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Erection quality Problem

Erection quality Problem

I started jelqing around 2 years back but only for few months. I did not go to any advance exercises, and saw a gain of an 1” on my length and around 0.6” on girth bringing me to 7” and 5.5”.

As soon as I stopped due to circumstances, I dropped to original size and penis looks thinner too.
Also my erection angle has reduced and erection quality has deteriorated. I was able to maintain erection of around a minute now it’s only few seconds. I used to be able to hang a wet towel previously before PE and during PE, now I am unable to do so. Also it seems I ejaculate very quickly compared to previous time.
Initially I thought I was masturbating too often but no it is not the case.
How do I get back to the same erection quality.

You might want to restart PEing, doing some light Jelqing and a lot of kegel. I’m not sure if your LOT is getting lower due to the stretch or hang, but for me, my erection angle has reduced as I did a lot of stretches and pumping, but not the erection quality.

7 x 6 EG is perfect!

Routine : Manual-V-Inverted V-JAI-BTC stretches (alot of stretches :D ). Wet Jelq, Pumping (once a week to maintain my girth)

Don’t forget that erection quality is affected by other factors such as diet, overall health, even mental health. Make sure you have resolved these (if they are in fact issues) before anything else. Regardless of that, however, starting up PE should be able to re-condition your penis to improve erection quality.

If you're ever considering a surgical (or non-surgical) route for penis enlargement:

PhalloBoards: A Forum Devoted to Penis Enlargement Surgery & Non-Surgical Procedures

I second that!

7 x 6 EG is perfect!

Routine : Manual-V-Inverted V-JAI-BTC stretches (alot of stretches :D ). Wet Jelq, Pumping (once a week to maintain my girth)

How long was your period without PE?

Do you think it took several months for erection size loss?

I suppose if you want your gains back that you should begin a PE routine again, the gains will come back quicker than you achieved them in the first place. Then once your satisfied, do an occasional session.. Perhaps once every couple weeks or so? I’m guessing here.

I am soon leaving for a month to somewhere where PE perhaps may not fit into my schedule and am wondering myself if losing gains is a possibility.

Originally Posted by blazingsun_2000
I started jelqing around 2 years back but only for few months. I did not go to any advance exercises, and saw a gain of an 1” on my length and around 0.6” on girth bringing me to 7” and 5.5”.

As soon as I stopped due to circumstances, I dropped to original size and penis looks thinner too.
Also my erection angle has reduced and erection quality has deteriorated. I was able to maintain erection of around a minute now it’s only few seconds. I used to be able to hang a wet towel previously before PE and during PE, now I am unable to do so. Also it seems I ejaculate very quickly compared to previous time.
Initially I thought I was masturbating too often but no it is not the case.
How do I get back to the same erection quality.

How old were you when you noticed decline in EQ.

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

Thanks guys for the response.

Around 29. I know around 30 usually things start declining for men. But I remember I discontinued as I had a little bit of sprain like pain from perineum around the hip to lower back on the left side. And this used to be sharp during erection. It’s something which was related to stretching. Later on it seemed to be ok in around 6 moths of time that time I was 27. After that I used to try PC muscle exercises and most of the pain had gone except lower back and upper butt.

After that I could not get back PE do to space and time constraints.

Originally Posted by blazingsun_2000

I know around 30 usually things start declining for men.

Oh, really?

Originally Posted by blazingsun_2000
Thanks guys for the response.
Around 29. I know around 30 usually things start declining for men. But I remember I discontinued as I had a little bit of sprain like pain from perineum around the hip to lower back on the left side. And this used to be sharp during erection. It’s something which was related to stretching. Later on it seemed to be ok in around 6 moths of time that time I was 27. After that I used to try PC muscle exercises and most of the pain had gone except lower back and upper butt.
After that I could not get back PE do to space and time constraints.

Sounds like sciatica, lower back and buttocks. So does this pain come back periodically? Does a numbing sensation go down your leg?

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

No does not travel down the leg, even I thought it would be sciatica. Actually Exercises for sciatica also helps with the pain. Only that it had reappears with jelqing and it’s pretty local.

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