Skin moving when I Jelq
Hi All,
I’m new here. I just recent started doing the newbie routine. I have decided to try the wet jelq technique, because my morning shower is about the only alone time I get. The problem I have discovered is that when I jelq the skin on my penis moves up the shaft with the jelq and eventually produces a donut effect. I have looked at the jelq videos, and although this does seem to happen with the guy demonstrating the jelq, it is to a much letter extent than mine. I do 300 jelqs and it eventually produces a donut effect right under my glans (am circumcised). Is this the “turkey neck” effect? And if so, how do I defeat it? I have tried jelqing with one hand by basically partially releasing my grip to move back down the shaft to jelq again, and this works somewhat, but again, the skin on my shaft moves up with the jelq. I hope I have described this phenomenon well enough. Please let me know if I need to add more clarification.
Thanks in advance!