Extender and newbie routine
Hi all, I recently joined and have been spending the last 2 1/2 hours combing through the threads and the one thing I have come to realize is that I know so very little about the makeup of my penis. My most pressing question though is in the use of Penis Extenders I purchased a X4 model a year ago but just never had the time to use it. One of the main contributing factor of my purchase was my rather bad penile curvature. It has always been a source of concern as well as some small erection issues, but I also wanted a bigger, stronger, healthier penis with increased stamina and staying power.
In going through the threads I see exercises for jelqing and kegels, with reasonable sets and reps exercise routines. The manufacturer guideline for the X4 necessitate 3 or more hours of stretching along with jelqing.
Has anyone else utilized this extender and have you found improvements?
Is it necessary to use it for such long periods?
How have other PE regimens compared for different individuals?