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Firmer flaccid but better erections?


Firmer flaccid but better erections?


I’ve been jelqing on and off for several years and until 7 months ago have never committed to a routine. During these 7 months things have been going great, made some gains ( I don’t measure mostly doing this for EQ) and had fun learning about techniques and experimenting with my own routine. I am however experiencing some weird side effects that started to appear a few weeks ago.

The first thing is that my flaccid has been much firmer, sort of feels like a small rubber garden hose- not rock hard but also not squishy like it usually is. This isn’t that big of a deal by itself, but it makes jelqing much harder as my penis seems rigid and doesn’t want to stretch. Second, my erections have been the biggest I can remember and so hard it almost hurts sometimes. This is very odd for me as usually my EQ is poor and only improves when I haven’t masturbated for about a week. I searched “hard flaccid” but this doesn’t seem like my case because my erections have actually improved and my penis seems bigger than before.

There are two things that I’m looking at for a possible cause for the changes. #1 I’ve been jelqing at a higher erection (but still not %100) and with more pressure for the last few weeks. #2 I’ve been diagnosed with low magnesium/high calcium through a hair mineral analysis and have been taking a magnesium supplement since around the time this all started.

Maybe I injured myself with higher erection jelqs and the firm rigid flaccid is my penis going into protection mode, but then shouldn’t my erections be worse? Or maybe my body is reacting to finally getting adequate amounts magnesium and my penis is going through changes of some sort, but shouldn’t magnesium relax my flaccid more? What do you guys think of my situation?

Ask your doc if you can take some l arginine. That will give you a nice plump flaccid.

It is possible that you overdid it a bit but since your EQ is sky high, I wouldn’t be bothered that much.

Here is a thought. How about stop completely for a week and see what happens. A week will not diminish any of your gains. In fact it may help gain a little bit more during rest.

BPEL 7 EG 5.5 NBPEL 6.5 Flaccid length 4.5. Started Jan 2015 at bpel 6.5 nbpel 6.0 and eg 5.2 flaccid length was 3.5

I have reached my goal. At least for now.

Originally Posted by bill10
Ask your doc if you can take some l arginine. That will give you a nice plump flaccid.

It is possible that you overdid it a bit but since your EQ is sky high, I wouldn’t be bothered that much.

Here is a thought. How about stop completely for a week and see what happens. A week will not diminish any of your gains. In fact it may help gain a little bit more during rest.

Thanks for the input. I forgot to mention in my original post that in addition to Magnesium I also take Fish Oil and L-arginine. It does seem to help with hang and EQ and have been taking it for several months.

I’m beginning to wonder if a harder flaccid is something that comes with gains? I figure a longer and thicker penis would also mean more tissue bundled up when flaccid and this could feel somewhat harder than before.

I don’t know mate. Makes me think that you overdid it a bit . EQ is exprected to be sky high with l arginine and fish oils. Perhaps it covers the fact that you overdid it a bit. You know. hides it.

But that may not be the case. In most cases of overdoing it you tend to notice turtling too. So it can be that your penis is changing. I don’t know. Perhaps you should wait for other opinions too.

BPEL 7 EG 5.5 NBPEL 6.5 Flaccid length 4.5. Started Jan 2015 at bpel 6.5 nbpel 6.0 and eg 5.2 flaccid length was 3.5

I have reached my goal. At least for now.

You’re right, I think its best to take a week off or so and see how things go. There’s no point in continuing PE at this point when I can’t even jelq properly.

Good call. Better safe than sorry.

BPEL 7 EG 5.5 NBPEL 6.5 Flaccid length 4.5. Started Jan 2015 at bpel 6.5 nbpel 6.0 and eg 5.2 flaccid length was 3.5

I have reached my goal. At least for now.

I don’t know about you guys, but I would love to have a firmer and longer flaccid. How “firmer” is that buddy? Could you tell us in percentage? What is your routine?

Originally Posted by lipe
I don’t know about you guys, but I would love to have a firmer and longer flaccid. How “firmer” is that buddy? Could you tell us in percentage? What is your routine?

Hey lipe,

Well my flaccid is also a bit smaller in this state, but wouldn’t consider it “turtled”. Also, jelqing is almost impossible with a harder flaccid because my penis doesn’t want to be stretched at all- it’s like it’ll go from rigid flaccid to rock hard there is no in between if that makes sense. I would say it feels like a 20-30% erection but completely flaccid.

My routine is very simple, just 5 min warm up/warm down and 10-15 min jelqing 1 on 1 off. No stretching as my body doesn’t seem to like it.

Originally Posted by dave223
Hey lipe,

Well my flaccid is also a bit smaller in this state, but wouldn’t consider it “turtled”. Also, jelqing is almost impossible with a harder flaccid because my penis doesn’t want to be stretched at all- it’s like it’ll go from rigid flaccid to rock hard there is no in between if that makes sense. I would say it feels like a 20-30% erection but completely flaccid.

My routine is very simple, just 5 min warm up/warm down and 10-15 min jelqing 1 on 1 off. No stretching as my body doesn’t seem to like it.

How does it feels dave? Did you get a few days rest? Is that normal now?

Originally Posted by lipe
How does it feels dave? Did you get a few days rest? Is that normal now?

Hey lipe,

Yes it seems to be healing. The last few days I’ve been waking up with normal morning wood, and my flaccid is longer and spongy again. I probably could jelq right now but want to wait a few more days so I don’t re aggravate the injury or whatever was going on. Most likely sometime this week I will try a jelqing session.

So our guess was right.You overdid it. Give it a few days of rest more.

BPEL 7 EG 5.5 NBPEL 6.5 Flaccid length 4.5. Started Jan 2015 at bpel 6.5 nbpel 6.0 and eg 5.2 flaccid length was 3.5

I have reached my goal. At least for now.

Originally Posted by bill10
So our guess was right. You overdid it. Give it a few days of rest more.

Yes, it seems that way. The only weird thing is that I’ve stopped arginine supplementation and right after this the hard flaccid seemed to subsided. However, my abnormally hard erections continued. I’m going to jelq for a few weeks then reintroduce arginine and see if I notice a pattern.

Does L-Arginine helps increasing gains? Or it just helps with the blood flow? Keep us update dave. Have a good restart :)

Well, I tried to jelq today with not very much success. My flaccid seems find now, but when I start jelqing my penis tenses up and is short and firm. I remember before my penis would be long and floppy while jelqing, or long and hard.. Now it’s short and firm unless I’m fully hard. Also, my glans don’t inflate anymore even with a strong squeeze. Since my penis wouldn’t comply with “Normal” jelqs I just did almost flaccid ones and held a stretch at the end of each rep. My dick seemed to like this and hung more loose post exercise. I plan on doing jelqs like this for a few more sessions to further loosen my penis. I’m not that worried because I can still get normal erections but I am sort of losing enthusiasm for jelqing.

I’m now looking into a tense pelvic floor being the possible cause of my symptoms. I’m still jelqing basically flaccid and giving it an extra 1-2 second stretch at the end. Most of the time now my warrior hangs low, loose and full of juice but still gets rigid when I begin jelqing. For some reason it’s easier to jelq if I don’t warm up first. Also I’ve have had more sucess with being able to jelq blood into my head latelly, especially if I do a dry jelq while laying down.

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