Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Hair already on shaft Pre-PE

Hair already on shaft Pre-PE

I did a search on my question but I didn’t really find an answer. I am middle-aged (41) and have only been doing PE for about three weeks. I am following the newbie routine as suggested in the topic “Newbie Routine” in this forum. My present stats are bpel: 5.60”, nbpel: 4.5”.

My problem is I have always had hair growing on the underside of my shaft to a height two inches or so up from the shaft base when erect. The hair is not thick and grows in an irregular triangular pattern (starts out wide at the shaft base and as the hair progresses up the shaft it narrows in pattern width). The hair follicles are visible on the shaft and always have been, even when flaccid. As shown by my nbpel measurement of 4.5” I’m really saying the hair is appearing on the shaft close to half way up it when erect.

I’ve been an on again, off again shaver so shaving isn’t a problem. My question is (sorry for taking so long to get to it) if I am able to progress with PE is it a given that when the skin on my penis stretches/renews to keep up with any length growth, the hair that is already present on the shaft will ride up the shaft in relation to the new skin growth and shaft length?

So that when I reach nbpel 6.0” I could very well have hair three or more inches up the shaft?

Are there any on this forum that have started PE already having high height hair growth on the shaft? How was the already present hair growth affected by your PE?

I plan on sticking with PE at least within the confines of the Newbie Routine because if nothing else the increased circulation has to be a positive.

I appreciate the information that is present on the Thunder’s Place Forums.

For the newbies out there. One newbie to another. Please, please take it slow and easy when doing the suggestions on this forum, the ones you decide to do. You are dealing with a very sensitive delicate human body part. It will do no good if Willie is hurt or mangled and a few years down the road you meet Miss Wonderful and Willie is unable to function. Even if you never meet Miss Wonderful a hurt Willie would be no good.

Originally Posted by CB
My question is if I am able to progress with PE is it a given that when the skin on my penis stretches/renews to keep up with any length growth, the hair that is already present on the shaft will ride up the shaft in relation to the new skin growth and shaft length?

Yes, That will certainly happen unless you manage to somehow stretch your skin from above your hair limit, which I think wouldn’t be worth it and very hard if possible at all.

So that when I reach nbpel 6.0” I could very well have hair three or more inches up the shaft?

Yeah, you could, but as you said, shaving is the solution. Also there are chemicals which are supposed to slowly stop your hair growth completely from desired area, you may want to try out some of these.

"Be aware that there are several schools of thought here as well. Some seem to go with the hard and heavy approach. The sessions are brutal. You can hear them talking to their dick: You better grow mofo or I will punish you even harder tomorrow! Others seem to favor a more tender approach. Always listening to what their member is saying while massaging it gently and singing to it with a soft voice. If it is moody and not happy with new behavior, they always listen and are very understanding."

Originally Posted by CB
I did a search on my question but I didn’t really find an answer.

Our new forum software has a great feature called Similar Theads. Unfortunately, the list of similar threads doesn’t appear until after you’ve posted. Perhaps you noticed the list at the bottom of this thread. It’s kind of like an automatic search.

I’m afraid your assumptions are correct. It’s difficult to stretch only the skin above your present shaft hair limit.

Here is a search for "shaft,hair,removal". You might also want to look at the product called Kalo .

Thanks for the responses Base and Westla90069.

Originally Posted by westla90069
Our new forum software has a great feature called Similar Theads. Unfortunately, the list of similar threads doesn’t appear until after you’ve posted. Perhaps you noticed the list at the bottom of this thread. It’s kind of like an automatic search.

Yes, I saw the list of “Similar Threads” at the bottom of the thread after I posted the question but there again none of them went to the heart of my question/concern.

Before posting I also did a search on the word “Hair” and looked over all twenty pages of results and still did not find a similar post. Now I very well could have overlooked the thread in that search that held the answer.

My question isn’t/wasn’t about hair removal but rather the experience of those involved with PE who already had high hair height on their shaft before starting PE. Perhaps there have been none willing to do PE because of their already high hair height. I doubt it though.

What I am calling my high hair height does not go all the way around the circumference of the shaft but is presently isolated to one side of it. I also did a search on the Internet a few days ago and learned that hair on the shaft is not too abnormal nor too uncommon.

Anyway, I’m going forward with the Newbie Routine and I’ll deal with things as they appear. It’s too early for me to start looking for permanent hair removal type products right now.

The title of this thread may help someone in the future who has a question along the same lines as I did. Eight months from now I may come back to this thread and post what my experience has been. The information may help someone in the future.

What’s so difficult about stretching just the skin above the hairline? Isn’t that similar to what the foreskin restoration guys are doing? Obviously if you’re gaining, you’ll have to grow the skin faster than the penis in order to prevent the hairline from moving up, but I would think some dedicated shaft skin stretching should be able to handle the situation. Am I wrong?

Originally Posted by pihkal

What’s so difficult about stretching just the skin above the hairline?

If your hairline is at half-shaft already, that can be hard.

"Be aware that there are several schools of thought here as well. Some seem to go with the hard and heavy approach. The sessions are brutal. You can hear them talking to their dick: You better grow mofo or I will punish you even harder tomorrow! Others seem to favor a more tender approach. Always listening to what their member is saying while massaging it gently and singing to it with a soft voice. If it is moody and not happy with new behavior, they always listen and are very understanding."

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