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Erect vs flaccid gains

Erect vs flaccid gains

Hey everyone, I’ve been doing PE for about a month (newbie routine) and I’m glad to report that I can already see slight gains.

I had a couple questions about this though..

1) My gains are sometimes inconsistent — for example my dick will have a good flaccid length one day, shorten another day, and then revert back to a longer length on another. Is this related to PE workouts?

2) How long do I have to wait before I can expect to see my flaccid/PE gains translate into erect length/girth gains? Is there anything that can be done to accelerate this process?

I appreciate the help, thanks guys

I think it’s a great question, especially when flaccid and erect dimensions are not always in consistent ratios: like some people may have 3 inch flaccid but grow to 6 inches length, some may have 3inches flaccid and grow to 5.5” length — and not only that but a gain in flaccid may be a fraction of that in erect gains, and that ratio is also inconsistent (that is, according to some of the number’s I’ve read posted by other members).

I’m trying to figure this out myself, especially since I started doing newbie routine PE! :D

There is no telling for sure. One month of PEing is definitely not enough for most people to have consistent gains, so don’t worry about it.

What you can do is be persistent, keep at it, and the results will show.

Happy gains!

:chicken: My chicken is on the path of becoming a big cock! :rooster:

Thanks guys, have you yourself noticed that any exercises in particular are effective at producing consistent erect gains?

Whoops I must’ve lost track of time while I was on vacation.. I’ve been doing the newbie routine for only 2 weeks hahahaha my bad

Originally Posted by furrymonster
Thanks guys, have you yourself noticed that any exercises in particular are effective at producing consistent erect gains?

“consistent erect gains”—this is a bit ambiguous, because you didn’t specify length or girth. Generally, you need to pick one measure and focus on that first. Trying too hard to do both at once might lead to over-training.

Usually people go for length first. If you do decide to go for length, ADS devices or hanging devices are pretty popular. I have seen some people make 2” gains from nothing but jelqing, while others can’t seem to gain much length at all from jelqing. It depends on your personal preferences, physiology, level of privacy and time constraints.

If you’re going only for girth (lets say you’re a natural 8”+, or you’re happy with your length), that will take a different strategy—I haven’t studied as much on girth. I know clamping and uli’s are quite popular. Jelqs, or modified jelqs once again are good for girth as well and are usually part of most people’s core routine.

After a few months of studying these forums, doing the newbie routine, and learning your personal PIs you should have enough knowledge to know where to go from there.

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