.118 inches (13cm)." -condom-stuff.c … on/research.htm

That means that 46% of the sample measured outside of the 4.725-5.118 range. :D

Kdong Starting: 7.1 x 5.125 vol = 14.84 cu. in. Current: 7.1BPEL 5.5 MSEG = 17cu. in. GOAL --> 8.5 x 6.5 vol: 28.6 cu. in.

Took Time off, lost some gains-- Girth cemented

No PE since 2015 -- starting back up

Originally Posted by kdong
There is a thread here on Thunder’s that has links to a bunch of doctor measured studies — search on "the truth about penis size" or something like that.

But, ask and you shall receive.

Here is a link to the Lifestyles data:

"From March 11 to 17, 2001 a total 401 males over the age of 18 were measured, one at a time, by qualified medical staff (protected by Ansell Medi-Touch gloves) in private tents at the Dady Rock nightclub in Cancun, Mexico. Of the 401 men, 300 were able to gain an erection for measurement - a success rate of only 75%. "

"The average erect penis girth was 4.972 inches (12.63cm).
Standard deviation was 0.508 inches (1.29cm) or with 53.33% of the effective sample measuring between 4.725 inches (12cm) and 5.118 inches (13cm)." -condom-stuff.c … on/research.htm

That means that 46% of the sample measured outside of the 4.725-5.118 range. :D

Yes 46% of people measured within those ranges in that study, but that study is on the far end of the spectrum. On the other end there is an Israeli study where base girth was measured and that average was 4.29 inches, and most people seem to have a bigger base than mid-shaft. Realistically that may have put the average at 4.2! It is important to take a look at all of the studies. I don’t want to get into all of the details, but in Cancun the guys chose to have their dicks measured, and most people on spring break are young adults, and even 1/4-1/3 of them couldn’t get it up. I’ve heard the counter-argument that drinks were involved etc. Personally that would make it easier for me to get it up, and I doubt it would result in any size difference unless I was about to black out, and then I probably wouldn’t be there. Also my dick semi-erect, and many others on this forum measure the exact same or better as fully erect. All things considered, it is more than possible that the study at cancun has a mean that is actually the 75th percentile-ish of the adult male population.

Definitely thick. The vast majority of women in the real world would think you to be thick and a damn nice size for sure.

I haven’t measured my girth in a while, but I’m pretty sure it’s around 5.75 midshaft, maybe even a bit more & about 6” at the base. So not all that much bigger than 5.5.

I’ll never think I’m big, but the less time I spend on this site & the more time I spend fucking normal women … the more I realize how warped our view on size is. And that 5.5” + in girth is most defintely an extremely nice size for many women, a thickness that for many women begins to make them “hurt soooooo good”

Last edited by Yataghan50 : 01-22-2010 at .

Originally Posted by UkranianTitan
That is really weird, I would say in my honest and scientific opinion that for every 500 guys only one can likely take a legit measurement of 6.61 inches at any part of the shaft, and almost all of them have probably PE’d. As Leviathon mentioned, I don’t think 5.5 is huge, I just think it’s quite large. I really believe that a 5.5 inch mid shaft girth is at the very worst 1/20 guys. I mean even the Lifestyle’s study which recorded the highest girth measured by a doctor, with young self selected adults placed 5.5 in the 8th percentile. Many other studies have indicated that the average girth is probably more like 4.5-4.85 mid-shaft.

I know it sounds crazy, but I think what is crazier is the post above, if someone that has a legitimate 6.61 inch girth and does not know they are gigantic in girth (Assuming they have seen at least a few penises) than we as men probably lack the ability to put things into perspective, and perceive ourselves the way others, more particularly woman do.

Off course I have seen other penises, but never have I seen a live boner (and why would I want to?!?!) so that makes it harder to compare the two. Also, I am VERY small flaccid (this has always amazed my ex, I can’t even remember how many times she has commented on it). I think that adds a lot to the perception of being smaller. I’ve always thought of myself as average (my NBPEL is 7.48”). It was only until later when I had a girl who couldn’t quite handle it, a girl who kept saying I was huge while I was fucking her (but I still thought it was just dirty talk) and the Asian girl who was just amazed by it, that I started reconsidering things. My last girlfriend of 2 years was very open on the matter and she said he has had 2 guys that were longer than me, but nobody that was thicker than me. She even measured it herself, and she measured her own wrist because she was positive it was around the same size and she came out to a 6.8” MSEG.

I have never really pe’d religiously, I would like to do so but I have been in a difficult position where I had to stealth-PE so I’ve only done some manual stretching when I had the time to warm up properly and some jelqing in the shower. However, my focus has always been length so I can’t say my EG is due to PE.

I do think your last comment is true. It’s hard to put things in perspective, I still only see a average sized penis when I look down, and I would really like to add at least another inch in length.

That’s my girth goal and I also consider it ideal. :) 5.5” is definitely big.

Originally Posted by Future1
Off course I have seen other penises, but never have I seen a live boner (and why would I want to?!?!) so that makes it harder to compare the two. Also, I am VERY small flaccid (this has always amazed my ex, I can’t even remember how many times she has commented on it). I think that adds a lot to the perception of being smaller. I’ve always thought of myself as average (my NBPEL is 7.48”). It was only until later when I had a girl who couldn’t quite handle it, a girl who kept saying I was huge while I was fucking her (but I still thought it was just dirty talk) and the Asian girl who was just amazed by it, that I started reconsidering things. My last girlfriend of 2 years was very open on the matter and she said he has had 2 guys that were longer than me, but nobody that was thicker than me. She even measured it herself, and she measured her own wrist because she was positive it was around the same size and she came out to a 6.8” MSEG.

I have never really pe’d religiously, I would like to do so but I have been in a difficult position where I had to stealth-PE so I’ve only done some manual stretching when I had the time to warm up properly and some jelqing in the shower. However, my focus has always been length so I can’t say my EG is due to PE.

I do think your last comment is true. It’s hard to put things in perspective, I still only see a average sized penis when I look down, and I would really like to add at least another inch in length.

So your dick is probably between 8” and 8.5” BPEL and between 6.6” and 6.8” EG. That is huge, but you’re probably used to looking at it every day so it’s average to you. But trust me, it’s huge and you probably don’t need any more length, let alone girth. I don’t know what are you doing on PE site in the first place. :P

I agree with you about flaccid size, though. I’m a grower and my flaccid is not very impressive. It also makes me feel like my dick is not as big as it is. My girlfriend commented on it as well and couldn’t believe it grows from ~3.75” to over 6.5”, which is 1” from doubling in length.

Originally Posted by UpTo7
So your dick is probably between 8” and 8.5” BPEL and between 6.6” and 6.8” EG. That is huge, but you’re probably used to looking at it every day so it’s average to you. But trust me, it’s huge and you probably don’t need any more length, let alone girth. I don’t know what are you doing on PE site in the first place. :P

I agree with you about flaccid size, though. I’m a grower and my flaccid is not very impressive. It also makes me feel like my dick is not as big as it is. My girlfriend commented on it as well and couldn’t believe it grows from ~3.75” to over 6.5”, which is 1” from doubling in length.

Yea, from reading on these forums a lot I’m starting to think I’m pretty big. However, I don’t feel, or think I look, big at all. My BPEL is 8.07”

As for being a grower, I don’t mind at all. I kind of like the difference, and I think having a big flaccid can be more annoying sometimes. I’m pretty sure I double up from flaccid to erect. Which gives a great little surprise :D

Ideally, I would like to be 8.2” NBPEL. I don’t really care about girth as I think getting bigger while prevent me from getting head properly.

Originally Posted by Future1
Off course I have seen other penises, but never have I seen a live boner (and why would I want to?) so that makes it harder to compare the two. Also, I am VERY small flaccid (this has always amazed my ex, I can’t even remember how many times she has commented on it). I think that adds a lot to the perception of being smaller. I’ve always thought of myself as average (my NBPEL is 7.48”). It was only until later when I had a girl who couldn’t quite handle it, a girl who kept saying I was huge while I was fucking her (but I still thought it was just dirty talk) and the Asian girl who was just amazed by it, that I started reconsidering things. My last girlfriend of 2 years was very open on the matter and she said he has had 2 guys that were longer than me, but nobody that was thicker than me. She even measured it herself, and she measured her own wrist because she was positive it was around the same size and she came out to a 6.8” MSEG.

I have never really pe’d religiously, I would like to do so but I have been in a difficult position where I had to stealth-PE so I’ve only done some manual stretching when I had the time to warm up properly and some jelqing in the shower. However, my focus has always been length so I can’t say my EG is due to PE.

I do think your last comment is true. It’s hard to put things in perspective, I still only see a average sized penis when I look down, and I would really like to add at least another inch in length.

When your girlfriend said she had two guys longer than you, I can almost assure you she is wrong. At 7.5 inches NBP, and 6.61 inches girth, your dick must have literally looked like a stub. 7.5 inches more proportional with around 5.75 inch girth (imo). 1/2 inch added over night would probably make you look an inch shorter, and one whole inch of girth would make you look A LOT shorter. From a purely visual aspect, your dick probably looks like 6 inches due to massive girth.

Also I agree with you, the size of a flaccid penis can make a huge difference in whether you see yourself as big. The only real gauge we have is the locker room, and porn. I didn’t watch a ton of porn growing up, so the locker room was my gauge. Not only is it hard to make an accurate estimation. It’s impossible to tell what their erection size is compared to yours.

Originally Posted by Para-Goomba
I think this is true and was going to say something similar. For many women, a 6” girth just results in quicker time-to-soreness and a longer “recovery” period afterward. So for being able to have great sex without constraints with a variety of women, a 5.5” girth is probably ideal. As firegoat said, if you end up with someone who you know can accommodate and enjoy more girth without soreness problems, then that’s a different story.

Still, I do enjoy the ego trip of having 6+” girth, even if it’s not ideal for some women :D

Para, what’s your current BPEL/NBPEL MSEG/BSEG size? I tried looking in the database but your last entry was quite some time ago….

Hi, Ukranian Titan, what is your routine?

Actualmente: 21.5 cm x 14 cm

Meta : 23 cm x 15 cm.



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