Thunder's Place

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Gains but no flaccid

Gains but no flaccid

I have gone from 6.2” BPEL to a touch under 7” BPEL and from 5” mid girth to 5.1” mid girth. I am really pleased with the length gains and have done so little girth work am also pleased with the almost “free” girth gains too.

However, my flaccid size does not reflect the almost inch length gains and neither does my non BP length. I remain at 2.5” - 3” flaccid and 5.5” NBP! I know that I am overweight and have quite some fat pad to contend with but I thought I’d have more to “show”. MUST lose weight and see.

I know it’s purely ego and aesthetics in this case as a 7” penis when erect is not bad (and I am well pleased with it - don’t get me wrong) but I would really love to have a larger flaccid.

My wife is not really noticing the length gains:( - though she has noticed that it’s fatter when she gave me oral the other day:) . She did say that during sex that it did feel a bit “different” but did not seem convinced. Maybe she would if it was visibly larger (it is when I press the fat pad in or grip the base). I feel the difference when I handle it though and I can only assume that the gains are so gradual that she has got accustomed to the changes as the happen - it’s not like I went to nearly 7” overnight after all.

I seemed to have slowed right down with the gains at the moment and for the first time my BPEL has caught up with my BPFSL which I am really really hoping that does not mean that I cannot squeeze and more length out of it.

Any advice on any of the above would be most welcome!


Ehm…what’s the question?

No question per se. Guess I wanted to know if anyone else was or is in a similar position and what they did or are doing about it :-)

How long you been doing PE for Reg?

I have been doing it for just over a week and already my gf has commented on the increase and sex has definitely changed for the better (she is only 18 hehe). I’m nowhere near 7” though so your doing well!

Currently 6.5 NBP 5.5EG.

Originally Posted by Lord Harris
How long you been doing PE for Reg?

I have been doing it for just over a week and already my gf has commented on the increase and sex has definitely changed for the better (she is only 18 hehe). I’m nowhere near 7” though so your doing well!

I have been doing it for a couple of years but only recently (in the last 7 months) found something that works for me. Jelqing didn’t so I had a couple of false starts.

Yes, I am pleased with the results so far.

I’m glad that you are doing well! Keep it up - some people seem to gain so fast! I was not so lucky (though some would say that just under an inch in 7 months is not bad).

Good luck.

Mine are probably just post PE swelling but still good for the ego!

Think your right on the gradual thing, best thing would be to find and old flame lol thats what I’m planning on doing.

Currently 6.5 NBP 5.5EG.

Originally Posted by Lord Harris

Think your right on the gradual thing, best thing would be to find and old flame lol thats what I’m planning on doing.

LOL! Let me know how that goes :)

Will do he great gains btw.

Currently 6.5 NBP 5.5EG.

How much water do you drink?

I think their is a correlation between drinking water and a good flaccid hang. It has also been mentioned that caffeine can negatively affect your flaccid. There are also some supplements purported to help.

Do an advanced search on thread titles with “Flaccid” and “L-Arginine”.

Ack! I don’t drink enough water and I do drink too much coffee. I’ll have a look at the search. Thanks for the info! Interesting.

I used to be skeptical reading posts about coffee’s affect on flaccid. I no longer doubt.

Last year we went to Disney for 10 days. I’d have 1-2 cups of coffee then go to the parks for the day. I wear boxers and then hiking shorts most of the time. One day my wife looks at me and asks me if I was getting a hard on. She said my dick was very noticeable and big. I wasn’t PE’ing and the only thing that had changed was my coffee intake. I noticed a really good flaccid hang that whole trip.

I work out of the house and used to drink 6-to cups a day. After that trip I’m down to no more than 3 cups now. Wish I could give it up but just can’t.

I would really struggle to give up coffee completely as I love it - so I am glad to know that you still drink some. I probably drink 5 to 6 cups a day too.

I think you have a high and tight tendons at the top of your cock measure from the side as the tendon can be forcing the ruler out.

Current stats march 2008= Nbel 6.75 Bpel 7.5 Eg 5.5

Goal by the end of next year Nbel 8.5 Eg 6.5

I have the same problem with BPEL and NBPEL. Check my signature, I have gained over 1 cm BPEL, but barely any gains in NBPEL.

It´s really weird, I can’t figure out why it’s like this.

April 2008 : BPEL = 13.6 cm NBPEL = 12.7 cm ( measured girth wrong I think, so I won´t put it up here before next time I measure)

May 2008 : BPEL = 14.2 cm NBPEL = 12.8 cm

June 2008 : BPEL = 14.7 cm NBEL = 13 cm MSEG = 10.9 cm

Originally Posted by Norwegian92
I have the same problem with BPEL and NBPEL. Check my signature, I have gained over 1 cm BPEL, but barely any gains in NBPEL.
It´s really weird, I can’t figure out why it’s like this.

I know that some of my problem is my fat pad as when I pull it back it looks larger. I’d really love some visible gains. I think my wife thinks I am having a mid life crisis as I tell her it’s bigger but it does not look it. :)

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