I think the key word used that created the red flag for everyone is “force” the erect penis between the legs. All PE should never be forced.. Even when you need to apply greater pressure.
For all everyone knows, you could have what is referred to as a “flexible or springy penis” meaning it can stretch in such a way with less potential to injury than others.
I am currently doing erect bends. 100% erect, grab around and just under the glans (Palm down) and use either a one or two finger okay grip around the base. Then slowly ease into the stretch. As your erection goes down it will bend more easily. It is here where I begin to use a very slow up and down movement with the top hand to bend the penis at different locations on the shaft. 30 seconds each side.
It is natural for the penis to bend/fold when becoming less erect. And unlike a plastic or metal pipe, a biological living penis reclaims it’s shape after such a stretch. Obviously gaining extra flexibility from the decreased erection. Acting sort of like a hybrid of an erect and flaccid penis.
So how exactly is that a DEFINITE red flag? Every PE has the potential for injury. As long as the person is taking it slow, paying attention to what their body tells them they should be fine. YES you need to have at least 6 months experience/conditioning before considering doing such stretches, but if applied like all PE there should be minimal risk at best.
There are a lot of ppl in here who quickly jump to conclusions about the way somebody approaches PE.