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How do I increase seminal fluid volume?

How do I increase seminal fluid volume?

Last night I had a very pleasant ejaculation with a relatively large amount of seminal fluid.
I usually suffer from painful ejaculation with low amounts of seminal fluid due to my prostate problems.

I believe cleaning up my diet and eliminating caffeine has helped a lot. I’ve been eating a lot of broccoli and steamed vegetables.

I masturbated today and felt like there was no fluid left to ejaculate. It wasn’t painful, just empty.
It seems my body takes a long time to rebuild its seminal fluid stores.

I am looking for advice on how to rebuild my seminal fluid stores more quickly. I’m not planning on having children so this isn’t for procreation. It just makes me feel better to know I ejaculate a lot of fluid—kind of like it makes me feel better to know I can bench press heavy weights even though I’m not training for Mr. Olympia.

What are the best diets/supplements/exercises for my needs? I’ve asked three urologists about this. All of them have prescribed me pills such as Uroxatral which don’t do anything. Other than prescribing meds the urologists aren’t helpful at all.

What slackjawedyokel and tps wrote. You have done some positive changes already. Perhaps it’s just taking your body a bit to adjust? Definitely increase your H2o intake and check out some of the recent threads on L-arginine, it’s less than $20/lbs.

Running a Massive Co-Front.

Originally Posted by iamaru

What slackjawedyokel and tps wrote. You have done some positive changes already. Perhaps it’s just taking your body a bit to adjust? Definitely increase your H2o intake and check out some of the recent threads on L-arginine, it’s less than $20/lbs.

I used to drink 2 lbs of water a day when I was doing heavy weight training and still had small loads. So I know it’s NOT lack of water. I will try the supplements. What are the best brands?

i have found that the BODY FORTRESS brand from wal-marts or your local health food store like GNC to be a great product

it has deffinatly increased my loads

i dont know if its the brand im using or just the increased amount of l-argine that did the trick but thats what im using at the moment

also make sure you are taking a GOOD multivitamin daily

there again the MEGAMEN vitamin from GNC is excellent

I used to take Arginmax. I really felt like it helped a little with my load size. But, what I really noticed, before taking Arginmax was after I would shoot like 2 or 3 loads consecutively, I would experience some pain in the testicles. But after taking it, the pain went away to where I could shoot many, many times, without the pain. I am experimenting with the Ball Zinger because it is cheaper, I will let you know if I feel any effects.

Some guys lift weights, I hang 'em!

Last edited by legolas : 04-24-2005 at .
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