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Flaccid Girth vs. Erect Girth


Flaccid Girth vs. Erect Girth

Is anyone else able to get a real good fluffed flaccid/semi erect girth greater than their fully erect girth.

It seems as though my semi-erect/full flaccid girth keeps getting better but the erect girth is much harder to gain?

Is this sort of a good sign for future erect girth gains?

I have actuallu heard one other person say it in another thread I wish I could find it. I mean I feel like I am squeezing equally hard,and being honest with myself. One possibility is that I am squeezing just a slight bit to hard on my erect girth measurement. I don’t think I am but I am trying to be honest if that was the case I would be very slightly bigger in erect girth.

UkranianTitan I totally know what your talking about, my semi-erect girth looks around 1/2” thicker then my erect girth and I was hoping that is a positive sign for the future. That is what I have based my 6 month goal on, getting my girth to the semi-erect status. If it can swell that large why can’t it stay that large?

Start Feb 09: BPEL = 7", EG = 5"

Goal Aug 09: BPEL = 7.5", EG 5.25"

Have you guys measured to confirm that your semi is thicker, or are you just going by visual? Your semi is probably not as long as your fully erect penis so proportionately your semi will look thicker due to the shorter length.

If you have measured and your semi is thicker, ignore what I just said.

I have experienced the same phenomenon and for it seems to be related to what exercises that I have focused on. At the moment full-erect is bigger,but not by much. I also believe I have seen a thread discussing that a full erect is often smaller. As progress has been slow for me I experience a trade off between girth and length as I focus on different exercises. It seems like a volume thing that I can trade a bit of girth for length and vice versa and it takes more work to make progress in both directions.

When young I was about bpel 6x5 by 2002 size had shrunk down to bpel 5.5x4.8 with age, had to do something!

09/10 bpel 8.4, eg 5.8 midshaft (6.3 base) Goal- 9x6.2 average eg.

Originally Posted by WideLoad
Have you guys measured to confirm that your semi is thicker, or are you just going by visual? Your semi is probably not as long as your fully erect penis so proportionately your semi will look thicker due to the shorter length.

If you have measured and your semi is thicker, ignore what I just said.

Yea I measured my base at around 5.25 while semi erect before I started PE, while at full erect it’s 5” all the way. Now with PE around 75% of my penis seems to be as thick if not thicker than 5.25, but my erect girth doesn’t seem any thicker then 5”. Ill do some measuring later if I can (it’s my day off so no work out gains)

Start Feb 09: BPEL = 7", EG = 5"

Goal Aug 09: BPEL = 7.5", EG 5.25"

It’s probably due tot he fact that the tunica is only being stressed girth-wise when semi, but both length and girth-wise when erect. Think of a meshed finger trap; when you lengthen it, the girth decreases.

Yeah, I’v checked it on non-workout days with a string and ruler. I am really hoping my erect girth can catch up.

That’s usually the case. Semi-Erect maybe.65%-80% is fatter than 100% erect. At least in most cases.

My semi erect can be thicker than my erect and no its not in my head, I actually measured.

The question is can the semi-erect girth become the erect girth?

Start Feb 09: BPEL = 7", EG = 5"

Goal Aug 09: BPEL = 7.5", EG 5.25"

That is my question, has anyone experienced their girth gains in this form? Also, I hear alot of people talking about how lifestyles survey prevented them from getting a full erection while they were drunk. This was also the highest ever girth measured by a doctor. Is it possible that these guys benefitted from this?

Another question I have if anyone wants to answer is, What is the normal amount of expansion with clamps on. I am only getting about .05-.075 inches with the clamp on in the erect state, is that pretty average? I imagine that if you could gain that much girth each month that would be pretty exceptional.

I know this is dead thread, but I am still noticing that my semi-erect girth is bigger than my erect girth, it’s probably by about 1/8th of an inch, it seems like swelling, before PE, I don’t know that I ever got a higher reading on semi-erect girth, I am wandering if there are any threads that discuss this in greater detail.

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