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Shaft fluid

Shaft fluid

After about 25-30 minutes of jelq and ulis, I have quite a bit of fluid buildup just behind the head (doughnut effect) which becomes more apparent as I become fully flacid after the workout. The fluid remains for about 6 hours, and during this time my penis looks full and big. I actually don’t feel as if I got a good workout unless this happens (fluid buildup). The question is this, some say pumping isn’t permanent for this very reason, fluid is making the penis bigger not expansion of the CC’s. I’m afraid this is happening to me, after the fluid is completely gone I seem to be back at my original size. How do I know if I am expanding my penis at all or just pushing in fluid. Is there a way to maximize expansion and minimize fluid?

One foot to go

>How do I know if I am expanding my penis at all or just pushing in fluid.

Pay attention to how your dick feels while you exercise. When jelqing your penis should be engorged in front of your grip, and you should feel some resistance as you jelq the blood forward. With Ulis your shaft and head should expand more as the workout progresses. Feel your dick and compare. You’ll learn to tell the difference between internal expansion and fluid buildup.

IMO, the fluid isn’t desirable, but is unavoidable if the workouts are intense. You can minimize the donut by wrapping for awhile after the workout. This helps some, but won’t completely eliminate it. Just wrap snuggly with something stretchy (Theraband, Ace bandage, etc.) for 10 minutes or so. Cover all the skin behind the head, at least down to the circ scar. If you leave some skin exposed, particularly the bit under the head, it will swell worse. I rarely bother with this, but it can come in handy if the donut gets severe.

The fluid buildup from pumping is because of the vacuum coming from the outside of the penis. The same fluid buildup from jelquing comes from the internal pressure forcing fluid out to the surface. The immediate symptom looks the same but the cause of what got it there determines the difference of pumping giving temporary results while jelquing giving permanent results.

Some mention the theory that the fluid hinders normal healing, making the gains temporary. I’m not sure that holds water - no pun intended.

Starting: 5 BPEL x 4.5 EG on 4/19/03

Latest: 6 BPEL x 5 EG on 2/17/04

Goal: 7 BPEL x 6 EG

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