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Firmness in penis while stretching and Vac Extender usage.

Firmness in penis while stretching and Vac Extender usage.

Hello All,
After a couple of weeks of the newbie PE routine coupled with the vac extender (6-8 hrs per day) I’ve noticed that my penis has gotten pretty firm. I do not feel the fatigue I used to from stretching and my penis feels pretty firm when stretched as opposed to the sponginess earlier on. So for the same stretch there is hardly any fatigue now. On the other hand because of reduced elasticity of penis caused by firmness it’s harder to increase stretch length and I hesitate to do so as it puts significant pressure on glans (vac extender) with little fatigue. I had excellent PIs earlier but since the firmness it’s been more like neutral PIs. No negative PIs or injuries thankfully. It’s only been 1.5 weeks and I would hate to take a deconditioning break. Any pointers please??


Do you do warm ups? It’s relaxes and soften up the penis.

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Originally Posted by Dicko7X5
Do you do warm ups? It’s relaxes and soften up the penis.

Yes I do. Sometimes I skip it in which case I increase tension very very gradually to let pliability build. But that does not seem to be the issue here. Thanks for responding though! As if the PE time committment and discipline wasn’t exacting enough, this crappy catch 22 situation is the last thing I need :) . I’ll try working long hours at reduced tension and monitor my PIs I guess. What say?

In many cases PE takes more than committment/disipline. It also takes intelligence and the observe changes in yourself in the way a scientist notices small discprepancies in his method that are ruining his experiments. Basically you can’t setup a golden routine and stick to it and expect it to work.

This is what I did. I since found more out about my penis and discovered that many conventional techniques would not work for me, and after much time/money spent on this that wouldn’t, I’ve finally found what would.

I’m not sure about your problem. Is the tension equal throughout the penis? If it’s not: Penis extenders & septum

Originally Posted by Tweaking
In many cases PE takes more than committment/disipline. It also takes intelligence and the observe changes in yourself in the way a scientist notices small discprepancies in his method that are ruining his experiments. Basically you can’t setup a golden routine and stick to it and expect it to work.

This is what I did. I since found more out about my penis and discovered that many conventional techniques would not work for me, and after much time/money spent on this that wouldn’t, I’ve finally found what would.

I’m not sure about your problem. Is the tension equal throughout the penis? If it’s not: Penis extenders & septum

True that, Tweaking :) . Precisely why I thought something is amiss and I should turn to the veterans. Grateful, grateful for the link you posted! That is exactly my problem.Septum (or dorsal bundle but basically a thick chord).

A question Tweaking/Dicko7x5 and the other vets who may glance upon this thread -
I learnt from the various Septum (hard chord) related threads out there that the best way to deal with this is use lots of heat and do A/V fulcrum stretches and later fulcrum hanging (good pics by A69 on that one.) Any other pointers that could help please? I notice that despite use ADS and manual PE, my PIs are crap. No negative PIs but it’s as though I haven’t don’t any PE at all. Could someone please help? I read several threads that say peeps with the hard septum are often ‘no gainers’, barring newbie gains. Is that true man? A ‘hard gainer’ is one thing but no gains is pretty disappointing.

Responded to your PM boinker.

I have the piano cord and definitely gained.

My PIs are also sometimes conflicting with my results. As I say in one of my posts in the penis extenders/septum thread I think having the chord can influence PIs, especially EQ, but it’s just speculation.

What’s your current routine Boinker? Current EQ (out of 10)?

Originally Posted by Tweaking
In many cases PE takes more than committment/disipline. It also takes intelligence and the observe changes in yourself in the way a scientist notices small discprepancies in his method that are ruining his experiments. Basically you can’t setup a golden routine and stick to it and expect it to work.

This is what I did. I since found more out about my penis and discovered that many conventional techniques would not work for me, and after much time/money spent on this that wouldn’t, I’ve finally found what would.

I’m not sure about your problem. Is the tension equal throughout the penis? If it’s not: Penis extenders & septum

So what does work for you? Do you have a progress thread?

Originally Posted by Tweaking
Responded to your PM boinker.

I have the piano cord and definitely gained.

My PIs are also sometimes conflicting with my results. As I say in one of my posts in the penis extenders/septum thread I think having the chord can influence PIs, especially EQ, but it’s just speculation.

What’s your current routine Boinker? Current EQ (out of 10)?

How goes it Tweaking! Appreciate your insights and yeah, thanks for taking me under your wing bro :) !

About your question, I’ve briefly broached my background and routine below:

Started PE early November. Work Sizegenetics for 1-3 hrs per day (5 on 2 off). Applied heat and Jelqued intermittently as desired and followed PIs. Toward month end I also experimented with clamping. Johnson responded well so I started to clamp occasionally. Took L-arginine and a few other supplements. By Nov end I knew I had gained in both length and girth. Johnson also felt plumper and fuller. Had marginal flaccid gains too but not without instances of turtling. The gains were attributable to lig stretch and improved quality of errection due to supps. EQ shot up too.

Somewhere end Nov, I first noticed the hard CHORD issue develop. Didnt feel any improvements since. No substantial fatigue, no positive PIs, nada. Then I decided to take a breather in 3rd week Dec bcoz of chord issue discomfort. I could feel the chord not only when flaccid but also during erections. Also I broke my extender comfort strap and waited for my vac head attachment to arrive. Somewhere during the break I measured and realized that Johnson had smiled at my efforts and by December end I had gained 0.75 inch or so and a tad (0.25”) in girth. I think a portion of the gains kicked in when I was on break.

Started again in early Jan. The hard chord issue seemed to have gone away (I didnt know about Septum then. I thought it’s probably to do with decon and that maybe my tool requires shorter fatigue and relaxation/decon cycles). Monkeybar’s vac head attachment was a blessing and my routine starting Jan was extender 8hrs/day. No off days this time. I noticed the hard chord issue coming up again, about 10 days into the routine.

My latest routine is:

Warm-up 5-10 mins
Vac-Extender with V stretch for about an hour.
Vac-extender only for about 6-7 hours.
150-200 Jelq once or twice a day (between extender breaks) (2 on 1 off, not v consistent)
Clamping, 1-2 sets of 12 mins, 2 on 1 off (not consistent)
100-150 Kegels, 1 on 1 off
Bed fowfers whenever I can

After the chord issue kicked in, I started using the V-stretch attachment for all the 6-8 hrs of extender usage to feel at least a slight fatigue. I did feel a slight fatigue but for the slightest fatigue the vacuum head would give my glans hell even when I taped. No improvement in PIs either.

I concur with you on the chord influencing PIs. I have realized that with the chord resistance my postive PIs are gone. Now whether I could gain in spite of the absence of positive PIs would remain to be seen but I hope to modify my routine real soon.

During PE with positive PIs (Early November and 1st week of Jan 2010, I.e. When I felt the fatigue with no chord issues holding me back)
EQ was an easy 10/10.felt like my cock would explode and had frequent wood.

During PE with no positive PIs (not feeling the fatigue, dominant sensation being the shackling thick hard chord)
EQ has gone down to 8-9 and frequency of wood is flat out poor and it is a tad harder to get erect.

Taking pointers from vets such as yourself, Jan 25th or sooner (depending on when my order arrives), my routine would also include:

All of the above (maybe an hour or so less in the vac extender)
Thermotex InfraRed heat pad for warm-up and during at least an hour of extender usage & hanging.
Mild fulcrum hanging using the Capt’n wench hanger. I’ll report my progress towards end Feb.

If you have a minute, do lemme know your thoughts on my routine.Thanks!

Haha Boinker! It’s a pleasure! We can learn from eachother!

Your routine looks good, it’s basically what mine looked like before I discovered the cord bain. Since then, I dropped all extender work, feeling it wasn’t doing anything without application of heat.

“The results indicated that heating alone produced no significant elongation and that stretching alone produced no residual elongation. Significant elongation occurred if heat and stretch were combined. A greater increase in length was maintained if the stretch was held during the period of cooling since “reorganization of the tissues is thought to occur during the cooling period.”

Lehmann JF, Masock AJ, Warren CG, Koblanski JN. Effect of therapeutic temperatures on tendon extensibility. Archives of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation 1970 Aug; 51(8): 481-7.

If you’re clamping then I recommend this:
A Primer to Clamping & the OLF/OLR Method

No I don’t have a progress thread. A progress/informational thread on the cord is in the making, but won’t be available for probably several months at least! If you read my posts, can’t remember on which page, in that thread on septum/extender, I’ve already stated basically what my routine is.

Last edited by Tweaking : 01-21-2010 at .

Originally Posted by Tweaking
Since then, I dropped all extender work, feeling it wasn’t doing anything without application of heat.

“The results indicated that heating alone produced no significant elongation and that stretching alone produced no residual elongation. Significant elongation occurred if heat and stretch were combined. A greater increase in length was maintained if the stretch was held during the period of cooling since “reorganization of the tissues is thought to occur during the cooling period.”

Lehmann JF, Masock AJ, Warren CG, Koblanski JN. Effect of therapeutic temperatures on tendon extensibility. Archives of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation 1970 Aug; 51(8): 481-7.

If you’re clamping then I recommend this:
A Primer to Clamping & the OLF/OLR Method

No I don’t have a progress thread. A progress/informational thread on the cord is in the making, but won’t be available for probably several months at least! If you read my posts, can’t remember on which page, in that thread on septum/extender, I’ve already stated basically what my routine is.

Just dropped you a note Tweaking on my progress with the thermotex IR wrap and modified routine and my 0.3 in gains this month :) ..

Listen, about you dropping all extender work - I had a question or rather a theory.or maybe fcking both.Since I’ve incorporated the IR heating I have started to feel the soreness again when I stretch using the extender. Sometimes, after I;m done stretching and things have cooled off, when I give johnson a gentle tug I can feel the soreness again and I feel a slight know the seemingly gainful kinda stretch. Not the dead stretch from meaninglessly tugging on an unrelenting firm dorsal bundle. And so, I leave the extender in ADS mode for a bit to capitalize on the soreness and the stretchiness. I plan to experiment with this for a while. I thought I’d share it with you in case it’s of help..

Basically, without IR heat, all stress was absorbed by the dorsal bundle and there were no tears in the tunica as a result of no stretch. However, the stretching under IR heating and cooling causes the dorsal bundle to stretch more and elongate thereby inducing microtears in the tunica that was not being worked without the application of IR heat so far. After a few sessions the dorsal bundle elongates and allows more stress on tunica. I think thats what happened to me when I started using IR heat. I can feel that bitter sweet soreness again. And am thinking that at this stage, using my vacextender in ADS mode might help capitalize on the newly induced microtears in the tunica. Hard to say whether it cud contribute to gains and if so to what extent but I thought I’d run the concept by you..

And so chief I guess what I;m trying to say are two things -

1) For us dorsal fck-ups, therez an additional step to’s not just stretching ligs and stretching tunica for micro tears but rather an interim step of elongating the dorsal bundle by making it pliable under heat and then stretching it and then in turn stretching the tunica that would hold more blood etc..

2) Once the dorsal bundle is stretched a bit using IR heat and stretching, some of the strain is transferred to tunica bringing about the microtears, the bitter sweet soreness and positive PIs in tow. Maybe using an ADS in these latter stages of soreness might help us? Like I said, when the soreness has kicked in, I can feel the soreness when I stretch the flaccid a little. Standard example of letting the microtears heal in extended state. I hope you get my drift.Am still fairly new to all this and it’s possible I totally jumped the gun.

Originally Posted by boinker

1) For us dorsal fck-ups, therez an additional step to’s not just stretching ligs and stretching tunica for micro tears but rather an interim step of elongating the dorsal bundle by making it pliable under heat and then stretching it and then in turn stretching the tunica that would hold more blood etc..

In other words, in our case the gains are not from 1) stretching and elongating the dorsal bundle or 2) from microtears and stretching of tunica alone, but rather a combination of both with perhaps a sequence of some sort wherein step 2 is preceded by step 1.


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