Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Is the 2nd month the hardest?

Is the 2nd month the hardest?

I’m going into my second month of jelqing and am in a bit of a slump. Is the second month the hardest?

The first month was full of anticipation and excitement. Something was going on and my dick knew it. I was always thinking about it and walking around with semis more often than ever before. The jelquiing sessions left it full and pumped, a nice feeling and a nice look. Not the ultimate size I’m going for, but an immediate increase non the less.

But as of yet, there are no real permanent gains. Yes, what I’ve read says to wait about two to three months before expecting to see any results. Perhaps even more. It’s just hard to wait. I can’t help thinking that this is all a tease. Now you see it, now you don’t. No big dick for you.

I tried pumping about 20 years ago with no information, no internet forums. After many, many, many hours, I realized it wasn’t going to make a permanent change, and I was stuck forever with the my 4.5 inch girth. I’m starting to feel that same disappointment again.

I will be so thrilled once I start to see real gains, so totally blown away after all these years of thinking anything bigger than the noodle dick I have is just a foolish pipe dream. If that happens, I’ll be inspired for a good long time. But until then I need some encouragement. Is there going to be a day when I get up from my desk to take a piss and think “wooh dude, whose dick is that you’re holding?” Or go to have sex with my wife and think “wait till she gets a load of this; now there’s a cock that means business!”

It’s gonna happen, right? Was the second month tough for you guys too?

Patience is a virtue, and is a virtue needed to make gain’s with natural PE.

So be patient, and make sure your workout’s are intense and precise. Make every stroke count. You might want to try light jelqing in between workout’s to promote healing, a lil more bloodflow can’t hurt right? Once you feel confident try squeezing, light intensity at first(you’ll feel the tunica stretch a bit). Then work your way up to more intense workout’s.

The most important thing is dedication. I think many ppl don’t get result’s from PE because they don’t stick with it long enough.

Good Luck

Just keep going!

I have been at it about 1.5 years and have experienced 6 months of NO gain…. patience, patience and some patience :-)

For me many intense sessions works while long sesions 4-6 times a week doesn´t seems to work for me.

I try to do 2-3 sessions/day.


I'm gaining

What a diference a week makes. I decided to break out the tape measure because I suspected I was a little bigger. I hadn’t measured in several weeks, and wasn’t going to check until I was sure of a gain. I must have been growing but didn’t really realize it.

The tape measure doesn’t lie, although I can hardly believe I’ve gained a 1/2 inch in girth - girth gains being my goal. I’m so psyched.

Lean 85 what routine are you doing to get girth gains like that?


2nd month try almost the fourth year now that’s hard

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)


Look in the Member’s pic forum at Lordbase before and after pics. His should help you believe. Also, do a search of “ligs” and or “ligaments” and you should be able to find some good discussions describing how lig stretching is possible. Doing a google search of ligaments should even help convince you ligaments can be stretched in sports and medical articles. This should help you believe PE is real.

Hey guys, look at the dates of lean85’s thread. He hasn’t posted anything since Sept, 2002, so don’t hold your breath waiting for a response.

Originally Posted by gprent101
Hey guys, look at the dates of lean85’s thread. He hasn’t posted anything since Sept, 2002, so don’t hold your breath waiting for a response.

Dang! Thanks gprent.

Originally Posted by gprent101
Hey guys, look at the dates of lean85’s thread. He hasn’t posted anything since Sept, 2002, so don’t hold your breath waiting for a response.

I noticed that as well. Funny gprent101. I wonder if he still stuck with the P.E.


Starting (June 2004): 7.5" EBPL x 5.5" EG

1st Goal : 8.5" EBPL x 6" EG

2nd Goal : 9.5" EBPL x 6.5" EG

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