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Fatigue due to Kegels?

Fatigue due to Kegels?

I stopped last week after six weeks straight of on day on and one off with the newbie routine, minus stretching. I gained significantly, but the last two weeks, I was doing kegels every day…started out at 50, moved to 80 after two weeks, then last week was up to about 250….I did a search and read that too much kegeling can cause week erections, and my erections are weaker than ever…Plus I’m going through finals this week and have been pretty stressed out, but I think that, combined with over kegeling and masturbating too much (what I do when I stress) has caused this.

I can barely get hard and I’m going to see my girlfriend in two weeks. I made some great gains, but don’t want to lose them by taking time off…So far I’ve done nothing since last friday, except whack it twice…and I’m even afraid to do that.

Should I just back off of everything for the rest of this week and next week to get my erections back, or what would be a good gauge?

Once the stress goes away, things might get better, but like I said, I’ve been kegeling pretty intensely lately. I do have a problem sometimes with the quick release so I believe I’d benefit from kegels.

So, should I stop for two weeks completely or could I start up slow next week and see how it goes?

THanks for the help!!

BTW, my gains were from 6.25 BPEL to 6.75 BPEL in six weeks, but they were lusually 5 second, intense strokes…It was quality over quantitiy, but I also believe toward the end my intesitiy was too much and that contributed to the weak erections.

Anyone? Anyone? Beuller…Beuller?

The general view is that overdoing things will weaken erections and tend to reduce gains.

It shouldn’t hurt to ease off consideraby for a couple of weeks, even longer if your erections are not performing. Including the intense Kegels

Don’t forget, the aim is to increase your size and your intensity. Not to become a slave to the exercises.

Having said all that. What will impress your girl more. Say, a ¼” gain (That’s if yuo lose ¼”); and a good erection? Or your ½” gain and a floppy dick?

SO the advice. Take it easy. Then you might be able to give her the extra ½” AND an erection that’ll make her gasp

If you are using hot water are you making it too hot? That can have an adverse effect.

I think you only need to do Kegels 2 or 3 times per week ay for about 30-45 minutes each seesion. My reasoning for this is I treat these like working out another muscle group, say your biceps - you need rest days.

You should relax your Jelqing/masterbasting and take it slower, I will bet your erections will come back.

So could I start back up next week, but cut everything back?

Example. Every other day

5 min wrap
5 min stretch (although it took me a while just to get to these, I believe I should do them every other session)
150 jelqs (3 seconds each)
5 minute wrap

50 kegls…Do this starting a week from now?

Or should I wait until my erections are completely normal/


What I meant was I think you may be using to much pressure while Jelqing. A good sign that you are doing things right is a strong erection. Also, try to avoid playing mind games with your dick, it looks like you are stressing yourself out over getting an erection (performance anxiety). So please try to relax, start-up your routine, and take it slowly.. Question: Have you only been PE’ing for six weeks?

No, off and on for over a year, but due to privacy issues, I’ve never been able to do it consistantly until late october. So I’ve had several trial runs and have run into problems in the past due to overtraining. I’m slowly but surely getting THE understanding of the limits of my dick. It takes time, but judging by my gains, and I know they’re newbie (somewhat) gains, I feel like I’m headed in the right direction. What do you think?

Don’t try testing what strain your dick can take from the hardest downwards. Test how much it can take by starting lightly , and gradually work upwards to higher pressures from there.

That way you will start to feel when the pressure is too high and ease off. Doing it the other way will strain or otherwise damage your dick before you realise it.

YOu wouldn’t start training your legs by slapping 250lb on the the bar and doing 3 sets of 20 reps. Exactly the same rules apply to your dick. More so in fact, because your dick can suffer much greater damage without you realising it.

As a point a year or so ago I lost having erections quite suddenly, I had been doing a reasonable workout jelqing after warmup, and when I had finished I did a warm bath and promptly lost the half erection I had and couldn’t make another until some 3/4 weeks later I tried and cold water wash and got a half erectons back. This continued for several months until I tried a pump. and immediately got full erections again.

I also find that most supplements have a negative effect rather than a positive one.

I would take things very easy for a week or two. keep the wrap time but cut everything else in half, and light jelqing only.

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