Thunder's Place

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Extender Time Question

Extender Time Question

Hey there - newer member here with a question on extending. Are there any examples of members here extending a couple of hours a day for several years and making gains as opposed to what most manufacturers recommend (4 - 8 hrs daily)? I guess my ultimate question is does cumulative time result on the same gains or is it necessary to be extending at longer duration daily?

Cumulative time technically can lead to gains. The “same” gains? Maybe or maybe not.

Manufacturer recommendations are good to follow as they are usually safe and tested. However they tend to be very generic.

With extenders it is important to find a time, at a tension, that works best for you. Everyone is different.

+1 Andy!

Hey there riversigns! Welcome to TP! I hope that we can help you out with starting your journey!

So myself and idunnowhy are the only two Extender MAJORITY USERS that I am aware of off the top of my head.

I treat mine as an ADS device always reaching 7-10 hours at the most daily four days consecutively.

I feel like the consistent stretch over longer hours is probably more important than mini stretching but I would recommend taking rest periods while stretching (10-20min /1-2hours).

I think that cutting your time short would be like asking if you would get jakes off ten push-ups a day over several years, if that makes sense.

I would recommend trying for you max time frames and push it as long as you can. But definitely find a time and pace that works best for you!

Your goals are achievable with consistent PE over long periods of time man! You got this!!!

Just want to be the me I want to be. ;)

Start: BPEL 6.3" EG 5.1"

Now: BPEL 7.5" EG 5.7" Goal: MORE

I’ve been on a 2 hours (give it take) routine for 4 years.

It works, but it’s slow. I can only do what fits in my lifestyle or I’d do more.

Great job. Try to squeeze in some extra time when you can.

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