Thunder's Place

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Newbie routine didn't work for me... what should I try next?

Newbie routine didn't work for me... what should I try next?

Okay, I’ve been in and out of PE for like 2 years and I never really got any results other than in my head. While I tried different things the only thing that I managed to do consistent was the newbie routine… but it didn’t give me any gains. What should I try next? Evidently some people get bigger dicks by PE while some don’t seem to get any results at all. It’s a shame there are no clinical studies on the subjct.

What should I try next? Been looking at the vacextender. Had a JES Extender long time ago but it was painful and the head got all blue and cold etc… Wore it for like 4 hours every day for a month but didnt see any beyond-doubt-proven gains. Whil I thought I gained 1cm it was probably just me pushing the ruler harder.

So I am completely open for suggestions now. What program should I try next? My penis size causes me to feel really bad emotionally and psychologically.

What, exactly, is your current routine? Also, are you going for length, girth, or both?

Originally Posted by VinterFrost
Okay, I’ve been in and out of PE for like 2 years and I never really got any results other than in my head. While I tried different things the only thing that I managed to do consistent was the newbie routine… but it didn’t give me any gains. What should I try next? Evidently some people get bigger dicks by PE while some don’t seem to get any results at all. It’s a shame there are no clinical studies on the subjct.

2 Years on and off? Do you mean like 1 month on then you take 2 or 3 months off and so on. If so, I think it’s normal that you didn’t had any gains.
You have to do PE for at least 5 or 6 months, I think, to have results. After this period, if you don’t have any gains, you can look for another routines.

Did the newbie routine for 2 months consistently without seeing any solid results. I wouldn’t care if it took 24 months to see results if I could be sure that there would be results. But it is tough working in the dark… you might end up spending lots of time on doing nothing, and I do not want that. Just started the newbie routine again and I will try it for 4 months. This is my final try with the newbie routine. Acceptable gain would be anything from 1cm and more. Less than 1cm is just not measurable since that kind of difference can be due to variations in angle, erection etc. I think it’s not until you’ve actually gained a visible whole inch that you can be sure that your penis is actually growing. I will continue until the end of Febrary, but I am pessimistic and do not expect to see anything happen. If it does I will however be extremely happy.

Originally Posted by VinterFrost
Did the newbie routine for 2 months consistently without seeing any solid results. I wouldn’t care if it took 24 months to see results if I could be sure that there would be results. But it is tough working in the dark… you might end up spending lots of time on doing nothing, and I do not want that. Just started the newbie routine again and I will try it for 4 months. This is my final try with the newbie routine. Acceptable gain would be anything from 1cm and more. Less than 1cm is just not measurable since that kind of difference can be due to variations in angle, erection etc. I think it’s not until you’ve actually gained a visible whole inch that you can be sure that your penis is actually growing. I will continue until the end of Febrary, but I am pessimistic and do not expect to see anything happen. If it does I will however be extremely happy.


I am on PE for 6 months now and am not quite sure how I’ve gained. I see that I gained something, but it could only be a non measurable 0,5 cm, or maybe less. But I have a healthier penis. I just want to say that 4 months could not be enough to see results. Go on for at least 6-10 months and try to see the exercising as something good for your sexual health and try to change point of view. Do not think that you are wasting time, but try to say “I just spend a couple of hours every week for my sexual life improvement.” With that in mind you should have enough motivation to go on and one day you will measure a couple of cm of gains.

I exercise without expecting big gains. My aim is to gain “something” and to have a healthier penis. I think this is what keeps you going on until a motivation boost such as the first measurable gains comes.


Take some pictures also as after 1 year you can look back and see growth.

Started: NBPEL 5.5 == EG: 5

Current: NBPEL 7.5 == EG: 6

Goal: NBPEL 8 == EG: 6

Perhaps it’s not the routine, but the technique that needs to be evaluated. Are you jelqing with too much pressure? Stretching with too much force? Deconditioning when your PI diminishes?

start 1/20/08: 6.0 nbpel, 5.5 eg, 4 fl, 5 fg

now 6/30/12: 6.75 nbpel, 5.875 eg, 5.0 fl, 5.125 fg

Deconditioning when your PI diminishes?


Another thing is, somene said Jelqing may very well cause loss of sensitivity in the penis. Is this truth or lie?

Originally Posted by VinterFrost

Another thing is, somene said Jelqing may very well cause loss of sensitivity in the penis. Is this truth or lie?

I’ve never heard of any thing like this before. I think you shouldn’t worry.

Having been at this (PE) for a lot of years and read countless posts here at Thunders, I believe that there is no ONE routine that is going to work on everybody, or even most people. Including the Newbie, which is just a sensible place to start out.

We are, all of us, chemically different from each other.

What you have to do is play around (safely) with different exercises, sticking to the ones that feel best to you and tossing out the ones that don’t.

The key to all this is consistency. And in order to be consistent, you have to like what you are doing and not be bored by it. When you get bored, you become haphazard.

Vinter is still enthused enough to re-try the Newbie. I’d suggest you juice up the Newbie with a couple of new twists.

Unless you are abusing yourself with jelking (eg, carrying it too far), I can’t imagine that jelking could result in a loss of sensitivity.



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