Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Experienced in PE but new to Thunder's Place

Experienced in PE but new to Thunder's Place

Hi everyone,

I discovered PE about between 8 to 9 years ago. I think I just search engined something to do with making your penis bigger and was brought to information on extender. After some reading I purchased a slider extender through ebay. UNFORTUNATELY I was never consistent. It has only been in the last 6 months that I have finally been consistent and seen gains. I am a hard gainer. In these last 6 months PE has become a real hobby of mine and I enjoy adding to the world of PE. I’ve joined Thunder’s to reach more men around the world.

The first PE forum I ever came across was Matters Of Size. I like it over there very much. I have received a lot of great information from MOS. As I have really started to dedicate a part of me to PE I have ventured into the other PE forums and learned a lot of new and helpful information.

In late summer 2014 I began making PE videos. I made many videos and posted them on MOS and Xvideos. I started making videos because video in many cases makes it much easier to understand something whether it is how to do a certain stretch or how to use a piece of equipment correctly. The only down side of forums is sometimes great information can be easily missed or disappear to the bottom of a forum section over time. This has lead me to begin working on my own PE website.

This site will have all my videos and many soon to be made videos. I am currently trying out many PE tools and will be making videos for all of them. THIS SITE WILL BE COMPLETELY FREE and I won’t be financially affiliated to any PE companies. I thought about it and have even been asked by a few companies if affiliation might be something I am interested in. At first I considered it but quickly realized this is just a hobby for me and I have no interest in turning it into a business or taking away customers from affiliated sites and/or forums. I want to be able to share information through PE forums and not be their competition. Also I would like for people to find out about the PE forums like Thunder’s through my site if my site is their first introduction to PE.

I have been writing content and have been making a page layout blueprint for the site. I haven’t decided how to make the site yet. I have been looking into wix and squarespace or maybe just using wordpress like I do with my business websites. I am just looking to keep it simple. But once I decide what platform to use I should have the site up and operating in a few days. I expect to have the site ready by the end of this month or the beginning of March.

I look forward to being a contributing member here at Thunder’s Place.

My current videos on Xvideos are currently not available because I set them on private while I edit them and add to my video library. They will all be available in no more then a month.

ykm123321 is the owner of the gripping trainer website. He also surreptitiously posted here as LetsGrow123 in an effort to promote that site. Please take any product endorsements as very likely to be biased.

I wanted to add that I hope my videos and video site are accepted and liked by members here.

ykm123321 is the owner of the gripping trainer website. He also surreptitiously posted here as LetsGrow123 in an effort to promote that site. Please take any product endorsements as very likely to be biased.

Please tell us about your stats and gains . Thanks

Looking forward to your contributions. Will keep an eye out for your launch.

The primary goal of PE should be to make your penis as healthy as possible in both form and function. If you do that, increased size will follow.

Originally Posted by sr. Spock
Please tell us about your stats and gains . Thanks

Well back when I first learned about and inconsistently began using an extender I was somewhere between 6-6.5” in length. I am currently 7” in length. My girth is 5.5” and always has been. I am hoping to bring that up to 6” in the next 1-2 years.

ykm123321 is the owner of the gripping trainer website. He also surreptitiously posted here as LetsGrow123 in an effort to promote that site. Please take any product endorsements as very likely to be biased.

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