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Tips for monitoring fluid buildup

Tips for monitoring fluid buildup

I have a tip for fellow pumpers…

Well as we all know that fluid build up is counter productive to our PE results. Now I’m not a vet pumper yet as I only have 2 months under my belt. But I have found a great way to monitor fluid build up while pumping.

What I do is keep a close eye on my veins and the muscular structure of my penis. Once that becomes obscured, or you can’t see them anymore your pumping session should end. Also you may be doing one of the two…

1. pumping the pressure up to high.

2. you are in the tube too long.

I now can go for 30 minutes in 6 sets of 5 minutes at 5-6 HG with almost no fluid build up. If I go longer or pump say to 7 HG I will start to get fluid build up that will hinder my results.

When I first started at 2 sets of 5 minutes at 3 HG I had fluid build up. So in my experience the slower you get to the higher HG the less fluid build up you will have and the better your pumping experience will be.

Oh, one last thing. Always go to the tube hard. That helps alot with keeping the fluid build up down.


Modemmer, I have just recently starting pumping and am curious about fluid build up. First of all, what exactly constitutes fluid, do you mean fluid coming out of the penis or fluid build up within the penis? I always go in rock hard and after a session my penis is heavier, sightly longer and thicker, is this the result of fluid? I pump for 15mins, 5 sets of 3 mins and 2hg.

Thanks in advance, Regards Rolo

Fluid buildup with in the penis.

Yes you will always have some build up to an extent. But the type of pump you are looking for, to go with your PE efforts, is one with little to modest amounts of fluid other than blood.

The belief is that when you cross over that point when fluid build up will hinder the expansion of the penis by blood by constricting it from the outer layers, you should finish your pumping routine for the day.


Last edited by Modemmer : 08-31-2002 at .

Rolo posted “do you mean fluid coming out of the penis”. No, fluid build up has nothing to do with fluid coming out of your penis, this type of fluid is pre cum, Fluid build up is lymph fluid that’s pulled into the penis because of the vacuum. Hope this helps :) .


One more point…

To some extent, that little fluid build up you do get can help gains by expanding and stretching the tissue.



Hey Modemmer, I’ve always wondered if fluid build up was such a bad thing that everyone makes it out to be, Since it is helping to stretch the tissue I’ve always thought of fluid build up as rather a good thing.


Myself, I think that you should attempt to keep the fluid buildup at a minimum. You won’t be able to eliminate it completely and to some extent it serves a useful purpose. It expands your skin and seems to help with preventing/removing discoloration caused by other exercises. But the more fluid your draw into your dick, the less room there is for blood, because the fluid will compress the areas of your dick that contain blood. Erections are caused by blood, not by fluid, so you want to increase the blood capabilities, not the fluid capabilities.

This is probably one of the reasons the guys that go for the dough boy dicks don’t usually report actual gains.

Want to get more blood into your dick while you are pumping?? Do your kegel exercises while under vacuum.

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Thanks, ThunderSS, I will give the kegels a try!


Seems to me that Big Al at his site was not in favor of doing kegels while in the tube. I didn’t do them for a long time because of that but now do them with no ill effect.



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