Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Flaccid length

flacid length

What exercise is good for flacid length? Thanks.

The fowfer is supposed to be good for flaccid length but any exercise that increases your erect length has the tragic consequence of also increasing your flaccid length, so: jelqing, hanging etc.

Generally PE seems to lessen the differential between flaccid and erect. So people tend toward becoming showers rather than growers.

Traction wrapping or wearing an ADS (all day stretcher) are also great methods for increasing flaccid length by allowing your dick to heal in an elongated state after a workout. Check out the ADS folder in my favorites for some good threads on the subject.

If you’re asking about manual stretch techniques, I’ll have to give the v-stretch my seal of approval. It’s the only stretch I’ve found that comes close to matching the lig fatigue felt from hanging.

All forms of PE should help your flaccid. Jelqs are very good to keep blood pumped in.

Also, exercise to help circulation. Diet is also very important, eat a low fat diet and stay healthy. It puzzles me when I see pics of guys with 2-3+” fat pads wondering how to increase their flaccid. It’s like a guy 50 pounds overweight asking how to get abs. Drop about 40 pounds and your dick will pop out!

If you want a healthy dick, have a healthy body!



I second that. Plus, I drink 7-10 glasses of water a day.

Good point, Larry. All day kegels and lots of water help you maintain a good flaccid hang. You just have to pee a lot. But that’s not so bad because each time you pee you can do a quick stretch.


"It's not the getting there but the going that's gotta be good." Varg


Originally Posted by Hughjorgan9

It puzzles me when I see pics of guys with 2-3+” fat pads wondering how to increase their flaccid.

Nothing puzzling about it. Us fat guys want big dicks to. :)


Man, we’re on opposite sides of the political fence, but you’re my PE god.


Politically, you and I are like the north and south poles. Lol. But isn’t it amazing how our common interest in PE can bring us together? My father always told me not to get into religion and politics if you want to keep your friends. It’s hard not to do these days. And yet I know we both care passionately about our country and we both are eternally grateful for all that it has given us. Look at the www and Thunder’s, bringing men and women from all over the world together to share one of the most important human concerns. What an exciting time to be alive. I always think of the lines from Charles Dickens’, I believe, “Tale of Two Cities,”: “It was the best of times, and it was the worst of times.” Those words surely apply to the scenes we are witnessing.

Good luck, brother in PE.


"It's not the getting there but the going that's gotta be good." Varg



Thanks man.


Sorry to chime in a bit late here, but, to add to Stevie’s reply, I have been using an ADS for a couple of hours a day for the past 3 days and I have already seen a massive increase in my flaccid hang. I have gone from 3.5-4” flaccid to a constant 5” in 3 days. It doesn’t seem to decrease below that either, which is great.



Hot damn! That’s exciting and great news! Hope it stays cemented!


"It's not the getting there but the going that's gotta be good." Varg


Originally Posted by Lordbase

I have been using an ADS for a couple of hours a day for the past 3 days and I have already seen a massive increase in my flaccid hang. I have gone from 3.5-4” flaccid to a constant 5” in 3 days. It doesn’t seem to decrease below that either, which is great.


I was just searching around for a new project - That’ll do for me.


June 06 BPEL = 6.875 E/G = 5.500

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