For anyone who does not think 5.5 is bordering on huge, there is absolutely no justification for it. NOTHING. Every single study done by a scientist regarding sample size will indicate that a self selecting audience is bias, but lets just assume it it’s not for all of the people who are contending the fact that 5.5 is anything even close to average. Even still 8% of people measured at 5.5, this is about 1/12 people. The average girl by the age of 30 will probably have slept with 12 guys at best. So for the average woman (just pick of the lottery) at 5.5 you will be her biggest based on the lifestyles study, also I don’t believe that the guys with the bigger penises are going to get around significantly more, that is bullshit. I know guys with big dicks, and small ones all who party, and there is no difference in the amount of sexual partners. If anything in my experience the guys with bigger dicks have less. This is not a lie.
Now lets be realistic, the lifestyle study is wrong! A lot of guys measure semi-erect in girth better than they would erect (unlike length), at times I’m one of them, so that argument has some serious holes in it’s logic. I believe that the most likely result based on scientific data is that 1/20 men have 5.5 girth, but there is no way you can justify anything less than 1/12 based on some random story that girls told you about, most people are full of shit. So many things are like this. Tell people 1/4 women have herpes, they’ll be like “no way” well every fucking doctor claims that are they all wrong. I am sorry but this shit really pisses me off. I know and believe a few guys with huge girth have met a girl who has had bigger, but you are an anomaly, and there is that possibility that a girl wants some power and lies to you, it’s may sound crazy but it’s more than possible.
Can some girls handle much more than 5.5, definitely, but remember this all of the guys talking about having sex with their wife with 6.5-7 inch girth, they are all on this site because having a big dick is a huge part of their life. I wouldn’t be so bothered if I hadn’t dealt with such size issues in the past, but I know for every monster, or supposed monster that chimes in on these forums, some guy who’s girlfriend told him her last guy was about 5 inches girth while he has 4.5 is getting fed a ton of bullshit, a ton, and if he’s anything like I was, he’s probably heading toward depression.