+1 Andy!
Hey there riversigns! Welcome to TP! I hope that we can help you out with starting your journey!
So myself and idunnowhy are the only two Extender MAJORITY USERS that I am aware of off the top of my head.
I treat mine as an ADS device always reaching 7-10 hours at the most daily four days consecutively.
I feel like the consistent stretch over longer hours is probably more important than mini stretching but I would recommend taking rest periods while stretching (10-20min /1-2hours).
I think that cutting your time short would be like asking if you would get jakes off ten push-ups a day over several years, if that makes sense.
I would recommend trying for you max time frames and push it as long as you can. But definitely find a time and pace that works best for you!
Your goals are achievable with consistent PE over long periods of time man! You got this!!!