Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Needed: Individualized one hour routine for an uncut, highly motivated newbie

Needed: Individualized one hour routine for an uncut, highly motivated newbie

First post.

First I’d like to say that I am immensly greatful that I happened to stumble upon this site. I don’t know what it is, but lately I’ve been neurotically obsessing about the size of my penis and how helpless I am to do anything about it. Granted, I’m not exactly teeny, but I can just tell by the things my girlfriend lets slip, or by the way she acts during sex that it’s just not big enough. I thought I’d researched everything including PE, but it seemed like anyone who had a decent reputation of any kind (like Dr. Weil for instance) said PE didn’t work. But with all these hundreds of testimonials I’m sooo hoping that they’re all wrong.

In any event I’m sure to be a diligent student since I want nothing more than to have a big dick (who doesn’t really?). My goal is 8.5 x 6.5 erect - and I wouldn’t mind being more of a show-er either, if you know what I mean. But before I get into my current stats, I just wanted to bring up an interesting finding. I’m not sure if it was just the way I was measuring it or what, but when I was in high school I remember my penis being over 7 inches in length on a good day - 8 if I measured it from underneath. From about 5 years ago to about 2 months ago I’ve been injured and haven’t been able to exercise (bad knees and back). Anyway, I finally managed to pick myself up from my bootstraps and start working out. Well in the last month I’ve lost about 12 pounds and - get this - gained a half an inch in penis length! I’m positive that 3 months ago I was barely 6 inches, and I was burying the ruler in my pubis, so I can’t beleive that it has anything to do with the relatively small amount of belly fat that I’ve lost. It’s not like I had so much fat in that area anyway. What my guess is, is that I just really improved my circulation all over - including in my penis. So there’s even another great reason why everyone should be working out.

Now to my question. Hopefully some experienced high gaining PE gurus browse the newbie forum cause my question is directed towards them. What I’m after is a routine of course, but one suited to my particular penis. I’ve been reading a lot on this forum for the last few days and have found a lot of conflicting information, so I don’t really know where to begin. I’ve heard that jelqing is king by some of the more experienced members here, yet others (also very experienced) seem to say that there are much better techniques out there. And what about pumping? If PE exercises do indeed work, it seems logical that pumping would work since they both work by the same principle of “tearing down and building up.” But again, many people on this forum seem to be of the opinion that it’s useless. And as far as hanging goes - well I of course want a bigger penis, but with all the nerve damage horror stories out there, I’m kind of weary of putting my dick on the line like that. Better an average sized dick than one you can’t feel. But if hanging is the only way to grow, then that’s what I’ll do (albeit conservatively at first). The bottom line is that I don’t want to invest an hour a day for the next year or so doing exercises that are inferior to something else. Hit me with the big guns.

I know there’s no one answer to this but I’m looking for the routing that can guarantee the biggest gains in the shortest amount of time, given a one hour a day commitment. Now as for my stats: My LOT is at around 8:30 or 9:00. I’m uncircumsized so maybe that makes a difference (some uncut members out there seem to think that dry jelqing is where it’s at). As you can see from my stats below, I’m also a grower, not a shower, which might make a difference too. I’d like to work on girth and length simultaneously.

Any generous soul out there care to put something together for me? Just think, you could be contributing to what could turn out to be one of the most life changing if not the most life changing event of my adult life. I mean what guy with an 8.5 inch penis doesn’t feel like he owns a room?

Thanks in advance,


3.6 x 4.0 flacid
6.5 x 4.9 erect
Goal - 8.5 x 6.5

Slow down, take a deep breath, and welcome to Thunder’s.

Can’t give you a custom routine for your pocket rocket, because you don’t KNOW your pocket rocket yet. “Oh but I do! I’ve had this penis my entire life and am quite intimate with it!” Well of course you are sparky, but you don’t know it from a PE perspective yet.

You can read lots of posts from guys that have gotten gains right from the get go. Well think about it, if you are one of the lucky few (under 1% of guys IMHO) you will start posting about it as well. For most guys the first month+ is simply toughening up your pecker, learning the exercises, and… Learning YOUR Dick!

This ain’t rocket science, but it is a lot more involved than a lot of guys would like. Untill you have mastered the basics, and know how your willie responds to them, nobody can really help you with a “custom” program.

My Advise:

1) Start doing some permutation of the newbie routine. Do NOT skip the wamn up.

2) Don’t start out with an hour routine. You will get farther easing into this stuff than by hurting yourtself and having to take a month off to heal.

3) Read, read some more, read the archives, then use the search function.

4) Learn all you want about the “Tripple Lindy Inverted A-Frame Compression Stretch”… But don’t f*ck with it or try it. Stick with the newbie routine.

It is good that you are leary of breaking your dick, you only have one.

Running a Massive Co-Front.

I agree with every simple word of iamaru.

[---- I was 4.75" BPEL // I am 6.1" BPEL // I´ll be 8" BPEL ----]

What can I say, I’m an eager beaver. I never knew this stuff existed (or that it worked anyway) until like 3 days ago, so maybe I’m a little overjubilant, but I think I have every right to be, and so should every man who learns of such a promise.

But here’s the thing, I’ve read a bunch of posts by people who don’t grow very much or don’t grow at all. What I’m wondering is, are they doing these exercises wrong, or is their dick just not as maleable as others, or does the exercise itself simply suck. The way all these new techniques are being invented every day I feel like I’m witnessing the birth of one of the greatest moments in the history of mankind. And I’m not exaggerating. I’d wager that a small penis was at the heart of many of the wars fought on this planet. How much you want to bet that Ghengis Kahn had a small pee pee. I know it sounds ridiculous but a man’s obsession with his penis should be considered a disease, and I’d bet that at least 90% of men have it. And that obsession makes us do a lot of strange things.

But I lost my point…my point was that this phenomenon seems to be in it’s late infancy and all kinds of new techniques are being invented every day. And of course some of these techniques are better than others. And I’m sure some of them don’t even work. The intent of my original question was to find out what the good ones are so that I don’t waste my time. As far as the newbie exercises go, you’ve got a good point, I’ll definitely start with them. But once I’m past those, I don’t believe all exercises are created equal, and I don’t necessarily trust intuition over good science. Why reinvent the wheel when there are plenty of capable people here to offer intelligent guidance.

Must start checking Thunder’s whilst awake.

Originally Posted by shetland
But here’s the thing, I’ve read a bunch of posts by people who don’t grow very much or don’t grow at all. What I’m wondering is, are they doing these exercises wrong, or is their dick just not as maleable as others, or does the exercise itself simply suck…

The general consensus (and I agree) is that lots of guys fart around with this stuff, do it 1/2 assed, etc, etc. Perhaps some are incapable of gaining, that would suck. I would say that you have latched on to the very rare “fast gainer” as the norm. It’s not a question of do the exercises suck. Rather are you doing the exercise properly; and, are you using the right exercises for YOUR dick.

Originally Posted by shetland
And of course some of these techniques are better than others. And I’m sure some of them don’t even work. The intent of my original question was to find out what the good ones are so that I don’t waste my time. As far as the newbie exercises go, you’ve got a good point, I’ll definitely start with them.

The “better ones”, the “good ones” are whichever ones work FOR YOU!
We have enough collective time in as lab rats that ALL the exercises we collectively endorse do work. The question remains, which ones will work on your dick? Some guys (I’m one) have a hellofa time finding just the right combo of exercises that give them gains. Even the lucky fast gainers will eventually reach a point where the gains slow and stop. That’s why so many different techniques have been invented.

Physics will tell you that the various fulcrum type stretches are “better” than a basic stretch. If you don’t have the time in to know exactly how much your willie can take you may well break your dick with these “better” stretches. To start with your dick won’t need that much stress, and may not be long enough to do them comfortably.

A further case in point; the infamous “Langman Stretch” should only be attempted by the most experienced of PEers, and then only when home alone, drunk, and late at night.

Running a Massive Co-Front.

The answer

I have the ultimate routine for you, and it comes down to one word:
That’s it. Much like you, was a very eager beaver a few months ago, so much so that I read EVERY post in the main members forum. Yes, I said every post. Knowledge is power, and it looks like you’ve been doing a lot of reading already. Keep doing it. This place will answer all your questions, but the key to gains is that magic word up there.

From everything I’ve read, there is no one exercise you can do. Jelqing has worked great for me. That’s me, others it hasn’t worked for.

Just learn as much as you can, experiment, and have fun. If you’re like me, and have discovered PE at a relatively young age, you’ve got YEARS to grow. So let’s say you grow 1/8 of an inch a month…you’ll have a 21 inch penis in just 10 years! j/k (maybe I’m not). Now I know you want to have a big dong, and it may come quickly, (for your goals, realize that 1-2 years may be considered quick) or it may not. I’ve gained an 1 3/4 in a little under 4 months, but guys like Dino have taken a long time. Dino stuck with it though, and so will I.

And like Imaru said, stick with the newbie routine. I have a great relationship with my johnson now, whereas before, he was like a stranger. We’re best friends now. Once you become best friends, then you can ask him nicely to grow for you. He may say no, but at least you’ll understand each other better. So take it slow, learn as much as you can, and stick with it no matter what. It will be worth it.

And no matter what you do, don’t try the Langman stretch yet. Anything but that.

Good luck!

I will reach my goals. Period. Starting Stats: NBPEL: 5.75 (2/1/2004) EG: 5.00 Current Stats: NBPEL: 7.75 (6.11.2005) EG: 6.125 EG Base: 6.5 (YES!!!) Goals: NPEFL: 9 BPEL: 10 EG: 7

Iamura and kong dong very true. Persistance is needed, I got very excited at first ok so only a few weeks ago, but its like every hobby or activity, I think that when it becomes habit youre on to a winner. I hope if I can last this first month, it will be for a least a year. The hardest thing is to not try and measure.

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