Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

For those of us who don't gain


For those of us who don't gain

How the hell can we accept the size we are at with out feeling like shit hearing from most of you that a girl loved 6 inches of girth and even 5.5 inches. How the hell can I stop hating my self for not being there?? Its been two years and I’ve not seen these magical gains you guys get.

I think most people will tell you that the size of your cock is only of secondary importance. It’s how you use it and your lips, tongue, fingers, etc. and how you make a partner feel. There’s very little point in having a large penis if you are going to treat your partner like a carcass there for your insertion (unless that’s their thing).

We certainly see some people who try, apparently really hard and don’t gain. If any of us stand a chance of fixing the issue, it’s going to take a lot of information from you. That might not even do it. You might be doing everything perfectly but have a dick of steel. In which case, maybe this isn’t the place to hang out and maybe you need to consider PE a waste of your time and move onto other things within sex that will improve you. There are plenty of tantra forums and loads of books and videos to get a head start there.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

You should explain what have you been doing and why you didn’t gain.

I don’t believe there are people who literally can’t gain anything. Many need to be very progressive and build up to 3h per day hanging 15pounds or even 20.

I agree it is most of the times not worth it and 95% of guys got a dick that is perfectly fine for 95% of women. I am the first one who says it isn’t so important but I envision myself with at least 2h of spare time to give hanging a try and see if it works. So do what I tell you but not what I do myself..

Manuals just gave me 0,5 inches and I probably overdid it. Maybe that is why I didn’t optimize my gains with manuals, but we never know.. Try manuals in a progressive routine and then see.. Rest, plan and try something else and be progressive again..

I gained and I didn’t even have a plan I didn’t follow any routine..

I learnt my lesson and I won’t get back to dedicated PE until I got time and mindset for being progressive and strict.

Many guys at the gym say they don’t grow.. Me included.. We don’t even reach the minimum amount of calories for that.. There is something we are doing wrong. You will just gain the newbie gym gains, just like in PE.. This applies to anything in life. But heeey, I also learnt that what is first it first. Now it’s time to study and have fun for me, I am in my 20s.

For me PE is more fun and less self-sacrificed than the professional fitness world were you have to eat tones of food if you are tall and everything have to be balanced, and every 2-3 months you have to readjust again the diet.. But being progressive and dedicated is key with everything that is great and at the same time hard to achieve.

We’ll be back some time soon but so far I enjoy sharing the little I learnt. Listen to the mods.

When conguering a golddigger you need a large bank account, when conquering a dickdigger you need a large tool. When conquering a woman you need a minimum of three things: money, class and yes: dick size. Good news are, you can actually improve in all these three aspects.

I have gained an inch in both length and girth and my wife claims she can’t feel any difference.

Start 11/09 BPEL: 5.5", EG: 4.4"

Current. BPEL: 6:4", EG: 5.5"

Originally Posted by memento
I think most people will tell you..

Very insightful, Memento.
I am convinced that it is possible for everyone to gain. How to accomplish that, differs from person to person though. I got a feeling that the first months is a detective work trying to find out what works best for me and then stick to that method with small variations. The only thing everyone has in common is the mind foundation. That there are gonna be gains. Without that strong believe there is small or none chances of success.
/ Smd

Originally Posted by pinetree12345
How the hell can we accept the size we are at with out feeling like shit hearing from most of you that a girl loved 6 inches of girth and even 5.5 inches. How the hell can I stop hating my self for not being there?? Its been two years and I’ve not seen these magical gains you guys get.

Hey Pine,

Don’t beat yourself up too much. There are a lot of factors to consider and it would be interesting to know what PE you’ve primarily done and what your routines are like and maybe some of the vets on here can give you some pointers and technique tips that unlock your gains.

I will throw in by saying that I feel whilst manual work and jelqing is great and beneficial, investing in to equipment like pumps has really given me such massive impetus to hammer away at PE. The temporary gains which are experienced are all very tangible and can be accomplished as permanent gains. Until I started pumping, I can’t honestly say I ever had a real clue as to what my unit would look like with more girth - pumping has helped me gauge this and its so encouraging to see that expansion.


You should watch your PIs. I’d say that’s the most crucial part of gaining, but who am I to say that. I haven’t gotten any tangible gains so far.

And to the tissue toughening, I don’t even know how is it possible. Is there any study I could read, which shows that maybe tendons won’t stretch at all if you stretch them with too much force?

Originally Posted by pinetree12345
How the hell can we accept the size we are at with out feeling like shit hearing from most of you that a girl loved 6 inches of girth and even 5.5 inches. How the hell can I stop hating my self for not being there?? Its been two years and I’ve not seen these magical gains you guys get.

Relax , I`m 4.4 inches girth , 4.25 when I started . Any long term relationship I was in I ended it except for one when I was 28 , she was 18 and she came back and wanted to start again , I told her where to go . What you need to do do is develop a Personality first then concentrate on building your Cock ! Hope that doesn`t sound too harsh .

I can relate. I’ve gained a little bit. I’m coming up on 2 yrs Nov 1. Been discouraged, hurt myself too. Tried everything and every variation. Couldn’t figure it out, thought I did. Just to be disappointed. You need to stick with it. I’d did BC I’m crazy, stupid or both. Finally it seems to b working better. I only jelging and kegle now. My magic words that I now no is pressurization. I never created the magical feeling of pressure. Constant pressure. I sensed this was the key for me but never explored it enough. Finally my dick can relax without all the excessive trauma and just be plump and full of blood. I stretched, pumped, you name it. But naturally not have my dick stressed made a world of difference. So I stopped everything but jelging and kegle. I guess I’ll wait and see, but a huge difference. It always seemed I was bigger, just couldn’t fill it up. And most days it’s still tough. Relaxing my pelvic floor and stress was the issues. A feeling of blood pressure was my key. And probably others too, I was just to stupid to get it. I feel I wasted a ton of time and mental stress. But if I gave up I would have never ended up here at this point. I finally fucking got it. Only two years in. And I mean very dedicated. Oh well, it was worth it though.

Please don’t give up. As everyone else says, I do not believe its impossible for anyone to gain.

Imagine you were tied to a post and a truck was tied to your dick. In that scenario I can’t believe that anyone would not show a gain afterwards, but for some it may be much harder to get the balloon to stretch in the first place- but once it starts to stretch…

Originally Posted by pinetree12345
How the hell can we accept the size we are at with out feeling like shit hearing from most of you that a girl loved 6 inches of girth and even 5.5 inches. How the hell can I stop hating my self for not being there?? Its been two years and I’ve not seen these magical gains you guys get.

Some girls are just going to feed the egos of guys. So if the guy keeps asking about penis size and she wants to stroke his ego there is a good chance she will pay him compliments. Some guys straight out lie in some of the stories here.

Now I am not saying that some girls don’t seek bigger units. I am not going to say that a bigger size isn’t going to make her feel better. However, you are not just your penis. Some guys here act like if they solve their penis size problem that all their problems will be solved.

I personally think that we should be bettering ourselves in every capacity that we can. If we aren’t improving, we are dying. This becomes more obvious as I get older.

So if you work on educating yourself, making yourself more financially secure, getting in better shape, contributing to society, you will probably find out that this penis thing isn’t that much of an issue. Plus you will feel better about yourself, and women dig self-confidence.

Now in regards to your lack of results. My advice is to track everything you do. Time spent, exercises, reps, how you feel during and after the exercises. Stop switching from routine to routine. I don’t know if you actually do that, but there are many here that switch routines as often as they change their underwear. Instead work on increasing your routine in either time spent or pressure/stress. Then after you increased one start increasing the other variable, if you still haven’t received results.

Pay attention to what your body is telling you. This is to prevent injury and also to increase the load as needed.

Even though weight lifting and PE are totally different, there are things from training with weights, that we can learn from and apply to PE. In particular the need for progressive overload, consistency in doing the routine, evaluating your routine, modifying the routine as needed, sticking with the same core routine instead of jumping from one gimmick to another.

If a person does 10 reps of bicep curls with 2 lbs, every day and never adds weight or modifies the routine at all, how much do you think they will gain?

If another person does 1 rep, max weight, once a month, how much do you think they will gain if that is their entire routine?

Those are extreme examples just to try and make a point.

I just think you need to be honest with yourself, you need to track everything, and then evaluate your results or lack of, based on that information. Then with that information you research, modify and ask questions. You have been doing this at least 2 years. You are frustrated with your results, but I see you only have 6 posts at this time.

This is not meant as an attack on you. I am hoping you can get yourself on the right track and see some results.

12/11/2013 BPEL 5 3/4 NBPEL 5 1/16 BPFSL 6 1/16 NBPFSL 5, EG Base 5 EG Mid 4 7/8 EG Below Glans 4 3/4

11/02/15 BPEL 7 1/8”, BPFSL 8 1/16”, EG Mid 5 1/4 —- Goals BPEL 7 1/2”, NBPEL 6 1/2", BPFSL 9” Motivational Resources Wanted

8/9/2014 259 lbs ---- 11/2/15 248 lbs 33.2% body fat Bhcentral's Progress Reports and Pictures

Pine, try not to get caught up on the size stories of others. Most women have never had over 5” of girth. Why do I say this, I give my reasoning. Only about 20% +/- of men are larger than 5” girth. Most women average 3 sexual partners. Therefore the odds of most women finding that 20% group is very unlikely. Swingers, hookers, bar flies, or very sexually active ladies are the exception but this is a very small group overall.

Started: (NOV14) BPEL 5" MEG 4.75" BEG 4.75"

Current: BPEL 6.438 MEG 4.875" BEG 5.25"

Most women average on three sexual partners, according to what? That is very, very naive.

Also, HLIMS puts 5” girth as bigger than roughly 70%.

Please explain why I’m naive. Where is your data to disprove my number? You call me wrong but provide no reasoning.

Started: (NOV14) BPEL 5" MEG 4.75" BEG 4.75"

Current: BPEL 6.438 MEG 4.875" BEG 5.25"

“So what’s the average number of sexual partners? Of course, mathematically speaking, this number does exist - although it depends largely on which survey you look at. According to the 2010 Health Survey for England, the mean number of sexual partners is 9.3 for men and 4.7 for women. However, the 2013 National Survey of Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyles (Natsal) found the mean to be 11.7 for men and 7.7 for women. “

Have I had an average number of sexual partners? | The Independent | The Independent

It’s worth noting that figures are self reported, vary wildly for survey to survey, and it is thought that men increase their numbers and women decrease their numbers, when reporting.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

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