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Pumping and fluid buildup

Pumping and fluid buildup

I am having some discoloration from Horses and have noticed that it dissapeared on part of my penis where I get fluid buildup from jelquing.

Since I have read that pumping causes fluid buildup, I am considering building or buying a pump in order to get rid of discoloration.

I would be grateful for some help regarding following:

- What is like the fluid buildup from pumping - is the fluid spread along the entire shaft or only concentrated around the glans (donut effect)?

If I could get fluid buildup along the entire shaft I am quite sure my discoloration would dissapear.

- How should I pump to cause maximum fluid buildup - higher pressure/shorter time or lower pressure/longer time?

Thanks a lot.

Welcome LoveMuscle, thank you for your post.

Fluid build up is really an undesirable side effect of pumping (and other techniques of PE). Moreover, many of the pumping techniques and procedures are designed precisely to avoid as much as possible this side effect.

Besides, pumping has the potential to worsen not improving discoloration, especially if it’s done with improper techiniques (excesive vacuum pressure, long periods under vacuum (in the tube), etc.). My personal observation is that increased fluid build up tends to increase discoloration not reduce it.

Pumping IS NOT a remedy for discoloration. Personally, I don’t believe such a remedy exist or is known.

Thank you very much on your reply Hog7.5.

I am aware that fluid build up is an undesirable side effect of pumping. I am also aware that it’s a little strange to try to achieve something that others are trying to avoid, but I realy beleive this is something that could help me if done carefuly.

The reason I am considering getting fluid build up by pumping is an old thread where BIB explained how the fluid build up he got from wraping helped him in removing discoloration. The thread is called "Wrapping to remove discoloration":

Wrapping to remove discoloration

My experience with fluid build up affecting discoloration in this way is kind of similar.

As I mentioned in my first post, the discoloration on part of my penis where I get fluid build up from jelquing dissappeared. Therefore, I think that if I could achieve fluid build up along the entire shaft by pumping, it could help me in removing the rest of discoloration. If it won’t help I will at least know that I tried it.

Wraping didn’t work for me because I could not get fluid build up.

I would still be very grateful for some info on what is like the fluid build up from pumping:

- Is it uniformly spread along the entire shaft or only around the glans?

- How should I pump to get maximum fluid build up?

I would do it very carefully.

Thank you again.


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