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Edging vs Ballooning

Edging vs Ballooning

Isnt ballooning and edging the same thing? Basically you get an erection and try to trap blood in the shaft. Is there a difference?

Edging means getting right on the brink of ejaculation but not going over the edge. I’ve never really been clear on Ballooning.

2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

Edging is when you squeeze your pc/bc muscle to try to stop ejaculation. Don’t know what ballooning is, maybe that is what you explained above.

May the force (of your hand) be with you. :littleguy

You beat me Big girtha :P

Freaky how we said and think the same.

May the force (of your hand) be with you. :littleguy

Edging is what PEst says: you squeeze your pc/bc muscle to try to stop ejaculation. It’s a pretty easy technique which gets better as you practice.

Ballooning is much more complicated business which I am only just starting to understand. As you get more proficient at edging and holding back from shooting, you will notice times when the you are close to orgasm (i.e. “on edge”) and the sensation is not just in the penis but it extends right down the PC muscle to your backside. Its quite intense and, to be honest, I have only got there a few times.

I discovered it by accident whilst edging: I was quite tanked up on poppers and some Viagra, but I managed to sustain it for quite some time. I certainly want to go there again!

I don’t understand what it does for you when you prevent yourself from ejaculating. Is there anyone who can elaborate?

Timeo Danaos Et Dona Ferentes

Look up “tantric sex”: some of it’s teachings are precisely about holding back the squirting by squeezing yr pc/bc muscles and how you can achieve more intense orgasms that way and stay hard.

Basically men can become “multiorgasmic”, cum many times in a row, stay hard, keep on having sex and decide when they want to squirt. You learn to separate your orgasms from ejaculation.

I’ve always naturally “edged” when masturbating since when I was a kid, just because it felt good.. I’ve re-discovered the whole issue recently and what you can achieve through it, so exercising my pc/bc muscles and edging have become part of my PE exercises. I’m far from having that much control over myself, but I truly believe it can work. There are tantirc sex forums similar to this one which teach about this ancient “sex art” where people post about their results etc, I believe in this site (I have started growing) so why not believe in those? Worth the try anyway


Basically men can become “multiorgasmic”, cum many times in a row, stay hard, keep on having sex and decide when they want to squirt. You learn to separate your orgasms from ejaculation.

This is true. Today alone I had 5 orgasms by edging before I came. It’s awesome but wipes the hell out of you afterwards!

"I am the master of the C.L.I.T." Starting 4/3/05: 6 5/8 BPEL 5 EG (Base) 4 3/8 BPFL 4 FG Current: 7/3/05 7 1/2 BPEL 6 1/2 EG (Base) 5 7/8 BPFL 5 1/4 FG

Agreed, dangrzne25. The better you get at it, the more wiped out you are afterwards - and it’s not a 100% pleasant feeling afterwards. I am left with a feeling in my head: a sort of buzz.

Once you get used to it, it’ll become more pleasant. :)

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