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Endless overtraining and problems caused by virtually nothing


Endless overtraining and problems caused by virtually nothing

I’ve been trying to follow a routine like most people on here. I’ve read the less intense versions of the newbie routine, because I was overtraining with just the newbie routine. I’ve tried the following to alleviate overtraining: 1 day on 1 day off, 50-70 percent erection level, no stretching, light to moderate jelq grip, 1-2 second jelq strokes, only 100 jelqs, less masturbation on rest days. I believe that I was overtraining because my penis, within 2-4 days of starting each time, became either shorter, skinnier, or numb, or a combination of these. Also my erection quality declined many times. I just tried to add stretching again the last couple days because I read that it could aid with jelqing. I thought maybe the shrinkage this time was because of my grip since it said in the tutorial grip about an inch from the glans. But a minute ago I read a bunch of stuff on here that says just below the glans.

When I was a few years younger and I first tried PE I don’t remember even noticing any overtraining. Maybe it was because I hadn’t read the PI’s, I don’t know. I almost would like to think that I’m actually undertraining. But given the results I’m getting after a few days I could end up with a smaller penis than before I even found out about this stuff.

What could possibly be causing all this? Please, someone help me? I’ve already wasted too much time on this bs to not figure it out.

How often are you masturbating?

What is your diet composed of? Do you drink a lot of Caffeine?

Are you taking any supplements or meds? Like Adderall?

During this period I actually went about a month without ejaculating. I edged a little, once or a twice a day. I haven’t been drinking pop or anything with caffeine for almost a year. I take a prescription called Zyprexa. It’s an antipsychotic. I also take Centrum with ginseng and gingko biloba in it, vitamin E, an aspirin a day, recently I started taking valerian root, and more recently b-complex and fish oil. Not the healthiest person my age, haha.

I think you might be on to something. The last decent gains I got where during a short time when I wasn’t on the zyprexa. Unfortunately given the nature of the medicine it might be hard to work around it. But please let me know what you think.

Forgot about my diet. I actually changed it up recently because of health and living arrangments. I eat mostly chicken breasts, ground beef, turkey products, dairy, wheat bread, fish, stir frys, and chili. Drink mostly water and juice.

Well I checked out Zyprexa, and i’m not sure about it. It may affect you, probably. I just scanned it, so i’ll give a thorough reading later.

Why do you take an aspirin a day? Just curious.

What are your exercise habits?

I understand that you can’t really get around your meds, if it is in fact your meds. But you are GOING to have to adapt. That means you probably need to raise your testosterone levels naturally and become hornier. You probably need a better warm up too.

I take an aspirin a day for a blood condition that runs in my family. It could become worse and lead to clotting. They actually prescribed me something for it, but I researched it and found out it was the same as taking an aspirin.

I get no exercise, haha.

Now if we find out that the zyprexa is doing this to me, then I WILL work around it. I was just saying it won’t be easy. I think you might be right about the testosterone levels too. But what made you think that? Now I’m curious. And would that really affect PE? Don’t get me wrong though, when I haven’t overtrained my erections are fine, and they improve until I run into the overtraining I was describing.

My warmup is just a hot wash cloth for 5 minutes. I don’t really have anything else to use and it seemed to work before.

The only thing relevant about zyprexa I see on wiki is low blood pressure. I don’t know if that would do anything. It’s usually okay when I have it checked. I’ve never really been able to find out much about the medicine other than what they have on there. My doctors aren’t real great either.

Most drugs that fuck with your brain chemistry will lower you erection level or even make it imposable to cum your test might be low how old are you? Maybe the jelqing isn’t your thing, it wasn’t for me. All my gains came from extender work. If I jelq and don’t were an ADS then I get major shrinkage the next day. I don’t do them any more. I tried doing it just recently and just caused negative PI but I did just jump in to doing 300 jelqs per session. So that might have been the problem.

Current stats march 2008= Nbel 6.75 Bpel 7.5 Eg 5.5

Goal by the end of next year Nbel 8.5 Eg 6.5

I’m in my early 20’s. Even if the medicine lowers my erection level it’s still okay until I start to overtrain. And the thing is like I was saying I’ve gotten jelqing to work before. It was mostly when I was off my medicine though so I’m starting to think. Hopefully I can find out what the deal is with the zyprexa related to PE. I think the valerian root might be a bad idea too. And I might try taking regular centrum without the ginseng and gingko. Even though everything I’ve read says that they should actually help.

300 is a lot to start. But if you’re not on medicine I would try less of them and some of the things I listed in my first post if you want to jelq.

I say stick with the ginkgo and ginseng.

Do you smoke? I would highly suggest start working out. If you are self-conscious about this, then I would find a place where you don’t worry about that.

How is your BC muscle? Do you kegel?

All these things affect your penis, believe it or not. For some people, they can still get rock hard erections while smoking, drinking, and not being healthy (working out). But for a lot of us, these things are essential for developing your penis. For me, I had to quit smoking all together (although I just smoked this weekend), and I don’t drink anymore (just occasionally). I masturbate less, get more exercise, take L-ARG and eat healthy, and finally i’m seeing great results.

Its probably your meds. But do you smoke? Are you overweight? Do you work out your BC muscle? These things might let you gain maximum, while still taking meds. Its really how bad do you want a bigger dick (and not an injured one)?

I don’t smoke, am not overweight, and kegel. My erections are fine until I start to overtrain with jelqing or stretching. I’m gonna exercise and try to sort out my medicine and supplements.

Jelqing is just not for me to messy and never got any gains from it ever so I will stick to what works for me, if it isn’t broken don’t fix it.

Current stats march 2008= Nbel 6.75 Bpel 7.5 Eg 5.5

Goal by the end of next year Nbel 8.5 Eg 6.5

Your in your 20 your test should be good do you have a low sex drive that is a key sing your test is low. The funny thing is before all these anti psychotic meds wee out docs gave guys test to help there depression but there is more money in those drugs then test I guess. You might have estrogen level this can make you feel depressed there are some good over the counter stuff called novadex xlt it’s made by Gaspari nutrition, I am not sure if I spelt that right Google it.

You can ask the doctor to check your test levels, your estrogen level and you SGBH hormone level that hormone makes your test inactive so if it’s high it will give you the same effect as having low test levels proviran is good for that problem.

Any way these are just some things you can check on you might not need the drug but keep taking it until your doc tells you other wise or see if there is another treatment that will effect you erections less.

Current stats march 2008= Nbel 6.75 Bpel 7.5 Eg 5.5

Goal by the end of next year Nbel 8.5 Eg 6.5

Psst diesel :up:

sunny A day without sunshine is like a day without laughter :sun:

Edging twice a day good lead to overtrainning. Read sta-kool’s progress thread. How long are your edging sessions? If they anything around 15 minutes or more, they could exhaust your penis more than you think.

The aim of life is self-development. To realize one's nature perfectly - that is what each of us is here for.

~Oscar Wilde~

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