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Fluid buildup

Fluid buildup

I keep seeing people who claim that they get up to .5 - .7” of fluid buildup after a jelqing session. Although this is nothing permanent, it seems like a good sign of success.

My problem is that after a jelqing session, I barely gain .1”-.15” of this “fluid buildup”. Does that mean I’m not jelqing hard enough ? ( I’m probably using a medium-hard grip )

Others may disagree, but I don’t see any relationship between fluid build up and gains (or lack of). I have a pump that I used for a spell, and that would provide *huge* short term increases in girth due to fluid build up (1.25” plus). I never saw any benefit from doing that though. When I used it already erect I had less fluid and seemed to get a better workout.

Since jelqing provides internal pressure (opposite of a pump), you may not get hardly any fluid. I wouldn’t be discouraged by that though. I’d liken it to attributing spots and bruising to gains in that I see it as more of a side effect than a driver.


I agree with Shiver. Fluid build up is just a skin effect and will not lead to gains. Pumping up the internal chambers and stretching out the tunica is what a good jelq session or pump session will do leading to growth.

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