Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

First month of P.E....

First month of P.E....

Well one month ago tomorrow I started the newbie rutine. the first two weeks were smooth but after that I would get red dots on my head and shaft almost every time I stretched. I had to take two days off probably four times within the last two weeks of the first month , until I finally realized yesterday to jelq then stretch. Despite everything I still gained a quarter inch in length and girth! I’m hoping I can match that again this month with consistent workouts , and increased ones also…I was 6.5 non bone pressed , and I really had to struggle to get 6.5. I am now 7 inches nbpel with a tape measurer , and 6.75 with a ruler. I have a slight curve at the beginning of the shaft due to my personal opinion of sleeping on my stomach. I went from 5.25 mid shaft girth to 5.5 mid shaft girth. I also gained a quarter inch while flaccid.
I just wanted everyone to know I am very greatful for you all answering my questions. Thank you Thundersplace.


August 4 2007 NBPEL:6.5 EG:5.25 FL:4.25 BP:7

Now NBPEL:8 EG:5.5 FL:5 BP:8.5

I am really in the mood to induct another member into the “Big Boys Club” why don’t you get a BPEL. Girth wize your there dude!

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

I got a bone pressed measurement. It is 7 3/8ths bone pressed with the wooden ruler.

August 4 2007 NBPEL:6.5 EG:5.25 FL:4.25 BP:7

Now NBPEL:8 EG:5.5 FL:5 BP:8.5

Originally Posted by longjohnsilver
I got a bone pressed measurement. It is 7 3/8ths bone pressed with the wooden ruler.

Well then welcome to the “Big Boys Club”

I do believe the red dots are normal, they eventually disapear.

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

Congratulations longjohnsilver! I hope to get there soon.

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