Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Just finished first month

Just finished first month

Hey guys,
I’ve just finished my first month of PEing but haven’t seen much in the way of gains!
I seemed to have gained a tiny bit of length but not any girth.

My routine is Mon, Tues then Thurs, Fri with the others as rest days.
I do a 5-10 min warmup, and in the last week I’ve been doing around 10 mins of stretching at low angles, I then do 400 jelqs (more if I can but not usually less) followed by a warn down.

What I’ve noticed:
I have a slightly bigger flaccid hang
My dick is more veiny

The only problem is that I recently realised I haven’t really been doing my kegels, I’ve just forgot on most days.
Would this affect any gains that I may have seen had I been doing them?

And also should I up the intensity of my routine now?
I’ve been at this for just over a month so my dick is used to being worked now
I.e should I do weds also, should I try for more jelqs/stretches etc

Any help from you guys would be great, I wasn’t expecting any great gains in my first month and I know it takes a bit of time but I was hoping for a bit more.

Also what can I expect in my second month of PEing?
The site I joined said many men experience no gains in their first month but can see substantial gains in the second month.
How true is this? And has anyone had the same?


I’m sorry, I’m a newbie also, but I read in the regular forum that kegels might be the most underrated part of PEing.

8/26/08: FL: 3" FG: 3" BPEL: 5" EG: 4" 12/9/09: FL: ?? FG: ? BPEL: 6" EG: right under 4.25"

3/30/09: F:: ?? FG: ? BPEL: 6" EG: 4.25"

Goal: BPEL: 7" EG: 5.5"

Too many rest days, IMO and the rest of the questions I wouldn’t care to try to answer. You have been at it a month, the whole process takes much more time, please keep that in mind.

You are at the best site by the way, you could just donate or send me the money if you feel the need to pay for it. :)

What you are noticing is right and a good sign.


Originally Posted by helpmeeeee
I’m sorry, I’m a newbie also, but I read in the regular forum that kegels might be the most underrated part of PEing.

I just saw your signature… Start saving your money my friend :)

Originally Posted by chunkyaa34
I just saw your signature.. Start saving your money my friend :)

Trust me, bro, it’s not even about the money. There’s no amount of money that can cover me feeling confident about myself, and on top of that doing it NATURALLY. By the way, I’m serious about that, I’m not just talking.

8/26/08: FL: 3" FG: 3" BPEL: 5" EG: 4" 12/9/09: FL: ?? FG: ? BPEL: 6" EG: right under 4.25"

3/30/09: F:: ?? FG: ? BPEL: 6" EG: 4.25"

Goal: BPEL: 7" EG: 5.5"

Originally Posted by helpmeeeee
By the way, I’m serious about that, I’m not just talking.

My challenge to you is to have the perseverance to continue until June, if so please come rub my nose in it, how’s that?


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