Thunder's Place

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Dry or Wet Jelq


Dry or Wet Jelq

What is the consensus here? What do most prefer, and what do most think produces the best results?

Dry jelqing in my opion works best, but it take a while to get use to them.

Starting Stats 7/15/05 -- Flaccid L 3.375"x Flaccid G 2.125", BPEL 5.250" x EG 3.750"

Stats as of 11/17/07-- Flaccid L 6.000"x Flaccid G 5.6875", BPEL 8.000" x EG 6.125"

Long Term Goal: BPEL 9.000"x EG 6.500" Dusty

Most of mine are dry and they’re working good. I do some wets in the shower, the hot water definitely helps with loosening up, stretching. I guess I actually prefer dry more though.

I’ve tried both, but I fear discolouration when doing dry jelqs so I try to keep them 50-50.

Man who farts in church sits in pew...

Originally Posted by BaseballPhan

What is the consensus here? What do most prefer, and what do most think produces the best results?

Personally I wet jelq. If you’re a newbie, I’d recommend wet jelqing, for the simple reason that dry jelqs are more intense. I slightly overdid dry jelqs in my 2nd month of PE, and couldn’t get a 100% erection for 2 weeks, and thats not cool.

Current PE status - Contemplating Retirement. STARTED - 6.75"x5.25" CURRENTLY 7.5"x5.5" - BPFSL - 7.25"

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I used to go dry. I got discolored and if it leaves I ll be going wet. I think for newbies to start with wet is a MUST. Before getting strange color, I thought since I had enough skin I could dry jelq, but no, I changed my mind.

Plus, something else is without lubricant you cannot easily jelq the lower part of the shaft without harassing the skin.

And lastly, wet jelqing is easier to do (it is one thing to just slide your hand over the shaft and another to pull the skin here and there, somehow you lack freedom of movement, I think) and safer than dry jelqing, so even if you prove to be able to handle the skin pressure that dry jelqs include, when starting wet should be preferred so that you can concentrate on grip, duration, repeating and such…

Anyway, I am too knew to really know, just thinking about it.

Wet jelq is easier, and therefore should be started with. Everyone will experiment with this, and when it comes time for you to, it will become clear to you quiet quickly which one you prefer.

Personally I prefer wet jelqing. I feel the pump more and there is definitely less (basically minimal) skin friction. It does feel less intense, but I attribute the intense feeling to the stretching of the skin, and the sheer fact that it is dry and skin likes moisture.

Also I dry jelqed for like 3 sessions max. I saw a little pimple like bump (little white circle) forming on the main nerve running down the left side of the dick- oh oh! This is what confirmed dry jelqs were not for me.


I dry jelq more than I wet jelq, because I dry jelq in between clamping (100 dry jelq, about 300 a day). I try to wet jelq at the end of the clamping work out but it feels to good and I don’t want to end up coming so I stop. Question: Isn’t dry jelq good for girth and Wet jelq good for both, but help length more than girth?

Originally Posted by West99

Question: Isn’t dry jelq good for girth and Wet jelq good for both, but help length more than girth?

I made a thread a while back about “Wet = length, dry = girth” and I think in the end the assumption was it boils down to erection level. Lower erection level for length, higher for girth. I think interchanging the erection level during sessions may be a good idea, maybe I’ll experiment it for a while.

Current PE status - Contemplating Retirement. STARTED - 6.75"x5.25" CURRENTLY 7.5"x5.5" - BPFSL - 7.25"

How to use the search button for best results. If you actually USE the search button, this is worth a read

For my 1st ever PE exercise yesterday, I used dry and honestly, I don’t think my dick can take 2 days in a row of this type of torture. It’s not really the inner parts but the skin gets sore. While exercising, I thought to myself that it would have ben more intense if I had lubrication, so I don’t have to worry so much about skin getting punished and concentrate more on the pressure I’m putting and it’s effects on the inner parts.

Then again, I used an electric heater that bows hot air to warm things up instead of the rice sock so that might have also been part of the problem, maybe I wasn’t warmed up enough or properly. Today will be my 2nd day and I’ll use the rice sock and dry jelqs again to see if thee is any difference.

After I posted my response, I took a shower and I tried couple mild jelqs in there and I really like the wet jelq better. I wish I had more time in the mornings so I can take a 30 min shower and just do my routine in there. But between the morning cardio and rushing to get ready for work, it’s just not gonna happen. So I’ll have to use KY or some oil and go about it the messy way.

Originally Posted by nin0
After I posted my response, I took a shower and I tried couple mild jelqs in there and I really like the wet jelq better. I wish I had more time in the mornings so I can take a 30 min shower and just do my routine in there. But between the morning cardio and rushing to get ready for work, it’s just not gonna happen. So I’ll have to use KY or some oil and go about it the messy way.

What about a bath, at night?

I thought I posted this already, but I don’t see it.

I prefer the dry jelq. It seems to cause less friction. I grab some skin and slide it down as far to the base of the shaft as possible. Then I jelq upwards, bringing the skin with it. There is no external rubbing.

Am I doing it wrong?

Originally Posted by Harmony777
I thought I posted this already, but I don’t see it.

I prefer the dry jelq. It seems to cause less friction. I grab some skin and slide it down as far to the base of the shaft as possible. Then I jelq upwards, bringing the skin with it. There is no external rubbing.

Am I doing it wrong?

I didn’t have any external rubbing either but I think that if the grip is at a certain place of the skin then you put more preasure on what is attached below it. I really recomend wet jelqing for start and not with water but with lubricants.
But that is just me, who happen to have really sensitive skin as I found out the hard way some days after my first session…

I think a lot of this might depend if you have foreskin or not. I do - and don’t have any skin irritation when I dry jelq. I just pull the skin all the way down and then slowly jelq it up, pausing every couple cms to squeeze then jelq, then squeeze, etc. Wet jelq felt about the same for me but more messy.

I wonder if the cut guys on the forum realize how convenient it is to have foreskin. As in we don’t need lube to masturbate, or jelq.

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