Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Does anyone else think 5.5 girth is pretty damn big

I’m 7 bpel and 5 eg, I’d love too end up was Firegoat put it.

7.6 bpel and 5.6 eg

But I started at 6.25 bpel and 4.9 and I feel like my length will stop soon.

Agree with you on most accounts. Its interesting how you will only see what you believe in. If you believe you must be small you see only see that and the internet is really a bad tool regarding that.
I agree with your numbers. I think handling penis size in ranges is much more helpfull then trying to pinpoint a certain size.

I dont understand some of this:*

Originally Posted by UkranianTitan

Next point, it is almost a verified fact that average NBP length is about 5-5.2”. Median might be 5. This means that a very standard penis would be 5 x 4.8” according to the current line of thinking. Truth is that those proportions seem incredibly rare based on the responses on thunders. That would mean the average penis is considered a chode, which I find hard to believe. For me this has always been something where if you connect the dots with anything, you see some error, but this is just more personal as a result of my own past insecurities.

Why do you think they are rare?
And I think a chode(as thick as long ) doesnt necessarily mean BPEL = girth. Its more a visual thing I suppose.
A chode would probably be a 5 x 6.

I don’t like the term “chode” as it seems insulting. I think they are rare because 5.0-.1x4.8 would put someone at length to girth ratio of around 1.05:1 and all I am saying is that I would be surprised if 1/5 or even 1/10 members come in with this ratio. Furthermore what percentage of penis in porn or anywhere do you see that seem to be super thick with relation to length? It just seems like the typical penis is probably more like 1.2-1.3:1.

I was clamping today and my clamped erect girth was 5.5”, I felt massive (normally 5”)!

Originally Posted by UkranianTitan
I don’t like the term “chode” as it seems insulting. I think they are rare because 5.0-.1x4.8 would put someone at length to girth ratio of around 1.05:1 and all I am saying is that I would be surprised if 1/5 or even 1/10 members come in with this ratio. Furthermore what percentage of penis in porn or anywhere do you see that seem to be super thick with relation to length? It just seems like the typical penis is probably more like 1.2-1.3:1.

Its a stupid word lol.Any word describing a dick creates confusion..

I find that ratio thing interesting. Never noticed that. There is some reason to it.

Its very unusual outside the PE community to see thick and long. Much more often longer but rather average in girth so I think you are right with that observation.
And if you think about it girth is distributed in a narrower range. You can also create babys with a 10 inch dick while a 10 inch girth at any length would make it difficult.

I think the nearer we come to the average range on both length and girth the higher the occurence of such 1:1 sizes cause it wouldnt be detriminal to any function jsut speculating.

All good points, talking with girls it seems that they find a penis super large in both dimensions to be pretty rare. It seems that when they do speak of thick guys, they often are not long. One other thing I’ve found speaking with women is that they mention head girth more than I ever imagined they would. Several studies also use measurement of glans, but I don’t think people are so apt to lobby for it as a metric on this site because base girth is usually thicker even though your base itself never actually goes in the vagina, and skin gets in the way of the measurement. If you want to use that metric, you should probably go a centimeter or more out, otherwise I think it’s even less useful than glans girth.

Oh yea its big enough

Originally Posted by UkranianTitan
All good points, talking with girls it seems that they find a penis super large in both dimensions to be pretty rare. It seems that when they do speak of thick guys, they often are not long. One other thing I’ve found speaking with women is that they mention head girth more than I ever imagined they would. Several studies also use measurement of glans, but I don’t think people are so apt to lobby for it as a metric on this site because base girth is usually thicker even though your base itself never actually goes in the vagina, and skin gets in the way of the measurement. If you want to use that metric, you should probably go a centimeter or more out, otherwise I think it’s even less useful than glans girth.

Yes. A overall massive/huge dick is a mystery and not many woman ever get it but its always in the news, and on the net it looks like everyone has one.
One could say a bigger dick goes more around but I dont thing that is necessarily true.(there are many counter factors like woman keeping their huge dick men)

Im above average girth but thought I was thin for most of my life and now getting more feedback Im actually the biggest for almost all in Volume. But a good amount seems still thicker then me but never longer and probably more in the average length range.

Why is head girth spoken about so much? Simple…
It varies very much with a bigger range that is skewed more towards bigger then the shaft.
An average dick can have a glans much thicker and above average circumference.
So much more woman will encounter a rather thick glans then a thick dick.
And a woman coming around a bit will see much wider range in glans girth.
Its hard to distinguish the average narrow shaft girth range but glans girth has a much broader range and will be noticed much more.

The glans itself beeing in tendency bigger makes also physical sense as it is much more flexible and softer thus not really making intercourse impossible even if much oversized.

Also the harder the dick the bigger the glans in most cases I assume.
Which also lends to the opinion of woman that I encounter the most which is “hardness is most important.”(besides: ” knowing how to please me” :D )

I dont know I feel like this discussion shows we are on to something not mentioned that much yet.

Some more good points, though I will say that the typical base girth is more than head girth in the studies I’ve read. I do believe that people count base girth more on this site because they know it’s their largest girth area. If one wants to really analyze this, the head girth could just as easily stimulate much of that area as well as other areas and girls can definitely feel that, so it can be a pretty big perk and I just don’t understand why one or the other wouldn’t be considered if we are talking about maximum girth. If anything the head girth should count more since it can hit more areas. If you area only counting base girth with part of the turkey neck as some guys are doing than I don’t even know how much it matters.

At the end of the day the whole mid-shaft thing is given as this end all measurement, but almost as many studies that are mentioned on here take girth from a number of places. Some are just assumed to be mid-shaft and I’m not even sure that it’s correct information.

There have been posts where people have found articles saying the kinsey study was done at maximum shaft. In the Brazilian study that has 4.7” as girth, I’ve seen an article that notes that this is base girth and that mid-shaft is 4.4”. To think about all of the information that gets thrown around on the web and is just assumed is frustrating in that it gives guys an unrealistic perspective. Even in just these two studies, that could change the way people look at the numbers significantly.

Originally Posted by UkranianTitan
At the end of the day the whole mid-shaft thing is given as this end all measurement, but almost as many studies that are mentioned on here take girth from a number of places. Some are just assumed to be mid-shaft and I’m not even sure that it’s correct information.

There have been posts where people have found articles saying the kinsey study was done at maximum shaft. In the Brazilian study that has 4.7” as girth, I’ve seen an article that notes that this is base girth and that mid-shaft is 4.4”. To think about all of the information that gets thrown around on the web and is just assumed is frustrating in that it gives guys an unrealistic perspective. Even in just these two studies, that could change the way people look at the numbers significantly.

I tend to assume that self measured studies will always encourage the guy to measure the thickest part of their shaft, then round it up to the nearest eighth or even quarter inch. I also usually assume condom studies, professionally measured ones, while they might not use the measurement of the very root of the penis, also tend to favour the thickest part of the shaft.

For all normal guys who know nothing about PE, if you asked them how big they were and gave them a ruler and a tape to measure their penis, or if they just wanted a figure to tell anyone who asked, I guarantee they will measure to get the maximum size they can, with no consideration of ‘mid-shaft’ etc. To be honest, there’s nothing wrong with that: if a girl asked me my size (apart from the fact I wouldn’t tell her, but if I was going to), I’d tell her the girth from the lower third of my penis, not the mid-shaft, because it’s 1/4” bigger. And it wouldn’t be a lie. I wouldn’t tell her the girth from the very base as that’s more than half an inch bigger than mid shaft, and she might think I was exaggerating. :)

firegoat is fully RETIRED from Thundersplace.

All injuries happen from "too much", or "too much, too soon" or "doing the exercise incorrectly".

Heat makes the difference between gaining quickly or slowly for some guys, or between gaining slowly instead of not at all for others. The ideal penis size is 7.6" BPEL x 5.6" Mid Girth. Basics.... firegoat roll How to use the Search button for best results

Hey congratulations on your gains. Can you please share your routine for girth that helped you gain in girth??

Originally Posted by Lovely007

Hey congratulations on your gains. Can you please share your routine for girth that helped you gain in girth??

Wrong thread for that, but I’ve been at PE for many years; early gains came from jelqing (still the king of exercises!) later gains from, semi-erect bends, clamping and pumping.

firegoat is fully RETIRED from Thundersplace.

All injuries happen from "too much", or "too much, too soon" or "doing the exercise incorrectly".

Heat makes the difference between gaining quickly or slowly for some guys, or between gaining slowly instead of not at all for others. The ideal penis size is 7.6" BPEL x 5.6" Mid Girth. Basics.... firegoat roll How to use the Search button for best results

Very interesting discussion guys. It would be interesting if we could do our own study of a 1000 guys and ensure proper measuring techniques were used. It would be eye opening and we’d clearly see 5.5 is huge in my opinion.

Started 7.75x5.75

Currently: 9.75bpX6.75eg My Picture Thread

Goal:10.0bpX7.25mseg Building a thicker unit, click by click, pump by pump, jelq by jelq!

I am right with you on all this foregoat. I am just amazed by how little people actually think about these details. It’s true not everyone is on here to crush the averages, but I do think some thought should go into what the average actually is. Not to beat a dead horse, but I think I can illustrate everything I’ve been wanting to say with this hypothetical:

Note that this is not really that strange of a scenario even in a place where we obsessed with accuracy in measurement.

X guy gets interested in checking length and girth. He goes on a website and sees 4.8” and wonders how he stacks up.

He can’t find strong so he uses the wire from his headphones and just makes a mark. The site says to measure from the middle shaft but he know that about 3/4 of the way down is still pretty much the middle and he can get another .25”.

At this point when comparing against people used paper and did true mid-shaft he is already more than 1/2” off. He reads with his fingernail that it’s 5.4” and assuming he doesn’t have ocd with numbers he does what most of the world does and rounds up. All of the sudden his 4.8-.9” girth is 5.5”.and here is the best part, he doesn’t know he is cheating. He’s not measuring super loose or in some backass way, but the problem comes when he goes to tell ppl he has 5.5” and what is really 25-30% of ppl at 4.8 how appears all too often at 5.3-5.5 online.


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