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Newbie question: Penis extender and newbie routine

Newbie question: Penis extender and newbie routine


Sorry about my quite bad English and sorry if this subject has already been dealt with. I did search but didn’t find any topics concerning exactly my situation. Have also browsed through the forum some days.

I’m a really tiny guy (5” erect length and really thin) from the Cold North and I want desperately to grow. Over a year ago I purchased Andro penis device and used ca 6 months quite conscientiously according to it’s manual. I gained maybe 0.5-1.0” flaccid length (have vanished long time ago.)and more or less 0.5” in erect length. Unfortunately, I didn’t measure accurately my progress.

For a personal reason I had to stop the stretching for 8 months and now am able to start the PE again. I’ve used the extender for a week and jelqed 2-on 1-off now. Would you guys recommend me to keep on this method or should I rely maybe only on the newbie routine? Any ideas combining manual exercises and device?

Do the newbie routine AND wear the extender for as many hours as possible at low tension ca. 400g-600g - for extended healing.

You may want to consider buying a vacuum head to replace the noose-like thing that comes with the Andro.
Much more effective and comfortable but beware fluid buildup.

The previous gains that were lost will come back quite quickly.

Thanks for answers and encouragement!

Aggro, do you mean that I should keep at low tension as long as I do jelq and manual stretches, was it then 1 month or 1 year? Or would it be better to increase it as time goes on and my dick grows(!)? Will there be enough rest if I do newbie routine and andro penis at the same time? I’m still at the beginning of my road.

Newbies should gain with the extender even without any other PE exercise.

Minimum 3 months of consistent wearing > 8 hrs/day will give good results - along with the jelq/stretch.
Increase tension with time regardless of what else you do: low tension, long time; this is not like hanging.
I believe there is plenty of rest on the newbie program and during the sleep hours as it is low intensity.
Look at the Giraffe women of Burma…same traction principle…I doubt they take any rest…

Basically after the jelq/stretches, the Andro is for extended healing so that the penis heals the microtears not in the turtled state but slightly extended leading to gains.

Also according to traction theory:
“For several hours a day over several months, modern medical penis expander devices exert a pull of 400-1100 grams along the length of the penis. The body reacts to this stress by creating new cells inside the penis (new cells colored pink). As cells grow three-dimensional in all directions, the penis grows in both length and thickness.”

What’s the absolutely BEST penis extender in the market right now? AndroPenis furthermore is kinda costly.. Although I probably shouldn’t put a price on my ‘one and only.’

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