Thunder's Place

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Flaccid Girth Increase or Swelling

Flaccid Girth Increase or Swelling

Hi people,
I have been doing PE for around 3 weeks now mostly (dry jelqs) and have noticed gains both length and girth in the flaccid state, nothing in the Erect state yet but, it’s early days..
Anyway mainly I’m asking the question. ‘Is the girth increase of my flaccid an ‘increase’ or is it swelling, as the increase is only occurring just above the base like 1 or 2cm to the glans.’ It’s been like that for a few days now so I’m not certain what it would be?

(Highly Detailed Drawing)

( ) -Glans
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It’s sort of like that but not that extreme.I hope the the picture kind of helps haha

All your thoughts and opinions help.

|| Joined 18/1/09. || Started first real routine 28/7/11 || Current BPEL: 16.1 cm. 6.33" ||

|| Short Term Goal: "Be Consistent" || Long Term: "Cure Premature Ejaculation" ||

|| My Journey :-pulse:

Originally Posted by New B

(Highly Detailed Drawing)

( ) -Glans
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Well thank you for making me laugh nice and early ;) .

As far as I know, the difference you’re seeing are actually gains. Having flaccid gains is a prelude to erect gains and definately a good sign. There might be some swelling but I’d imagine it is minor if anything.


P.S. How do chicks dig the pointy tip on that thing ^^ ?

I had the same thing happen, well, the same thing is happening to me currently. I have been doing PE for nearly 4 of 5 weeks, and mine has been like that, getting noticably heavier and longer in it’s flaccid state. I hope and assume that it’s just normal.

Don’t worry, it’s not just normal, it’s hoped for by most. It is a sign of you increasing in size. I have the same thing.


Before: I'd like to show you something I'm very proud of, but you'll have to move real close.

After: I\'d like to show you something I\'m very proud of, but you guys in the front row will have to stand back.

God gave men both a penis and a brain, but unfortunately not enough blood supply to run both at the same time. - Robin Williams (:

Lol at the picture, you should be seeing some gains soon

Originally Posted by house_md
Well thank you for making me laugh nice and early ;) .

As far as I know, the difference you’re seeing are actually gains. Having flaccid gains is a prelude to erect gains and definately a good sign. There might be some swelling but I’d imagine it is minor if anything.


P.S. How do chicks dig the pointy tip on that thing ^^ ?

Haha well when I was editing it, it looked better but once I submitted the thread, it changed it heaps haha

Originally Posted by avatarbilbob97
I had the same thing happen, well, the same thing is happening to me currently. I have been doing PE for nearly 4 of 5 weeks, and mine has been like that, getting noticably heavier and longer in it’s flaccid state. I hope and assume that it’s just normal.

Yea well I was I thought id just ask anyway, so I can get my post count up to 30, so I can have an avatar :)

After all I don’t really want girth at the moment, I’m trying to increase in length first (because that is recommended before PE’ing for Girth) but it seems the opposite is occurring?

|| Joined 18/1/09. || Started first real routine 28/7/11 || Current BPEL: 16.1 cm. 6.33" ||

|| Short Term Goal: "Be Consistent" || Long Term: "Cure Premature Ejaculation" ||

|| My Journey :-pulse:

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