Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Does anyone else think 5.5 girth is pretty damn big

Titleist, yes so I think this truth is two-fold. On one hand it’s that these sizes are inflated. On the other hand, almost any experienced girl will tell you that a great tongue an enthusiasm to go down on her is at the least a huge plus and more often than not more trumps any penis.

Another thought I have in relation to all this is that girls often tend to lump penises into categories since they don’t know about measurements, and this literally throws everything off. It has girls saying to a guy who very thick but extremely long (well your length is great but the girth is so-so) it also has guys who are 5x5 thinking they are little stubs when in reality they are actually reasonable in length and notably above average in girth. This isn’t even considering a guys body type. Also from what I’ve been told a girl might not even know a size difference that is not real significant because of differing levels of arousal and attraction to the guy.

I think it’s all relative. I am 5.4 girth and started pe on a solid 5.2. All my ex girlfriends before pe really loved the thickness. I heard a lot of compliments and i am at 6.2 nbpel, about 7 bpel. My wife though said that my dick wasn’t that thick and i am pretty sure she said it’s thin with nice length. This had to do with the fact that her ex boyfriend had a huge penis in girth. She couldn’t say how big exactly but she showed me with her hands on my penis. I would say she was showing me 6, 6.2 inches girth maybe. Huge right? She was used taking that girth for about a year and a half with him, so naturally, when she met me my penis felt a lot thinner. I am now at 5.4 girth and I think that it’s pretty thick. So, as i said , it’s all relative. 5.5 girth is fucking thick. At least for me.Period.

I am older and have been doing PE for 3-4 years. Girth from approx. 5.5” to now 6” and now I find that sex for my wife is very uncomfortable and not as often. My length gain is great but if smart I would have left girth alone. I over did on my workouts and have no one to blame but myself. Be happy with 5.5” and enjoy.

I have 5.5 girth (5.6 at the thickest), and I’ve only been deepthroated once. Not just by one person or in one session, but literally just once. She’d always try to force it down and felt great accomplishment in finally getting it down there. But it hurt when she couldn’t do it 99% of the time, and when finally managed to do it I realized how great it feels to be deepthroated. That’s a feeling I would like to have again, but even with “just” 5.5 girth it’s heavily limited. She had quite a few dicks and told me she never had that problem before. So I’d say that 5.5 girth is a damn big girth, is actually kind of rare and nobody should ever feel small in having it.

I just visited the “how long is my schlong site” - google,
That site evaluate how many guys are bigger than you statistically.

So if you have a 7 inch nbp dick then you are in the top 5% approx
If you have a girth of 5.5 inch then you are the top 7%.

Seems legit, however if I calculate the chances of having both those dimensions - 7x5.5 - then your dick become a 0.5% chance to exist, or 1 per 200 guys.
It’s been a while since I did any math so correct me if my calculations are wrong.

Anyway my point being, a 5.5 girth is unquestionably big - 1 out of 15 guys has it.
But having a 7x5.5 dick can’t be anything else but HUGE if only 0.5% have it.

edit, and of course that site is just one dick statistic among all others. And we know how much each dick chart can vary.

Start stats NBP: 6.7 inches length, 5.12 inches girth.

Goal: 7.0x5.6 // 18x14,3cm nbp

Current: 6.8x5.314

They take into consideration BP measurements.

Originally Posted by Sumbigd
Seems legit, however if I calculate the chances of having both those dimensions - 7x5.5 - then your dick become a 0.5% chance to exist, or 1 per 200 guys.
It’s been a while since I did any math so correct me if my calculations are wrong.

Anyway my point being, a 5.5 girth is unquestionably big - 1 out of 15 guys has it.
But having a 7x5.5 dick can’t be anything else but HUGE if only 0.5% have it.

edit, and of course that site is just one dick statistic among all others. And we know how much each dick chart can vary.

Its BPEL and the studies are good but probably at the higher end.

I think its true and also what one can observe that “long length and average girth” and “thick girth and average length” are much more common then huge in both counts.

That will be more common with people who do PE and gain 1,0 x 0,5 inches.

Porn for example is keen on long length and average girth. Which makes it appear even bigger then if it were above average girth.
Its just a matter of perspective in favour of the camera angle.

The distribution of the girth is also a factor. Some are rather wide but lack the deepness.(me)

I took the liberty to see how “Titleist’s” dick would do statistically on “howlongismyschlong”

Well :p They have no answer to that haha. 0 out of 1000 guys are bigger in length and the same with girth.
So I can’t calculate how common a dick of that size is and can only guess.

I would say your dick Titleist, is at least 1 in 100 000, and anywhere in between, up to one in a million.

I hope this cheer you up

Start stats NBP: 6.7 inches length, 5.12 inches girth.

Goal: 7.0x5.6 // 18x14,3cm nbp

Current: 6.8x5.314

Originally Posted by Sumbigd
I took the liberty to see how “Titleist’s” dick would do statistically on “howlongismyschlong”

Well :p They have no answer to that haha.

lol :)

Damn, I’m stuck on 4.7 without any signs of growing potencial (only in length). Not a problem, I’m stubborn and will keep PEing. Just need to find that “edge”, that right exercise to start growing girth-wise.

10 months already flew by (damn, they went fast) and hope in 2-3 years to reach the 5.5 or more.

Originally Posted by Sumbigd
I took the liberty to see how “Titleist’s” dick would do statistically on “howlongismyschlong”

Well :p They have no answer to that haha. 0 out of 1000 guys are bigger in length and the same with girth.
So I can’t calculate how common a dick of that size is and can only guess.

I would say your dick Titleist, is at least 1 in 100 000, and anywhere in between, up to one in a million.

I hope this cheer you up

Well thank you sir! I’ve always wondered what the “1 in ?” Number would be. One in 100,000 is fine with me.

Started 7.75x5.75

Currently: 9.75bpX6.75eg My Picture Thread

Goal:10.0bpX7.25mseg Building a thicker unit, click by click, pump by pump, jelq by jelq!

Originally Posted by Sumbigd
I just visited the “how long is my schlong site” - google,
That site evaluate how many guys are bigger than you statistically.

So if you have a 7 inch NBP dick then you are in the top 5% approx
If you have a girth of 5.5 inch then you are the top 7%.

Seems legit, however if I calculate the chances of having both those dimensions - 7x5.5 - then your dick become a 0.5% chance to exist, or 1 per 200 guys.
It’s been a while since I did any math so correct me if my calculations are wrong.

Anyway my point being, a 5.5 girth is unquestionably big - 1 out of 15 guys has it.
But having a 7x5.5 dick can’t be anything else but HUGE if only 0.5% have it.

Edit, and of course that site is just one dick statistic among all others. And we know how much each dick chart can vary.

This is a really good addition to the thread. Even still I think those studies lack the necessary thoroughness when compared to the more austere measuring techniques by some of the people on this forum. That’s kind of been my point all along is that if you are truly measuring girth correctly, there is probably not one study that gives you the true average, this might also be the same with length, though I think length is actually a bit easier to measure IMO. I have a pretty good sized fat pad, but at a hair under 7 NBP, I am convinced that I am the longest for most girls. I don’t think it’s just speculation. They may not tell me directly, but they mention something about a spot that’s been hit for the first time or something of the sort. I think it’s safe to say that less than 1% of People are notably above 7 NBP. As for girth, it’s the equivalent for 5.5+ for a true and accurate MS measurement. Unless you have a strange shaped penis a true 5.5 will be as thick as a girls wrist in some circumstances. And if it’s normal shaped, you will destroy a normal TP roll. Before this test got well known, people used to say that not fitting into a TP meant huge girth. Also if you read a forum on this or ask a girl they will tell you that a tp roll is very large. Sadly on our quest to perfection though, the fact that very few dicks are huge on both accounts makes girls think you’re lacking in one category excuse of proportions, even when one dimension is huge and the other is markedly above average—as has been mentioned on this thread.

FYI for those who want to compare both length and girth together:

http://bl.ocks. … an/raw/9395398/

If you use the ‘hungfun’ data set it should be the same as the studies used for howlongismyschlong. In my case, 7.6x5.2 works out to bigger than 99.22%, and "In a room of 1000 guys, 8 should be both longer and girthier than you," Can’t wait until I get that down to 0. lol

Current: BPEL 8"/NBPEL 6.75" MEG 5.2", BPFL 6.75"/NBPFL 5.5" FG 4.5"


Realistic Goal: BPEL 8.5"/NBPEL 7.5" EG 5.5" | Optimistic: BPEL 9"/NBPEL 8" MEG 5.75" | Dream: BPEL 10"/NBPEL 9" MEG 6.5"

If you guys want a real woman’s perspective on girth, check out the reviews of dildo’s. 99%, that’s an approximate, think 5.5" is huge. Huge. Many cannot take or will not try. Here is just a sample review of a 6x5.25 maybe 5.5" dildo. Most think it’s huge. Some think it’s
Perfect. Maybe one or two think it’s not big enough. This to me sold me that my 5.25" girth is more then adequate to please most women. (That’s my cock ring girth, I’m more like 5.1" no cock ring, it’s my new best friend to open her up)

Just look at the reviews for 6-7" dildos and you will understand that most women like a 6x5" dick.

http://www.amaz … /dp/B00162UTX4/

Starting Size

March 2015 BPEL 7" NBPEL 6.0" EG 5"

Sept 2014 BPEL 7.5" NBPEL 6.5" EG 5.25"

Overall this is true but its not the whole truth. Most woman wont be as aroused with a dildo as with a man and real dick.

Thats where the vaginal expansion starts which enables her to accomodate more. Imo regarding oversized dicks vs. vaginas, arousal is the most important thing.

For a woman that arousal with a men can start hours prior which wont happen with a dildo. Thats also where I got the most problems at around 5.4 girth. Cold fucks and no arousal. Whenever arousal was very high and she hadnt particular tight kegels then it got often rather loose at that girth.

Not saying 5.5 isnt enough. Just the more experienced I get at pleasing woman the more Im able to put in it seems. Its enough but with every woman I got real aroused I always felt there is more possible which let me personally arrive at my goals of a tapered dick with thickest about 6.5.

and got a boner reading the reviews :D

Last edited by dickerschwanz : 05-23-2015 at .

I have once buyed a 8x6 dildo for a female friend of mine as a birthday present. When she opened the present and saw the dildo, she laughed and hit me with it! She says she never used it.Too big for her.Now…..could this be true? I wonder……….

BPEL 7 EG 5.5 NBPEL 6.5 Flaccid length 4.5. Started Jan 2015 at bpel 6.5 nbpel 6.0 and eg 5.2 flaccid length was 3.5

I have reached my goal. At least for now.


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