Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Fast gains

Fast gains

Hello everybody I’m new here and I have a few questions. My starting measurements were 6.6 inches (16.5 cm) erect length and 4.8 inches (12cm) erect girth. I’m in the middle of my 3rd week of PE now and this morning I measured for the first time again and I couldn’t believe my eyes! It seems that I’m now 7.2 inches (18 cm) erect length and 5.2 inches (13 cm) erect girth. Sure it’s not a lot but i thought it would take way longer than this for seeing any noticeable gains. Now I’m always that guy who tries to keep his feet on the ground so I’m asking myself: Does this fast gain occur to everyone in the first weeks? Because maybe it becomes harder after this to make some more gains. Or maybe it’s because of my age? I’m 18. I also have a LOT of about 8 o’clock.

I also have another question that popped up in my head: I was checking my penis in erect condition and it didn’t seem bigger. So when I measured it I was really surprised because I thought nothing happened. Does anybody have an explanation for this? My explanation would be that maybe I look everyday at my penis so I can’t notice the difference, but maybe somebody else would?

I’m really happy and it’s a big motivation for me to go on. Length isn’t that important for me because I know girth is more important to women so my goal is about 7.5 inches (18.75cm) erect length and 6.25 inches (15.625 cm) erect girth. I picked this up at a website that gives the ideal penis sizes:

The Ideal Penis Size - The Penis Size Preference Chart: preferred penis size, penis shape and penis looks.

How long do you guys think I have to keep doing PE to get to my goal? According to the website 6.25 inches is the minimum girth for having a perfect penis. Is it harder to make gains in girth than in length?
Also sorry that I don’t have any pics because I don’t have the equipment.

PS: I’m from Belgium wich explains my bad english…

By the way I calculated my LOT yesterday so maybe it already came down since the beginning? Unfortunately I didn’t calculate it then…

Flygreag, welcome to Thunder’ Place. I think it is common to get some decent gains at first. Your dick has never been put under the stress of PE and I think we all have a little more there that just needs to be worked.

As far as goes, I have read pretty much every page on that site and you need to take what it says with a grain of salt. This guy says the site is not there to sell anything but it sure makes anyone without eight inches feel pretty small. He aslo has added links to pays sites. I will admit it is pretty interesting to read the pages and the comments, but then again, a lot of it is pure BS.

You will find Thunder’s Place a much more informative and accurate site.

Good Luck!

Started 10/1/04 Approaching 7x5, Going for 8x6

Its very common to have fast gains the first few weeks but you have to keep in mind that this gains are not cemented yet so you have to keep working on them. For example, i had 11.5cm of girth and by only doing a routine of ULIs and Horse440 one night the other day i was 12cm, this was an amazing gain but it has taken me a lot of hard work to make it a permanent gain, wich i still cant do

Abril ´04 BP 15.8 x EG 11.4 // Marzo ´06 BP 19.6 x EG 12.5 // Sept ´07 BP 20.3 x EG 13

GOAL: 20x14 - Big enough to make that ass cry for mercy!

Originally Posted by flygreg
I also have another question that popped up in my head: I was checking my penis in erect condition and it didn’t seem bigger. So when I measured it I was really surprised because I thought nothing happened. Does anybody have an explanation for this? My explanation would be that maybe I look everyday at my penis so I can’t notice the difference, but maybe somebody else would?

I agree that it is because you see your penis every day. When I first saw gains I didn’t believe them either and kept remeasuring and remeasuring.

Thanks for the response guys!

It also seems that my dick is bigger when I measure in the morning then in the evening because like I said I had 7.2 inches (18 cm). In the evening I have 6.8 inches (17 cm). Have you guys also noticed this?

Motivations: - The smile on your girlfriends face when she pulls it out - You never have to hear "DEEPER!" (and if you can) - Getting to see a mouth stretched around your cock and 2 hands req to work it - All of your girlfriends girlfriends knowing your big - Knowing you're the biggest she's been with and she'll always remember you in her life - Watching pornos and being so unimpressed

My morning measurement is usually 6.25 bpel, then go down to 6 bpel in evening. I hate it when that happens, because evening is usually the time I have sex with my girlfriend. Bummer!

I have not gain for three months now, I am feeling a bit desperate, I need to pass the 7 bpel.

Start 01/15/04 BPEL-5.75, EG-4.75

Current 11/23/04 BPEL-6.3, EG-4.85

Flygreg - those are some good initial gains. I’m have no idea how long it will take you to reach your goal. It could take a year or maybe a few. You’re likely to hit your length goal much more quickly then your girth. An inch and a half of girth will probably take a long time and a serious girth routine. I’m sure you’ll get there if you’re persistent.

Started:| 14 cm (unsure if BP or NBP) EG (mid-shaft) - 10.75 cm |

Current:| NBPEL - 17 cm; EG (circum scar) - 10.75 cm; (base) 14 cm |

Short-t Objective:| NBPEL - 18.5 cm EG (circum scar) - 11.5 cm |

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