Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Fap or No fap?

Fap or No fap?

There a lot of talking about no fap, but i really dont know whats the better. Fap or no fap. If some of you have your own experiences, will be good.

Started last week. 10/23/2017

BPEL: 6.4 x 5.5

BPEl: February 2020. 7.2 x 5.5

I’ve found that on NOFAP, my EQ goes down. A fap once or twice a week, preferably with edging, is good for EQ.

Current Stats NBPEL 6.5" (maximum erection) BPEL 7" (maximum erection) MSEG 5.2" BSEG 5.3" NBPFSL 7" BPFSL 7.2"

Goal (Let's just call it 8x6, eh?)

I go maybe a couple of months at the most. Granted I am married.

Started 7.75x5.75

Currently: 9.75bpX6.75eg My Picture Thread

Goal:10.0bpX7.25mseg Building a thicker unit, click by click, pump by pump, jelq by jelq!

Originally Posted by bent_cock
I’ve found that on NOFAP, my EQ goes down. A fap once or twice a week, preferably with edging, is good for EQ.

What is edging?

Originally Posted by Madrido
What is edging?

A lot of members here will tell you do your own research before asking questions. There are an abundance of threads on Thunder’s and off thunders to get this information

There was a period of time when I stopped sex and masturbation completely. It seemed to cause significant shrinkage.

Starting: 7"bplx5.2" 2017 (shrunk from disuse)(originally 8"bplx4.5", gained to 9"bplx6")

Current: 9.0"bplx6.125" 2020

Goal: 11.5"bplx7" 2021.

Edging is the best honestly and the most fun part about PE I’m still kind of new I’ve only done PE consistently for about 6 months but I’m really trying to go for length and erection quality. Its pretty much like a 15 to 30 minute if not longer start and stop jacking off method.

Stopping right before you cum. It boosted my erection quality for sure and it also feels amazing when I finally release.

I am against that thing based on my personal experience because I’ve lost the desire for sex or masturbation. It’s more like “use it or lose it”, but you should definitely cut off porn.

Start September 2016: 6.2" x 4.6"

Current: 7.45" x 5"

If you have a bad habit with porn, which is generally a symptom of depression or hypersexuality, then I would say that doing NoFap for a bit wouldn’t do any harm but as a lifestyle? No.

I tried NoFap last year, I read up on it and was absorbed into the whole information about it etc and to be fairly honest after coming out of it all, I was heavily disappointed for believing that a movement like this could help make these so called changes. Soon enough I came to realize that it isn’t NoFap that grants you these “changes”, it’s the fact that you’re starting to take care of yourself properly and seeing life through a much clearer lens due to that decision.

At the end of the day, to me NoFap is nothing but pseudo-science. Girls don’t sense how much testosterone you have in your balls, they certainly can’t tell you’re on NoFap nor do they give a rats ass about what you do in your private times, the reason why these people get “results” with women is because they’re actively seeing an individual who takes care of themselves and have a sense of confidence within themselves because of the amount of positivity they feel when they look after themselves.

You can watch porn or not watch porn, it’s entirely up to the individual, but just be aware of how much you are watching and what you’re watching.
Masturbation is healthy and just like anything else, if it is done too much, then it becomes unhealthy. If you want to jerk off once a day or once every 2 days, go for it.

Originally Posted by Krupana
If you have a bad habit with porn, which is generally a symptom of depression or hypersexuality, then I would say that doing NoFap for a bit wouldn’t do any harm but as a lifestyle? No.

I tried NoFap last year, I read up on it and was absorbed into the whole information about it etc and to be fairly honest after coming out of it all, I was heavily disappointed for believing that a movement like this could help make these so called changes. Soon enough I came to realize that it isn’t NoFap that grants you these “changes”, it’s the fact that you’re starting to take care of yourself properly and seeing life through a much clearer lens due to that decision.

At the end of the day, to me NoFap is nothing but pseudo-science. Girls don’t sense how much testosterone you have in your balls, they certainly can’t tell you’re on NoFap nor do they give a rats ass about what you do in your private times, the reason why these people get “results” with women is because they’re actively seeing an individual who takes care of themselves and have a sense of confidence within themselves because of the amount of positivity they feel when they look after themselves.

You can watch porn or not watch porn, it’s entirely up to the individual, but just be aware of how much you are watching and what you’re watching.
Masturbation is healthy and just like anything else, if it is done too much, then it becomes unhealthy. If you want to jerk off once a day or once every 2 days, go for it.

Hello krupana, one question, were you able to solve your EQ issue??
Right now I’m doing nofap because i think i have been watching too much porn my whole life, and that messed my EQ, i will do this 3 months only because i think is not healthy long term.

Originally Posted by CharlesIV
Hello krupana, one question, were you able to solve your EQ issue??
Right now I’m doing nofap because I think I have been watching too much porn my whole life, and that messed my EQ, I will do this 3 months only because I think is not healthy long term.

Yes, I solved my EQ issue but NoFap isn’t what “cured” it.
I mean if you don’t jerk off every day and do it once a few days or so then yeah your erections are going to be harder but what solved my EQ problems was actively exercising and eating a good diet. When you supply your body with the fuel it actually needs instead of feeding it junk, not only does it do wonders for your body but it also does wonders for your penis. Also managing your stress helps a lot as well because stress is genuinely a libido killer. If you’re sedentary, sit down majority of the time and don’t work out or anything then your EQ is going to be dogshit, period. I’ve had erections where they were so hard to the point it actually become uncomfortable with and without watching porn.

If you’re not sitting down watching porn the entire day every single day or if porn isn’t getting in the way of anything in your life, by all means watch porn/jack off.
I feel much better not doing NoFap, I watch porn and I jack off and I still go on about my day and have no problems gaining erections. I socialize with others and am attentive to them and invest my time into them. It’s how you view yourself and treat yourself at the end of the day that matters.

At the end of the day, a temporary break/abstinence is good if you feel like it’s getting out of hand, but as a lifestyle? It’s nothing but snake oil.

Use it or lose it.

Ejaculating on a regular basis is beneficial to health and reduces the chance of prostate problems later in life.

There is a lot of anecdotal evidence that a lack of frequent erections results in size decrease over time.

STARTING: BPEL: 5.9in EG: 5.0in

2018: BPEL: 6.7in EG: 5.3in

NOW (start 1/2024): BPEL: 6.9in. EG: 5.4in

Originally Posted by Krupana
Yes, I solved my EQ issue but NoFap isn’t what “cured” it.
I mean if you don’t jerk off every day and do it once a few days or so then yeah your erections are going to be harder but what solved my EQ problems was actively exercising and eating a good diet. When you supply your body with the fuel it actually needs instead of feeding it junk, not only does it do wonders for your body but it also does wonders for your penis. Also managing your stress helps a lot as well because stress is genuinely a libido killer. If you’re sedentary, sit down majority of the time and don’t work out or anything then your EQ is going to be dogshit, period. I’ve had erections where they were so hard to the point it actually become uncomfortable with and without watching porn.

If you’re not sitting down watching porn the entire day every single day or if porn isn’t getting in the way of anything in your life, by all means watch porn/jack off.
I feel much better not doing NoFap, I watch porn and I jack off and I still go on about my day and have no problems gaining erections. I socialize with others and am attentive to them and invest my time into them. It’s how you view yourself and treat yourself at the end of the day that matters.

At the end of the day, a temporary break/abstinence is good if you feel like it’s getting out of hand, but as a lifestyle? It’s nothing but snake oil.

Thanks man, i will follow your advise.

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