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Engorged from wet jelq but sore from dry jelq

Engorged from wet jelq but sore from dry jelq

I’ve been trying to decide whether to do dry or wet jelqs.. Dry works out cause I’m uncut and it’s less messy/I can’t do it anywhere etc. And I also read that they are better for girth which I am focusing on.

But what I want to know is: is it better to be sore the next day from a deeper dry jelq (and not engorged since it’s a one handed excersize).. Or more engorged during my wet jelq sessions (where I’m not sore the next day)?

What do you mean by sore? Is your skin sore or is the penis sore, like in overworked? When it comes to get engorged I can’t see the problem, I only do dry jelqs and my uit gets very engorged.

05-15-2008 Bpel 5.7" Msg 4.5"

03-03-2010 Bpel 7.2" Msg 4.7"

Scipio81, quest for girth

I’m taking the shotgun approach - I do both, in case one is more effective than the other. I feel a difference in how they work my penis, but I feel like they are both doing something. I want to take advantage while I’m still able to get those starter gains. I think as I get more comfortable with them, I prefer the dry jelq because it’s easier for me, but I feel like I’m getting results from combining them.

I think I know what you mean from the soreness from dry jelq. The first few times I did it, I had been wet jelqing for a few weeks already, and I felt a different kind of stretch from the dry jelq, with a little soreness the next day. Not the kind that makes me think somethings wrong, but just a very light fatigue in the tissues. I’ve watched the PI’s and kept with it, since everything is looking good.

By soreness I meant the good feeling soreness deep in the shaft. You feel it the next day only when you stroke it flaccid. It’s not painful at all but it just lets me know that I got a deep jelq the day before.

Is this better to have than engorgement? I think I will do both as well. I associate PE with weight lifting and you know it’s always good to be sore the next day

I don’t get it, I can be a little sore and still have good engorgement. Perhaps you should opt for a little less force and intensity, not getting engorgement could be a sign of overtraining.

05-15-2008 Bpel 5.7" Msg 4.5"

03-03-2010 Bpel 7.2" Msg 4.7"

Scipio81, quest for girth

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