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Erection Quality

Erection Quality

Hey guys!

I just wanted to ask a question about Erection Quality and the potential size that it gives if it is at a very high quality.
Now, due to diet and due to being overweight, my erections aren’t that strong at all, if anything I could get very hard for a split second and it would fade away.
I feel like majority of my erections are a 2 out of 10 or a 3 out of 10, hard enough to masturbate with etc but I definitely know that I could be much harder.
It could be from porn, I’m not sure but I definitely know my

I can’t get a consistent measurement on my penis, one day I’m hitting 6” NBPEL, another day I’m hitting 6.2-6.3” and on another day I’d hit 6.5” NBPEL. My EQ is all over the place.

With a much stronger EQ which obviously comes from having a healthy lifestyle, having good blood circulation, being fit and having regular sex. I’ve read that some people realized they hit their “peak size” due to regular sex and they had noticed a length difference before they started having regular sex.

Would there be a size difference if my EQ jumped from a 2-3 to an 8 or a 9/10 EQ, and I mean constant 8 or 9/10’s.
I know it wouldn’t increase your size dramatically over an inch but would a person be able to see .1 or even .2 of an inch increase? I definitely know that girth is MUCH easier to see growth in through better EQ, I just wonder if it’s the same thing for length.

I know little about EQ benefits apart from harder erections and increase in size, but what other benefits does an improved EQ give you?

Sometimes I’m so horny and have so strong erection, it actually makes me almost 1/2 inch longer. Probably you can try to stretch and see how big is difference. If you can get very good pull and it becomes even significantly longer than your erect length then you can get “easy” potential with better erections (and whole blood supply improvement).

Overall, I guess most of people think about 9-10 as hard as rock when you can’t even to press down it with finger or to bend. 7-8 as something hard, but with slight movement and lower than 5-6 is absolutely flexible.

Starting : 7.6 BPEL, 5.5 MEG

Current: 8.1 BPEL, 5.7 MEG

Goal: To understand what makes penis to grow.

Originally Posted by qweqweqad1
Sometimes I’m so horny and have so strong erection, it actually makes me almost 1/2 inch longer. Probably you can try to stretch and see how big is difference. If you can get very good pull and it becomes even significantly longer than your erect length then you can get “easy” potential with better erections (and whole blood supply improvement).

Overall, I guess most of people think about 9-10 as hard as rock when you can’t even to press down it with finger or to bend. 7-8 as something hard, but with slight movement and lower than 5-6 is absolutely flexible.

When I stretch it, I get a reading of 6.6-6.7

This is NBPEL btw

Then I guess your EQ isn’t so bad. How hard is surface during erection and how much you can bend it?
I guess many people have similar situation with length measures. It always jumps from one number to other. My ordinary erection, the one after pulls and the one with very high arousal are 3 completely different sizes. I would say there is at least 1/2 inch difference, maybe even 2/3. Another problem is to use same spot, because fat pad interferes. Sometimes ruler can get under bone and give bigger number and sometimes we can look from different angle. I’ve noticed when I check length sitting then it’s always 1/4 inch longer, because I look at that directly and when I measure standing, it’s at angle and gives smaller number.

So it’s better to use same pose, place a ruler pressing down the edge across whole pubic from top to bottom and if possibly with same erection conditions. On the other side, girth measure is absolutely different. There is no problem to see even 1/10 inch increase.

Starting : 7.6 BPEL, 5.5 MEG

Current: 8.1 BPEL, 5.7 MEG

Goal: To understand what makes penis to grow.

Originally Posted by qweqweqad1
Then I guess your EQ isn’t so bad. How hard is surface during erection and how much you can bend it?
I guess many people have similar situation with length measures. It always jumps from one number to other. My ordinary erection, the one after pulls and the one with very high arousal are 3 completely different sizes. I would say there is at least 1/2 inch difference, maybe even 2/3. Another problem is to use same spot, because fat pad interferes. Sometimes ruler can get under bone and give bigger number and sometimes we can look from different angle. I’ve noticed when I check length sitting then it’s always 1/4 inch longer, because I look at that directly and when I measure standing, it’s at angle and gives smaller number.

So it’s better to use same pose, place a ruler pressing down the edge across whole pubic from top to bottom and if possibly with same erection conditions. On the other side, girth measure is absolutely different. There is no problem to see even 1/10 inch increase.

Good points.

People always say that you should measure standing up because sitting gives a bigger number. Thats true but i believe that because we are after gains we should measure in whatever position we can reach 100% EQ. We not only want a high erection level but the highest erection level possible when we measure.

I can reach 100% EQ only when i am sitting.

Maybe you should take bone pressed measurements.

Originally Posted by qweqweqad1
Then I guess your EQ isn’t so bad. How hard is surface during erection and how much you can bend it?
I guess many people have similar situation with length measures. It always jumps from one number to other. My ordinary erection, the one after pulls and the one with very high arousal are 3 completely different sizes. I would say there is at least 1/2 inch difference, maybe even 2/3. Another problem is to use same spot, because fat pad interferes. Sometimes ruler can get under bone and give bigger number and sometimes we can look from different angle. I’ve noticed when I check length sitting then it’s always 1/4 inch longer, because I look at that directly and when I measure standing, it’s at angle and gives smaller number.

So it’s better to use same pose, place a ruler pressing down the edge across whole pubic from top to bottom and if possibly with same erection conditions. On the other side, girth measure is absolutely different. There is no problem to see even 1/10 inch increase.

Honestly, I can get really hard but that boner dies down IMMEDIATELY, like for me to measure it at my hardest possible, I would need the hand dexterity of The Flash before it dies down.
I always end up measuring a boner that’s like 50-60%, I can never measure when fully hard it just immediately dies out.

Originally Posted by Smallblkguy
Maybe you should take bone pressed measurements.

I’ve taken bone pressed measurements, I range from 7.5 to 7.7” BPEL depending on my erection of course. I would at max be 7.8 if I had a rock solid boner sitting there for me to measure and take as long as I want.

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