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For the life of me I cannot reverse kegel!

For the life of me I cannot reverse kegel!

I really cant figure it out. You push out? All i know how to do down there is clench, and stop the urine flow. Anyone have any advice?

Please don’t recommend me using the search button, I have and couldn’t find a detailed description on how to perform them.

You have to try and shit out of your penis to really feel it…:danceblu:

EDIT: Am I the only one who found that hilarious, I actually made myself laugh aloud…anyway its the opposite of clenching. Similar to when you are trying to push out the last few drops of urine.

To me, I think it works best with an erection. Because with an erection you will see and feel it better if you do it right = big if not huge veins, big head, a bit of a wider and bigger penis.

And for me being a foreigner, it’s not easy to explain so you’d understand.. And after all MY method could vary from others..

Basically what I do is instead of clenching (I will call this ‘closing the pipe’), you ‘open the pipe’ by sort of like pushing out, as you said.
Damn, it’s really hard to explain.. I’m sorry, I’ll let someone else explain it to you so you don’t do anything wrong.

Originally Posted by ironaddict69

I really cant figure it out. You push out? All i know how to do down there is clench, and stop the urine flow. Anyone have any advice?

Why is this important? What do you expect relaxing your pelvic muscles to do for you?

Originally Posted by rushmore
You have to try and shit out of your penis to really feel it…:danceblu:

EDIT: Am I the only one who found that hilarious, I actually made myself laugh aloud…anyway its the opposite of clenching. Similar to when you are trying to push out the last few drops of urine.

Yeah, you made me laugh :) .

Going for 6 inches of girth, wish me luck.


Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

I expect to get a better stretch when I do my manual stretches.

A “reverse kegel” is simply forced relaxation. Concentrate on not contracting anything in the pelvic area during your stretches. That should be sufficient.

Oh, alright. I will. Thank you. I also had a hernia surgery when I was younger, so that might have something to do with it.

What is reverse kegeling for? How do you incorporate it into an exercise [not excersize] and what is it for? Does it strengthen [not streangthen] the dick like regular kegels?

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