Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Does the white (or lightened) skin on your penis signify gains?

Does the white (or lightened) skin on your penis signify gains?

I’m sure you have all seen pictures of before and after PEing and well there’s always something noticeable aside from the size change and it’s the change in coloration in the penis under the glans.

Does that signify gains? I have yet to make significant gains but does that lighter colored skin under the glans show how much that person has gained (in length) ?

Can you provide an example?

Originally Posted by rubbingalcohol
I’m sure you have all seen pictures of before and after PEing and well there’s always something noticeable aside from the size change and it’s the change in coloration in the penis under the glans.

Does that signify gains? I have yet to make significant gains but does that lighter colored skin under the glans show how much that person has gained (in length) ?

No, but wrestla’s fav color is a rainbow.


Observe... learn from other people's mistakes.

Ok I took this from some random thread in the members gallery


you can clearly see the different shades on the penis, which for the longest time I have figured were gains

Some people get stretched skin, don’t they? Is that it?

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All truth goes through three stages: First it is ridiculed. Then it is violently opposed. Finally it is accepted as self evident. -Schopenhauer

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I don’t think that the pink area you’re referring to is related to PEing, it looks like the normal color from pulling back the foreskin, or the remnants thereof. When I retract my foreskin all the way it has that same appearance, and did so long before I engaged in PE.

My Gains thus far You can expect a forecast of vengeance in the near future. "Combat salacious removal"

I’m not sure about that timetogrow, every single person who has PEed who had before and afters had that light skin. In fact it’s the easiest way to tell if somebody has been PEing or not.

If I’m not mistaken, the difference in shades in that picture is due to the inner/outer foreskin from that gentleman’s circumcision.

The large area of lighter skin in the photo is the remnants of the inner foreskin. The dark band between the two larger colored areas is the circumcision scar. The darker skin is the shaft skin. It has nothing to do with PE.

I think part of it could be that PE stretches the skin over time, and in the after photos the skin would be more pliable revealing more of the pink area. I have noticed that personally, in that now my foreskin retracts much more than before I started.

My Gains thus far You can expect a forecast of vengeance in the near future. "Combat salacious removal"

I’ve had that all my life and suspect you have too, unless you are really a woman and don’t know about such things. :D

Its nothing to do with stretched skin. You could tell it was (rapidly) stretched skin by the precense of stretch marks, but the darkening you seem to be referring to is probably a results of all the blood that gets pushed into the penis during PE. Some people say that doing PE makes our units darker in the long run. I’m not entirely sure why, but perhaps because the pressure of jelqing pushes some blood out of the capilliaries and into the skin or other places it isn’t meant to be, all be it in small amounts, which leads to a mild bruising kind of effect (at least thats the reason I’d imagine). This is often referred to as discoloration, and you can find lots of info on it and how to avoid it using the search tool.

But I don’t think thats exactly what you meant. You were talking about the lighter skin just under the glans, so I assume you mean to say that on the after pictures it seems more visible than on before pictures. This would probably be due somewhat to the discoloration of the rest of the shaft as I’ve written about above, but for some reason the inner foreskin (or remnant of) doesn’t discolor. The non-discolorising of the inner foreskin/remnant I can’t explain, but I think it leads to a nice effect, and I’ve just started noticing it on my penis, or at least in the latest pics I’ve taken of it (not so noticeable in actual day-light as it is with the light of the flash). I don’t know about others, but my inner foreskin remnant was never lighter than my shaft skin, but very slightly darker, and now it changed I guess I’m marked as a PEer to the rest of the world - at least I would be if they new… :p

Start: 22 Mar 04: 6.5" BPEL x 4.6" EG & 6" head. As at: 1 Jan 05: 7.5" BPEL x 4.8-4.9" EG & 6.3" head.

Re-re-start!: 6 Feb 17: 6.9" BPEL x 4.9" EG & 5.5" head. As of: 23 Feb 17: 7.0" BPEL x 5.0" EG & 6.0" head.

Ideal: ASAP: 8+" BPEL x 5.5+" EG & 6.5+" head But will continue if the going is good!!

Bfte and Westla are both right on I think. I look almost exactly like that and I have not PE’d at all yet. It is from the circumcision. The light skin just behind the glands are the inner foreskin, the dark ring is the scar from the circumcision, and the the darker skin is the normal shaft skin. I think it is just a variation in pigment of the inner foreskin that is in question. On some guys it is lighter and on some it is not as light. I don’t think it has anything to do with stretching, because as I said, I look almost identical to that and I have never PE’d before.

rubbingalcohol - as was mentioned, there can be stretch marks on the penis. I think someone posted a photo of it. You might want to try a search of the Member’s Pics forum and look for “stretch marks” to see what that looks like.

Some where I read that 1 in 10 white men will have a brown penis.

I worked with a guy at one time that was white. He was an Italian American. When we went into the shower you could see that his cock was as brown as a black guys. It was so noticeabley darker than the rest of his body that one guy asked if he had left his dick out in the sun. :)

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