Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Does anyone else think 5.5 girth is pretty damn big

My dick is what I guess you would call a stubby. It barely makes 6” from tip to pelvic bone but the shaft is tapered and gives it a somewhat weird look because of its thickness. It’s 6” in circumference right behind the head, almost 6.5 mid shaft and over 7.5 around at the base. I’ve just started jelqing exercise, hoping to gain another inch or so. I have no idea about any way to reduce the shaft taper. I would rather have a shaft with the same circumference from head to base but I don’t think that’s going to happen.

Originally Posted by utphotog
My dick is what I guess you would call a stubby. It barely makes 6” from tip to pelvic bone but the shaft is tapered and gives it a somewhat weird look because of its thickness. It’s 6” in circumference right behind the head, almost 6.5 mid shaft and over 7.5 around at the base. I’ve just started jelqing exercise, hoping to gain another inch or so. I have no idea about any way to reduce the shaft taper. I would rather have a shaft with the same circumference from head to base but I don’t think that’s going to happen.

Man I understand that may look weird, my girth at the base is 5.1 and in the mid is 5.5, it kind of looking strange too, but if you see, the the dildos that have more sells are those ones with formats like that, I read in a lot of places that a penis like that make way more pleasure in the girl because its stimulates more her vagina

By the way, sorry for the bad english .

I'm just a useless guy trying to improve himself.

I also got a thicker mid, but only slightly.

And since I started with around 5.5 a month ago, it seems average.

On the other side, due to my big upward curve and not so good length, I think that 7 for it is pretty big.

I think it’s mainly a point of perspective about how you started.

Originally Posted by utphotog
My dick is what I guess you would call a stubby. It barely makes 6” from tip to pelvic bone but the shaft is tapered and gives it a somewhat weird look because of its thickness. It’s 6” in circumference right behind the head, almost 6.5 mid shaft and over 7.5 around at the base. I’ve just started jelqing exercise, hoping to gain another inch or so. I have no idea about any way to reduce the shaft taper. I would rather have a shaft with the same circumference from head to base but I don’t think that’s going to happen.

Tapered is very good. You want to stretch the opening of the vagina as much as possible and reach with your tip the points.
Thing is espacially when yo uare big that its easier to put in the thinnest part first. It increases the feeling for her.
A baseball bat shape is working too but tapered is not wrong so to say.

Tapered and upwards curve is the best for most pussys.

I’m hoping I can achieve another 1-1.5 inches in length so it doesn’t look quite so strange. It’s also a grower, not a shower, barely 3” flaccid and gives no visual clue as to erect thickness when flaccid. I’m hoping my flaccid length improves. I guess I’m one of those guys that is envious of dudes in the locker room that casually take their time while dressing, showing off their 6” flaccid dicks. They seem to be part of the alpha male crowd.

Originally Posted by utphotog

My dick is what I guess you would call a stubby. It barely makes 6” from tip to pelvic bone but the shaft is tapered and gives it a somewhat weird look because of its thickness. It’s 6” in circumference right behind the head, almost 6.5 mid shaft and over 7.5 around at the base. I’ve just started jelqing exercise, hoping to gain another inch or so. I have no idea about any way to reduce the shaft taper. I would rather have a shaft with the same circumference from head to base but I don’t think that’s going to happen.

6” x 7,5” BP? Damn, absolutely huge girth! You’ve to work well on length and You’ll have a monster cock in both size.


Do you have any photo we can see ?

I started this post a few years ago, and this is my first time back in a while— mostly because I was having sort of a relapse in my OCD condition, which is the result of good things happening in my life elsewhere. I was hoping to sort of reeducate myself and perhaps use this forum, as an opportunity for a bit of catharsis— hopefully so I can put this PE stuff behind me again and just maintain.

There are a couple things I’d like to address that seem to still be common here. I momentarily found myself upset at people still remarking that 5.5" isn’t big. When I posted this I was measuring incorrectly. I would mark with my finger using toilet paper, and then put my finger up to the ruler at the spot, and that’s how I was calculating things, you wouldn’t think it would be inaccurate if you were rigorous, but girth is tricky. If you’re crazy OCD like me, you can be in the 50th percent or the 80th percent depending on how you measure, what study you look at and so on. I’ve researched this topic, for endless hours. I’m actually disheartened to say it, but I think I’m extremely knowledgeable on this topic, and know the studies almost inside and out.

A couple things I would say to those who have opinions on girth, those that throw up studies do a huge service to this forum, and there are a lot of extremely intelligent people on this forum. However, there are also a lot of people (who may also be intelligent) who find it important to share their own anecdotal experiences about the girls they slept with and substitute it for fact.

My real problem with this is that for the guys out there that struggle with an actual problem in this department (say those in the lower 10%) they are coming here for solutions. Many others come here to boost their ego, or to make big bigger, It would be nice if those people had the healthiest understanding of averages rather than see posts that say "5.5 isn’t big". In the following— I am going to make the argument that 5.5 isn’t big. It’s somewhere between big and huge, and I would like to see if anyone can use facts to support otherwise rather than talk about how a girl didn’t say anything about their "big dick".

First my experiences: I don’t like anecdotal stories, but there is a point to this: I have had girls knick me with teeth and say "That’s never happened with anyone else". I have been unable to enter a girl who was nervous and have her say "I’ve never had this happen with anyone". And she later said that I have a really big penis. I have heard you have the "perfect girth". While she spread her hands wide apart. I have heard "You have a thick top". None of these comments were insinuated by something I said. I have also heard "I don’t feel tight at all" from a girl who says penises normally feel tight. Admittedly she did qualify it saying she thinks it was because she was getting use to sex before. I have also heard from a girl (who called my erect girth great) "You don’t look big at all anymore especially in girth". When I was kind of semi-erect. I thought that was ironic because I am significantly bigger semi-erect. I have worn magnum condoms comfortably in the past. I have never been with a girl I think is "Loose" per se. I have been with some that are very tight.. And I’ve only been with one that is 5’3 or under— Most have been average to above average height.

That is every experience I’ve had. The reason I am sharing these experiences is because they are everything regarding my thickness, and I suspect they are very similar to other guys in my range, and in fact most guys unless they are much bigger. For all intensive purposes I am about 7NBP X 5.

Now, all studies point to 5.5 being on the larger side, but after reviewing all of them thoroughly— I have come to find that there is only one that any person can really gauge themselves by with any accuracy at all. That is the most recent study complete by Debbie Hebernick. In this study, there is a large sample size, the measurement methodology is clear, and it is self performed. In this study 4.81 is the average, 4.7 is the Median, 5.3 is inthe 84th percentile. Even though this study (in my opinion) is highly accurate, it’s still subject to error.

condom size and facts: Erect penile length and circumference dimensions: a new internet survey - Need for a wider range of condom sizes

Subjects were tested for custom condoms, and not told that this would also be used for a penis size study— thus making them less subject to lie or exaggerate. The measurements were also taken in centimeters.

When I first saw this study, I thought they may have been too harsh— perhaps measuring tightly because condoms are to fit somewhat snug.

However, I then came to my senses and realize that measuring a penis from a coordination standpoint is difficult for someone who has never done it before. The measurements were taken to the nearest half centimeter, I also realized that people who are measuring anything from 40 times, to height , to dicks are not rounding down. If someone wants a reference— Magnum condom sales made a huge leap over the last few years. Does everyone need a magnum? Are some people wearing baggy magnums— I’m sure. Not to mention that if someone were to be 12CM in one spot, but bigger elsewhere they would probably probably round up.

I think that it’s absolutely safe to go with these measurements, if one takes their maximum 100% erection at mid-shaft. This is probably as fair as it get’s, and honestly even this average is probably slightly high. Dr. Hebernick seems to believe that guys will all answer honestly and that they will take it seriously because they want fitted condoms, I would say that she is subject to being female here. Much like Men don’t understand female insecurities, women don’t understand men’s insecurities in this department. In addition, this study was completed by men who considered themselves somewhat likely to be sexually active (thus the need for condoms).

Remember to use paper and not other mechanisms that add more to your girth. Lifestyles study is horribly flawed. No one seems to know if it’s mid-shaft or an average of measurements, at least 25% of people couldn’t obtain an erection, and you’d have to be at least somewhat ballsy to go have your dick measured in a tent by a nurse. Other studies are subject to very small sample sizes ~50ish in some cases or are more vague in methodology. Studies completed by doctors also may not allow one to obtain a full erection. Though if they are volunteered for or given a shot to maintain erection that probably balances things out.

That said if you’re looking for a healthy estimation of where you stand, take your best mid-shaft with these measurements and I think that’s as close as you can get.

Long story short, I think that if people are accurately measuring their MID-SHAFT, not they’re base, not they’re head, not the thickest part of the shaft— the real average would very likely not cross 4.75".

One last thought— Think about proportions. It’s all but a known fact now that the average dick is about 5.25" NBP. If 5 inches was the average in girth, the average would be rather stubby. Even 6 NBP X 5 would look shorter than long. Girls think more about length than girth when talking about penises— so it is quite possible that they don’t notice girth as much, even if it is better for sex.

Last edited by UkranianTitan : 08-07-2014 at .

Excellent post

Start: (Aug 2001): 6 1/2 bpel x 4 7/8 mseg

Current: (6/24/14): 7 3/4 bpel (7 nbp) x 5 5/8 mseg. BEG 6 1/4. BPFSL 8 1/8.

Goals: First: 7 1/2 bpel x 5 1/2 mseg ACHIEVED! Current Goal: 7 nbp x 5 3/4 mseg (almost there!)

That makes me feel better about my starting mid shaft girth, Ukranian. Thanks for the well thought out and informative post.

8-1-14 BPEL 7.48 inches EGMS 4.88 inches EGBase 5.35 Inches

Initial goal--7.75 X 5.25 Mid Shaft

11-3-14 BPEL 7.48 inches, EGMS 5.04 inches, EGBase 5.43 Inches...

good post bro. In my honest opinion I am happy with my 6.7 X 5.5

Sure I want a little more but only like half inch more on length and a quarter or half inch on girth.

Dia 1/Day 1- 15 mayo/May 2013- 15 cm X 13 cm. Ahora/Now- 16cm X 13.7cm.

The Size Myth In The Porn Industry

Last edited by Tenbris : 08-07-2014 at .

Thank you all. The important thing to know is that I am not trying to make people feel better per se— though my hope is that everyone finds comfort with themselves in this department. My hope is to give people the closest thing to a real answer from someone who has spent way too much time obsessing over the subject matter. You’re going to see posts on here all of the time about people speculating about “what is”. Realize that it’s often times non-sense, lacks substance, and in many cases is the result of either misinformation, incorrectly measuring, or lack of self-educating oneself. Some things, you just have to use deductive reasoning for, and some things you’ll never know the answer to. There will always be that guy who has 6” + girth and has a girl ask “is it in”? Yes this type of thing has happened, but before you start saying “wow she must have had guys with 8” girth”, start thinking about whether maybe this has something to do with sexual chemistry, or her body. As much as people talk about girth and penis size on here, girth and length are both less important than chemistry when having sex. Most girls would gladly take a guy who has stamina and great erections with 4.5X4, and a good physique than a guy who has a significantly larger penis but lacks in other departments.

As with all things, be careful what you wish for.. I am close to reaching the limit with what my girls can handle and need to be aware of just how much more size I put on..

Was - NBPEL 6.5" BPEL 7.5" MSEG 5.5" Now - NPBEL 8.1" BPEL 8.7" MSEG 6.3"

Sr.spock asked me to post a pic, here it is about 3/4 full erection but the taper is fully evident. I’ve been exercising now for almost a month. I’ve gained .25 of inch in length at full erection but no significant change in girth. I was wearing a CRing when I took the pic. I’m also about 15 pounds heavier than I’d like and I suspect the tip to pelvic measurement will improve with some weight loss.


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