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Getting red spots on shaft

Getting red spots on shaft

Hello everyone,

This is the first time I’ve started a thread here. I’ve been doing PE for about 4 months now. I am pretty sure I’m a ‘hard gainer’. Many people here report gains of 1/4 to 1/2 inch (either dimension) in a month!! I’ve gained about 1/3 of an inch in length in 4 months, and I’m pretty sure no girth to speak of : (

Anyway, I just started pumping about 2 and a half weeks ago, and I experimented with clamping this week. Neither feels bad while I’m doing it, and for a little while afterwards I look more plump. I’ve been pumping Monday through Friday for weeks 1 and 2, and Sunday through Tuesday so far for this week [week 3]. I clamped this Sunday after my second pumping set — I do 2 sets of 5 minutes with 10 minutes jelqing in between — and Tuesday night after my second pumping set.

All day yesterday my dick felt kinda hard and shrunk (I assume this is turtling), but I wanted to push on with my workout anyway. After my first set of pumping I noticed tons of red spots on the underside of my penis near the base of the shaft. Are these the dreaded red spots? If so, should I take a break from my routine? If so, how long? Do you think I am overtraining? So far it’s been a struggle for me to find the sweet spot of PE. It is really hard to make gains, and sometimes I might get overzealous. Does anyone have any further tips to help me along??

Thanks a ton!


I think it would be good to consider all the positive and negative indicators with your training. It seems that you have had some gains over the past 4 months, and that is very good news. You should not compare yourself so much with others, some people gain fast or slow and 1/3 of an inch is great, many men never learn about PE and never have the chance to change their dick size.

Anyways, with turtling it can be a negative or neutral indicator, and the same goes for the red spots. If you push yourself too hard you may get larger purple spots and you may want to take a break for a couple days to let your penis rest for a bit. I think as long as you consider all the indicators your body is giving off, and don’t go nuts it should be good.

Also, have you considered pumping a little less, and doing hot wraps to warm up and cool down? The wraps help me with my spots.


Thanks for responding DM. Yea, I use a rice-sock like crazy. Even on days when not doing PE. I think my wang is just very sensitive to PE exercises. Holds pretty much always make me turtle. I am desperate to gain girth. I’m not sure what to do..

How many days a week do you recommend working? What kind of routine would you suggest?

Right now I basically do 2 sets of static stretches in 5 directions after warming up on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Then I pump for 5 minutes at about 3-4” Hg. Then I do 10 minutes of wet jelqing. Then I pump again for 4 minutes at 3-4” Hg, then 5” Hg for the last minute. I do another 10 minutes of wet jelqing, and then heat for about 15-20 minutes. Tuesdays and Thursdays I do holds at the end. This week I did clamping. Am I overdoing it? Should I take a week off and start light? I’m pretty sure my dick is not fully conditioned to PE, but I can’t be sure.

Very often less is more with PE. You have to give your penis some recovery time. Try taking a week off, then going to a 2 on 1 off routine. After the week off, take it easy for the first few workouts, or the red spots may come back with a vengeance.

Also check out the ‘Similar Treads’ at the bottom of this page.

I don’t do much with pumping and clamping although I have read up on them since I would like to try someday. It seems that your routine is good to start out with but like firegoat said, some rest is good too.

I approach PE like my weight training, I always give a day for rest following an exercise on a particular part of the body. The pressure at 5” Hg seems okay to start, but it may be the jelqing following the pumping that gives you your red spots. I always refer to the guides and manuals here at Thunder’s if I’m not sure of something, the resources are great. Your best bet may be to take it a tad easier for the next week or two and go up from there.



Take it easier. If you keep pushing through you may get blood blisters which are somewhat gross looking and bleeding every time you jelq isn’t exactly productive for most.


6-22-08: 7.5' BPEL, 7' NBPEL, 7.75' BPSFL, 5.25' EG

Goals: 8' NBPEL, 6' EG, 21' NBPSFL

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